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30 Jun 21 11:01
Date Joined: 05 Oct 11
| Topic/replies: 18,539 | Blogger: differentdrum's blog
Why on earth is this allowed to go on?

If there is something wrong with the balls they should be replaced, if not just get on with it. None of this having the ballboy/girl throwing them extra balls and then grovelling around picking up the discarded balls.

It's great that players now get their own towels. That is a step in the right direction and the old process of fetching towels for them should never return.

Kick the pampering out.
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Report snowynoon June 30, 2021 11:58 AM BST
Agree about the balls thing ,and the towels .I watched tennis years ago and nobody used a towel except maybe at the sitdown .I think it was Andy Roddick who started it ,used to use a towel between every shot practically ,its just a habit/comfort thing ,you dont actually drip of sweat after every shot.And when they used to get the ballboys/girls to hold the towel for them ,ridiculous nonsense .
Report differentdrum June 30, 2021 12:22 PM BST
Well that's two of us, do you think it's enough to get it stopped?
Report snowynoon June 30, 2021 12:34 PM BST
Probably not HappyI have afeeling that once the pandemic eases/ends it will be back to the ballboy/girl being treated as a skivvy with alot of unneccessary bending down to pick up discarded balls ,and holding the towels at the same time .Not a job id fancy .
Report differentdrum June 30, 2021 2:07 PM BST
Watching Pera v Hibino.

It seems Pera wants a choice of three balls every serve. Really annoying to watch.
Report Angoose June 30, 2021 2:27 PM BST
That's because she is acutely aware of the heavy burden that her performance is carrying Surprised
Report differentdrum June 30, 2021 5:01 PM BST
Boulter another prima donna whereas Sabalenka just gets on with it as they all should.
Report brentford July 6, 2021 5:46 PM BST
Massive agreement on the towels issue, how that ever was allowed to become a thing I have no idea, extremely unhygienic and unpleasant....

bit more sympathy on the balls as they are looking for one with the least wear usually..
Report edy July 6, 2021 9:44 PM BST
Roddick used to sweat like a pig tbf. He started sweating and dropping liquid all over the court just by picking up his racquet.

He and Nadal are easily the heaviest sweaters I've seen in tennis.
Report SamuelMertensBertens July 6, 2021 9:51 PM BST
I can't wait for ballkids to come back. When you're tired it can't help to have to walk 10 m between every point to wipe your sweat off when you badly need the rest.
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