Day 4
Louie 4.5 / 4.6 Carol 5.5 / 5.9 Charlotte 5.9 / 6.4 Courtney 12 / 14 Mario 13 / 13.5 Dustin 13.5 / 14.5 Lauren 16.5 / 19 Vicky 23 / 29 Ron 27 / 30 Abz 27 / 32 Sophie 48 / 55 Bruce 70 / 75 Danielle 95 / 140 Amount matched £151,978 |
1st Eviction - Danielle Marr
Danielle Marr - Highest 1.26 (+£4 at 1.31), lowest 1.06, last 1.11 Vicky Entwistle - 24, 7.4, 13.5 Ron Atkinson - 46, 7, 25 Total matched £7,810 |
Day 8
Charlotte 3.5 / 3.65 Carol 5.7 / 5.8 Louie 9 / 10.5 Lauren 9 / 10 Courtney 9.8 / 10.5 Mario 17 / 18.5 Dustin 17.5 / 18 Vicky 18 / 19 Abz 18.5 / 22 Ron 44 / 50 Bruce 80 / 95 Sophie 150 / 190 Amount matched £255,105 |
2nd Eviction - Big Ron
9pmPrice FreezeLPM Highest LowestPreFreeze LowestPostFreeze LPM Ron 2.8 2.64 3 2 1.8 1.8 Courtney 3.1 3.5 5.9 2.42 2 2.5 Louie 8.4 22 22 4.4 3 8 Lauren 6 3 8 2.2 - - Charlotte 25 32 50 12 - - (LPM = Last Price Matched) In no particular order, Charlotte and Lauren announced safe Amount matched £16,746 |
Cheers Horse
Thanks bear. Annoying it didn't come out right, had it all lined up neatly before posting.
Day 10 Charlotte 2.52 / 2.6 Carol 5.7 / 5.9 Louie 10.5 / 12 Lauren 12.5 / 13.5 Abz 15 / 16 Mario 15 / 17 Courtney 18 / 22 Dustin 20 / 22 Vicky 26 / 34 Bruce 130 / 180 Sophie 200 / 240 Amount matched £285,612 |
3rd Eviction - Sophie
Sophie - Highest 2, Lowest 1.65, Last price matched 1.65 Bruce - 4, 2.1, 3.5 Courtney - 16, 8, 10 Louie - 75, 15, 36 Lauren - 100, 40, 40 Any Other backed down to 7 due to people thinking Carol was being evicted Lauren announced as topping the vote Amount matched £20,228 |
Cheers horse...appreciated
Thanks hems. I'll do a thread for X-Factor too, but not SCD as I don't "do" that show.
Day 15 Charlotte 2.74 / 3 (been as low as 2.14 last few days) Carol 3.7 / 3.9 (new lows, was high 4s previous day, high 5s day before) Lauren 5.6 / 5.7 (new lows) Mario 12.5 / 18 Abz 17.5 / 25 Louie 18 / 25 Vicky 29 / 48 Courtney 50 / 80 Dusty 160 / 490 Bruce 280 / 990 Amount matched £386,799 |
4th Eviction - Dustin
Bruce - 9pm 1.95, highest 2.02, lowest 1.67 (& £3 at 1.52), last price matched 2 Dustin - 9pm 2.4, highest 2.8 (& £6 at 4.3), lowest 1.7, last price matched 1.7 No low prices matched on the other 5 up. Last prices matched: Courtney - 30 Vicky - 30 Louie - 50 Abz - 70 Lauren - 100 Amount matched £5,695 5th Eviction (same night) - Bruce Only £262 matched |
Day 17
Charlotte 2.56 / 2.62 Lauren 4.3 / 4.4 Carol 4.3 / 4.7 Louie 12 / 13 Abz 26 / 30 Mario 26 / 34 Vicky 50 / 60 Courtney 75 / 85 Amount matched £437,390 |
Day 19
Lauren - 3.25 / 3.3 Charlotte - 3.6 / 3.8 Abz - 5.2 / 5.4 (was around 14 previous day) Carol - 5.6 / 6.2 Louie - 30 / 44 Vicky - 34 / 42 Mario - 65 / 95 Courtney - 65 / 100 Amount matched £486,111 |
Day 23, morning of the final:
Abz 1.79 / 1.82 Charlotte 2.86 / 2.96 (was over 5 two days ago) Lauren 14.5 / 15 Carol 40 / 50 Mario 80 / 95 Vicky 95 / 110 Amount matched £652,883 |
Charlotte, 8:30pm price 2.34, first freeze time price 1.84, last price matched 1.53, lowest price matched 1.4
Abz, 8:30pm price 2.06, first freeze time price 2.8, last price matched 2.94, lowest price matched 1.79 (this morning) Lauren, 8:30pm price 15, first freeze time price 14, last price matched 36, lowest price matched 3 (about a week ago) Carol 8:30pm price 42 Mario 8:30pm price 75 Vicky 8:30pm price 120 Final market amount matched £734,205 |
Thanks for all your work Horse
Much appreciated |
Yes. Excellent work horse
This thread will come into its own this time next year. A reference point, used to settle arguments. As such, very useful. Hopefully, there will be one of these threads for each of the RTV shows?
