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15 Oct 24 07:58
Date Joined: 28 Aug 07
| Topic/replies: 24,813 | Blogger: pandora1963's blog
So in new labours brave new world, if you're poor and unhealthy, you can go fck yourself. The NHS was set up for free healthcare at the point of delivery for everyone regardless of wealth, not anymore.
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Report pandora1963 October 15, 2024 7:59 AM BST
Pick up tab
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 8:13 AM BST
I remember back when saying prevention is better than the cure didn't make people wet themselves.
Report Foinavon October 15, 2024 9:10 AM BST
In Labour's brave new world the old are too expensive so if they don't die of neglect we will bring in a law permitting doctors to kill them off.
Report dave1357 October 15, 2024 9:30 AM BST
PorcupineorPineapple • October 15, 2024 8:13 AM BST
I remember back when saying prevention is better than the cure didn't make people wet themselves.

judging by foinavon, those days are indeed long gone
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 10:23 AM BST
Report Mexico October 15, 2024 10:32 AM BST
About time there is some serious reform in nhs. This government just doesn’t have the desire to make any reforms.

Free at the point of delivery has been a curse for decades.
Why should the taxpayer fork out for an obese chain smoking couch potato who won’t change their environment.

Stop eating lard , drinking a gallon of beer , smoking 20 roll ups a day. Ranting about immigration isn’t exercise.
Meet the doctors half way & make an effort.
Report brentford October 15, 2024 10:46 AM BST
More political suicide so soon ?

Labour's core support poorer people....

statistically ill health at younger ages more prevalent in areas of poverty...unhealthy lifestyles more prevalent in areas of poverty..
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 10:51 AM BST
So Labour should be saying "Hey you poor person! Yes you povvo! We know you're poor and you're stupid and can't be expected to receive information and make better choices, you're too thick for that, so enjoy your pasties and cigs and we'll sort your arteries out at a later date. Good lad."
Report brentford October 15, 2024 11:06 AM BST
of course not..has anyone suggested they should..??

are you just defending all Labour policies currently regardless out of interest ?
Report brentford October 15, 2024 11:07 AM BST
do you think promoting health information is a new thing out of further interest ?
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 11:13 AM BST
No, I'm just poking fun at the idea that saying "hey maybe people should take more responsibility for their own health and look after themselves a bit" actually means (as per foin) THEY'RE LITERALLY KILLING OLD PEOPLE NOW!

And absolutely, it's not new at all. Which makes the bedwetting all that funnier.
Report brentford October 15, 2024 11:21 AM BST
Fair enough..and I haven't seen the story Pandora alludes to yet (though from what I've read he's probably as closely aligned to you as anybody here (politically ) beyond pure party politics..

but in terms of likely soundbites in the media and their reporting...maybe do something to sort out poverty, decent/affordable housing, better working conditions in low skilled work before alluding to lifestyle choices (often) made by people in poverty, un-pleasant poorly paid jobs, anti social living environments etc..
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 11:35 AM BST
They've literally already introduced an Employment Rights Bill and a bill on housing.

But I would agree a bit on messaging. They're always going to get a rougher ride from the media because that's just how things work. But they should have brought the budget forward imo. Make it more of a collective whole and point to a vision of Britain in five years' time. They have done stuff but cos there hasn't been a budget yet there's a sense of inertia still.
Report brentford October 15, 2024 11:40 AM BST
They've literally already introduced an Employment Rights Bill and a bill on housing.

the impact of which probably needs more than a couple of days (years on housing) to be felt..

not much good if you alienate core parts of your votership as you won't be around to see through these ideas..
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 11:45 AM BST
Yeah, but these things will always take time. And if you are going to piss off your voters do it early. If you actually have a conviction that your policy is good but may be unpopular at the start, then get it done handy so you've got five years to prove the doubters wrong. They should be much more bold, not less imo.
Report the old nanny ;-) October 15, 2024 1:09 PM BST
plenty of Treatment available for folks arriving in the UK  , Including dentistry

HIV numbers also rising at the same time , how much will treating HIV add to the NHS budget

1 in every 25 in Africa have HIV

1 in 500 in the UK

Get those diet Jabs  up and running  that will sort it all out
Report lapsy pa October 15, 2024 1:34 PM BST
Obesity is a problem which is seemingly is trying to be tackled according to the news this morning.

