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03 May 23 19:22
Date Joined: 28 Aug 07
| Topic/replies: 24,505 | Blogger: pandora1963's blog
back in the day there was always match threads, plenty of them, then some bright spark ruined the forum with these ridiculous bumper threads covering hard court season/grass never been same since. Completely ruined.
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Report SamuelMertensBertens May 3, 2023 9:53 PM BST

Yes we remember them. You keep telling us you miss them.

Will you make another thread about this in 2031? Happy
Report edy May 8, 2023 9:38 AM BST
It was the decline in match threads and match thread participation by you, pandora, that led to the creation of the subseason and tournament threads, not the other way around.
Report edy May 8, 2023 9:43 AM BST
But you have posting rights and thread creation rights. Do something about it, pandora. Keep in mind that Rome wasn't built in one day, so some bumps should be expected and you should be willing to dedicate yourself to it for a long time.
Report edy May 8, 2023 10:21 AM BST
Of course it's not solely your fault, pandora. There are chiefly two other reasons to add to your faults.

1. Betfair hid the forum and made signing up a lot more difficult than it used to be
2. An evolution in betting happened. In the old match day threads you romanticise, betting opportunities were a lot worse. A lot less was streamed. Heck, quite a few tournaments didn't even have proper livescores or only had livescores for selected courts. People were forced to accumulate around the one hopefully streamed or livescored or TV shown match at a time. That's entirely different now. People have choice. Particularly in early stages of tournaments you are not stuck with the one Madrid match that is on TV. You have every other Madrid match streamed as well, with plenty simultanrously streamed and livescored challenger and ITF matches to add. As a result, the attention to matches is far more diversified.
Report edy May 8, 2023 10:23 AM BST
*far more spread out.
Report SamuelMertensBertens May 8, 2023 1:05 PM BST

May 8, 2023 -- 9:38AM, edy wrote:

It was the decline in match threads and match thread participation by you, pandora, that led to the creation of the subseason and tournament threads, not the other way around.

This can be debated, but regardless match threads would have died out eventually anyway.

Report mesmerised May 9, 2023 12:19 AM BST
The long and short of it is, is that Betfair started to close their exchanges in some key countries, countries where posters would often frequent the forum, France, Portugal, Holland, Canada, who remembers YYYY? I think Czech Republic went as well. Germany doesn't have it either so Edy must have migrated to Denmark. I assume it's still going in Sweden, incidentally, Betfair were recently fined by Sweden for  offering 148 youth matches for people to bet on, which is illegal there.

There were also other regular posters who fell by the wayside, the likes of Grant and Bob who couldn't quite cut the mustard so went to work in the real world.

I don't like mega threads but they are not enough regulars to sustain any match thread any more, on the football forum, peak hour, 3pm, sometimes there are less than 20 people, that is one sad demise, when I first joined in late 2010, there were well over 500 people at time of the week on the forum, sometimes 600+ when a big team lost, especially United. The night Fergie's United were knocked out of the Champions League by Real Madrid there was a 10 minute gap on the main page between top and bottom 100 threads mocking them and their fans on the forum, those days are long gone. Bob Vegas creating dozens and dozens of new usernames forced Betfair into changing the loophole which meant you now had to wait a certain period of time after registering, proving your identity and then asking to be let in, naturally this put a lot of people of in 2013 and in was coinciding with the social media explosion, that's where a lot of banned ex-posters migrated to and never came back.

Kind Regards.
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