Just adding my thanks horse stuff
Cheers guys. I'll do a thread for X-Factor as well but I don't watch/bet on SCD so won't be doing one for that - if someone else wants to?
Some nitty gritty stuff below, lowest prices matched on everyone (and highest for the first 3): Charlotte 1.40 £10 1.41 £36 1.42 £80 1.43 £50 1.44 £44 1.45 £96 1.46 £282 1.47 £349 1.48 £88 1.49 £316 1.50 £5,428 ---------------- 6.00 £1,918 6.20 £1,150 6.40 £810 6.60 £397 6.80 £874 7.00 £597 7.20 £614 7.40 £324 7.60 £360 7.80 £109 8.00 £106 12.00 £14 Abz 1.79 £162 1.80 £188 1.81 £1,718 1.82 £175 1.83 £506 1.84 £628 1.85 £1,145 1.86 £812 1.87 £1,146 1.88 £998 1.89 £1,346 1.90 £1,772 ---------------- 25.00 £451 26.00 £673 27.00 £375 28.00 £142 29.00 £79 30.00 £193 32.00 £62 34.00 £45 36.00 £9 40.00 £18 Lauren 3.00 £444 3.05 £1,268 3.10 £1,135 3.15 £1,269 3.20 £995 3.25 £889 3.30 £829 3.35 £506 3.40 £506 3.45 £971 3.50 £1,180 ----------------- 46.00 £167 48.00 £114 50.00 £426 55.00 £255 60.00 £152 65.00 £129 70.00 £39 75.00 £9 80.00 £2 Carol 3.40 £4 3.45 £105 3.50 £68 3.55 £120 3.60 £344 3.65 £528 3.70 £1,457 3.75 £951 3.80 £723 3.85 £436 3.90 £763 3.95 £999 4.00 £1,214 Mario 9.00 £10 9.40 £8 9.60 £70 9.80 £21 10.00 £198 10.50 £731 11.00 £372 11.50 £322 12.00 £645 12.50 £738 13.00 £989 Vicky 6.60 £100 6.80 £142 7.00 £484 7.20 £473 7.40 £189 7.60 £54 7.80 £17 8.00 £10 Louie 3.15 £679 3.20 £702 3.25 £750 3.30 £546 3.35 £133 3.40 £1,110 3.45 £767 3.50 £2,175 3.55 £1,539 3.60 £3,402 3.65 £987 3.70 £907 3.75 £840 3.80 £2,559 Courtney 9.60 £10 9.80 £14 10.00 £363 10.50 £364 11.00 £332 11.50 £389 12.00 £419 12.50 £664 13.00 £384 Bruce 13.50 £10 14.50 £30 15.00 £78 15.50 £76 16.00 £228 16.50 £114 17.00 £348 17.50 £152 18.00 £228 Dustin 5.20 £27 5.30 £214 5.40 £526 5.50 £158 5.60 £82 5.70 £120 5.80 £40 5.90 £1,046 6.00 £377 Sophie 38.00 £358 40.00 £1,055 42.00 £470 44.00 £655 46.00 £691 48.00 £1,521 50.00 £605 55.00 £464 60.00 £264 Ron 15.00 £17 15.50 £50 16.00 £88 16.50 £119 17.00 £292 17.50 £185 18.00 £252 18.50 £70 19.00 £161 Danielle 13.00 £4 21.00 £12 22.00 £6 24.00 £4 26.00 £0 29.00 £8 30.00 £0 32.00 £12 38.00 £15 |
Despite the now incorrect title, am using this same thread to record prices.