TON,will all these obese boat people also be entitled to these wonder jabs?
Report lapsy pa October 15, 2024 1:37 PM BST
They are too fat to work and a fierce strain on the NHS it seems.
Report brentford October 15, 2024 2:03 PM BST
was that an issue prior to July, Lapsy ?

hardly new is it ? and then we were talking about lack of investment in the NHS not personal responsibility..

a few being shown to be arguing party politics rather than politics imo...
Report lapsy pa October 15, 2024 2:13 PM BST
Not new as such Brentford but the drug treatment seems to be re obesity.

I wasn't posting re party politics, i agree that while the numbers arriving in the UK are a problem,they aren't the main cause of the problem, some (not you) need to look in the mirror(a big one) and take some blame for political decisions and also if one is a fatty.
Report brentford October 15, 2024 2:19 PM BST
In an opinion piece, the Health Secretary said “widening waistbands” were placing a burden on the NHS by costing it £11bn a year...

“Illness caused by obesity causes people to take an extra four sick days a year on average, while many others are forced out of work altogether,” he wrote....

amazing what one notices when in power....
Report brentford October 15, 2024 2:20 PM BST
turns out there was always plenty of cash - just needed a chubby tax to balance the books...
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 2:41 PM BST
I've been saying for a while that these diet jabs are probably THE genuine new wonder drug. I think they can transform society, though probably once they've ramped up production and the cost has come down. But there are a lot of overweight people in this country, and whether those people are on benefits, too ill to work, or building up strain on their heart and liver for later life, the cost benefits of getting these millions of people to a healthy lifestyle are absolutely massive.

I still think we need a proper health review of ultra-processed food, in the way we have for cigs and alcohol and there are big parts of the food industry that should be viewed in a similar light imo.

But this isn't remotely new, although the diet jabs are. Suddenly we have a means to effectively bring weight down for a huge number of people that diets and other fads could never really manage. But we should really be celebrating having a government looking to do the right thing and tackling it, rather than sneering about why now?
Report Aspro October 15, 2024 2:50 PM BST
Many people are flaunting their size and being praised for it. Those that challenge them are ostracised. Need to cross that bridge first.
Report brentford October 15, 2024 2:51 PM BST
recent history...

smoking taxation rise, health campaigns set to max... over eating/junk food consumption and alcohol use increase..

Smoking restricted, alongside prohibitively expensive to many prices - unregulated vape market develops and increases massively year on year including childhood use of illegal narcotic varieties...

yep human nature can definitely be solved...
Report PorcupineorPineapple October 15, 2024 2:54 PM BST
It can certainly be nudged. I wouldn't be keen on my kids starting to vape, but it'd be a million times more preferable than them smoking.
Report brentford October 15, 2024 3:00 PM BST
even if they were developing narcotic addictions ? (open minded on that personally)

humans are dysfunctional to a very significant % of the population...there will always be something especially for as long as the 'lot' of the 'average joe' is so fundamentally not to their true benefit....

people try and solve drug abuse, alcohol abuse, smoking addiction, over eating, gaming addiction (apparently), porn addiction,

maybe just get us all cages..
Report lapsy pa October 15, 2024 3:08 PM BST
I put on a bit of weight say about 15 years ago,nothing huge but enough for people close to me to say,'you're putting on a few LB'. I listened, i couldn't deny it,watched the grub and a few walks weekly sorted it out.

Why in heavens name anyone close to people/friends not have a word and help them either with dietary advice,exercise etc, most people aren't alone.

People get to some state, i don't buy krap food is cheaper too much, it is but acting the pig is another matter, a lot must have low self esteem and are unhealthy but put themselves that way.

Agree though with the new drug,it might mean a second chance for some and it should be applauded if implemented.
Report Aspro October 15, 2024 3:22 PM BST
Was 17 stone a few years back, 14.14 as of this post. No dieting, no jab, just slowly pushing each and every pound. You've got to want to do it. From my experience, discussing weight issues with friends or family is a touchy subject.
Report lapsy pa October 15, 2024 3:31 PM BST
Agree^,don't want to hear it but i respected the fact that it was being said to my face rather than not or 'gossiped'.

Your real friends though.
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