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06 Aug 24 13:35
Date Joined: 03 Dec 15
| Topic/replies: 22,505 | Blogger: PorcupineorPineapple's blog
Far-right groups are plotting to attack asylum lawyers, evidence uncovered by The Times reveals. It shows the groups are sharing an arson manual and tips on making petrol bombs.

Posts on Telegram, a messaging app with many thousands of users, list details of immigration lawyers and advice centres across England, and tells members to attack them at a specified time mid-week.

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Replies: 3
When: 06 Aug 24 13:36
The Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism, both in and outside of the UK, as the use or threat of one or more of the actions listed below, and where they are designed to influence the government, or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public. The use or threat must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

The specific actions included are:

serious violence against a person;
serious damage to property;
endangering a person's life (other than that of the person committing the action);
creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public; and
action designed to seriously interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.
When: 06 Aug 24 13:36
This is just straight up terrorism now isn't it? Can't be any doubt.
lapsy pa
When: 06 Aug 24 16:24
Loyalist paramilitaries linked to Belfast riots says PSNI (source,RTE)
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