Jun 6, 2023 -- 3:29PM, Journeyman wrote:
If Aaron had doubled up on Sabalenka, he'd have taken Iga on Day 11 and I'd have taken Ons.Both would probably won.He didn't know if Pav would win but if she had he'd have had no pick on Day 12.If Pav lost he would almost certainly have had to settle for a joint win.Aaron makes big plays and they have paid off for him before.It also is relevant to the discussion on joint winners/tiebreaks.
Still think that would have been better than to go with the 5.00 pick in a shootout. But hey, I know arrong can't resist a winner take all shootout and I didn't even make it to Day 7 so I will shut up.
NO, PLEASE NO TIEBREAKERS THAT REWARDS HAVING MADE WILD SELECTIONS We tried that already. There's other competitions to try for that sort of predicting and in fact I'd be willing to host one for Wimbledon on a trial basis if people are interested and it doesn't dilute this one, which I don't think it will.