Evening of launch show for CBB13: Lee Ryan 3.5 / 3.7 Ollie Locke 4.2 / 4.3 Sam Faiers 7.8 / 8 Dappy 14 / 15 Evander Holyfield 13 / 14.5 Linda Nolan 16.5 / 17 Lionel Blair 21 / 22 Jim Davidson 20 / 23 Jasmine Waltz 28 / 30 Luisa Zissman 28 / 29 Casey Batchelor 75 / 85 Liz Jones 120 / 130 Amount matched £45,087 |
Day 4:
Ollie Locke 2.92 / 3 Sam Faiers 5.1 / 5.4 Lee Ryan 7.6 / 7.8 Lionel Blair 10 / 10.5 Linda Nolan 17 / 18.5 Dappy 17.5 / 21 Luisa Zissman 20 / 23 Jim Davidson 27 / 30 Evander Holyfield 32 / 48 Jasmine Waltz 60 / 65 Casey Batchelor 75 / 80 Liz Jones 110 / 140 Amount matched £98,226 |
Day 7 (Lee & Casey in the Bolt Hole / Luisa, Jim, Evander, Jasmine & Liz up for 1st eviction):
Day 4: Ollie Locke 2.64 / 2.68 Sam Faiers 5.8 / 5.9 Lionel Blair 7.4 / 8.6 Dappy 9.8 / 10.5 Casey Batchelor 15.5 / 16.5 Luisa Zissman 21 / 22 Jim Davidson 22 / 25 Lee Ryan 29 / 40 Linda Nolan 34 / 40 Evander Holyfield 46 / 50 Jasmine Waltz 95 / 110 Liz Jones 110 / 890 Amount matched £132,427 |
Day 10:
Ollie Locke 2.5 / 2.62 Sam Faiers 5.6 / 5.8 Jim Davidson 6.2 / 6.8 Dappy 14.5 / 16.5 Lionel Blair 22 / 28 Lee Ryan 23 / 26 Luisa Zissman 28 / 29 Casey Batchelor 28 / 32 Jasmine Waltz 44 / 50 Linda Nolan 55 / 65 Liz Jones 60 / 75 Amount matched £177,674 |
Day 14:
Jim Davidson 2.92 / 2.96 Ollie Locke 3.35 / 3.5 Luisa Zissman 10 / 11.5 Sam Faiers 12 / 12.5 Dappy 12.5 / 13 Casey Batchelor 21 / 24 Lionel Blair 50 / 60 Liz Jones 50 / 60 Lee Ryan 55 / 100 Linda Nolan 70 / 75 Amount matched £244,481 |
Day 15, after 3rd Eviction. Jim and Sam announced as top two in an eviction vote of 8. Ollie and Dappy announced as 3rd/4th:
Jim Davidson 2.92 / 3.05 (went to 4 and a bit over previous evening after Frank Carson comment) Ollie Locke 3.8 / 3.85 Sam Faiers 4 / 4.2 (went from 12s to 8s after crowd cheers then to this level after being announced top 2) Dappy 12.5 / 14 Casey Batchelor 18 / 19.5 (was trading 10 this morning before making up with Lee & Lionel siding with Lee on eviction interview) Luisa Zissman 32 / 44 (big drifter after not being in top 4) Liz Jones 70 / 90 Linda Nolan 100 / 130 Lee Ryan 100 / 150 Amount matched £290,642 |
Day 18, day before 4th eviction (Jim, Sam & Liz up):
Jim Davidson 2.8 / 2.9 Ollie Locke 3.75 / 3.95 Dappy 6 / 6.8 Sam Faiers 6.8 / 7 Luisa Zissman 20 / 23 Liz Jones 38 / 46 Casey Batchelor 42 / 50 Lee Ryan 50 / 60 Linda Nolan 120 / 230 Amount matched £363,419 |
Day 20 (previous post should have said Day 19):
Jim Davidson 2.24 / 2.3 (low of 2.12 matched overnight) Dappy 5.1 / 5.3 (matched down to 4.5 yesterday evening) Ollie Locke 5.8 / 6.4 Sam Faiers 9 / 9.8 Luisa Zissman 27 / 28 Liz Jones 40 / 46 Lee Ryan 75 / 90 Casey Batchelor 85 / 150 Linda Nolan 180 / 230 Amount matched £380,573 |
Day 22, day of 5th eviction:
Jim Davidson 1.84 / 1.91 (money matched at 1.55, 1.66 and at prices down to 1.73 previous evening) Ollie Locke 4.8 / 4.9 (went as high as 7 yesterday evening but backed in again due to panel & loons on BOTS being pro Ollie) Dappy 8.6 / 9 (matched down to 3.3 on evening of 22nd) Sam Faiers 8.4 / 9 Luisa Zissman 42 / 55 Casey Batchelor 140 / 160 Lee Ryan 220 / 420 Linda Nolan 260 / 390 Amount matched £453,150 |
Day 23, Vote to Win started:
Jim Davidson 1.61 / 1.62 Ollie Locke 5.7 / 5.8 Dappy 7.6 / 8.4 Sam Faiers 16.5 / 18 Luisa Zissman 38 / 50 Lee Ryan 130 / 250 Casey Batchelor 160 / 260 Amount matched £493,518 |
cheers as always horse
Cheers fig & bear.
