The say they weren't aware that dynamic ticket pricing was going to be used I'd be amazed if the very first question both of them would have asked about tis reunion wasn't "How much money will I make?"
And even if we stretch incredulity to the outer reaches of the Milky Way and back, within a few minutes of the tickets going on sale at £355 a pop they and their teams must have been aware of the outrage. Either of them could have ordered the suspension of the sale. Instead they kept stum probably because they knew eventually there'd be some new outrage coming along in a few days to take the spotlight off their greed.
Cant see what the attraction to them is of them on tv years ago taking the phiss out of their music teacher asking if they want to borrow a tenner.......aaaaaasholes of the highest order imho but rich aaaaaaasholes
Cant see what the attraction to them is of them on tv years ago taking the phiss out of their music teacher asking if they want to borrow a tenner.......aaaaaasholes of the highest order imho but rich aaaaaaasholes