Day 24: Jim Davidson 1.43 / 1.46 Ollie Locke 6.4 / 7.4 Dappy 9.6 / 11.5 Luisa Zissman 18.5 / 22 Sam Faiers 40 / 130 Casey Batchelor 170 / 240 Lee Ryan 190 / 250 Amount matched £524,301 |
Day 25, 2 days before final:
Jim Davidson 1.3 / 1.32 (1.25 lowest hit so far) Dappy 10 / 11 Ollie Locke 10 / 12 Luisa Zissman 26 / 34 (backed down to 14 previous day due to army's return to the forum ) Sam Faiers 44 / 80 Casey Batchelor 90 / 240 Amount matched £550,899 |
Day 27, morning of the final:
Jim Davidson 1.22 / 1.23 (1.2 lowest hit so far) Dappy 9.2 / 11.5 Ollie Locke 15 / 17 Luisa Zissman 44 / 70 Sam Faiers 85 / 110 Casey Batchelor 130 / 280 Amount matched £612,427 |
Final show 9-11pm. Back prices at 9pm...Jim 1.29, Dappy 7.4, Ollie 18.5, Luisa 25, Sam 100, Casey 240
Last prices matched at: First freeze at 21:08...Jim 1.4, Dappy 6, Ollie 16.5, Luisa 36, Sam 44, Casey 150 Second freeze at 21:23...Jim 1.34, Dappy 5.2, Ollie 23, Luisa 40, Sam 80 Third freeze at 21:42...Jim 1.44, Dappy 5, Ollie 17, Luisa 38 Fourth freeze at 21:58...Jim 1.4, Dappy 4.1, Ollie 21 Final freeze at 22:14...Jim 1.35, Dappy 3.8 Total matched £716,292 Lowest (and Jim's highest) prices matched: Jim 1.20 £2,672 1.21 £4,378 1.22 £5,008 1.23 £8,884 1.24 £13,264 1.25 £10,493 1.26 £13,406 1.27 £8,026 1.28 £8,661 1.29 £5,153 1.30 £4,951 ----------------- 25.00 £631 26.00 £417 27.00 £267 28.00 £230 29.00 £80 30.00 £246 32.00 £291 34.00 £157 36.00 £90 38.00 £54 40.00 £5 42.00 £7 Dappy 3.00 £5 3.30 £17 3.35 £25 3.45 £147 3.50 £256 3.55 £60 3.60 £190 3.65 £56 3.70 £71 3.75 £842 3.80 £519 3.85 £907 3.90 £1,395 3.95 £1,192 4.00 £3,459 Ollie 2.32 £32 2.34 £4 2.36 £4 2.38 £10 2.40 £324 2.42 £470 2.44 £517 2.46 £106 2.48 £644 2.50 £1,293 2.52 £1,231 Luisa 9.40 £50 9.60 £30 9.80 £10 10.00 £290 10.50 £135 11.00 £44 11.50 £240 12.00 £229 12.50 £198 Sam 2.50 £46 3.00 £90 3.50 £149 3.55 £89 3.60 £12 3.65 £309 3.70 £692 3.75 £601 3.80 £397 Casey 2.00 £7 4.00 £4 9.00 £10 9.20 £14 9.80 £85 10.00 £209 10.50 £103 11.00 £186 11.50 £118 12.00 £429 12.50 £251 13.00 £1,293 Lee 3.25 £580 3.30 £800 3.35 £1,858 3.40 £3,064 3.45 £1,391 3.50 £1,991 3.55 £464 3.60 £82 Linda 14.50 £4 15.00 £90 15.50 £230 16.00 £345 16.50 £467 17.00 £703 17.50 £616 18.00 £743 Liz 27.00 £1 28.00 £2 29.00 £2 30.00 £73 32.00 £36 34.00 £174 36.00 £154 38.00 £503 40.00 £375 Lionel 6.00 £60 6.20 £5 6.40 £23 6.60 £55 6.80 £4 7.00 £65 7.20 £271 7.40 £316 Jasmine 12.00 £4 15.00 £10 17.00 £80 17.50 £104 18.00 £132 18.50 £96 19.00 £106 19.50 £152 Evander 10.00 £104 10.50 £50 11.00 £68 11.50 £6 12.00 £88 12.50 £103 13.00 £54 13.50 £108 |
sterling work again horse tracking the numbers, on behalf of the forum. thanks
greatly appreciated by all |
Evander at 10s