Noose tightening. That newly released clip doesn’t look good does it?
Now I don’t know what Puff’s lyrics are in his songs, but there’s unquestionably a culture of misogyny and crime in rap music as a whole….are they now addressing this culture properly?
I remember the birth of rap music, I don’t remember the Sugarhill gang being so expressively violent, but I guess when people start to get away with it it takes on its own validity.
‘They’ are the people who run the rule over what people do or say in accordance with laws of the land. ‘Addressing the culture’ refers to erm…the culture of justifying and glorying in crime that’s so blatantly in the lyrics they (those who consider themselves artists in the field) actually go out of their way to grandiose and ‘one up’ each gang over other gang’s lyrics.
‘They’ are the people who run the rule over what people do or say in accordance with laws of the land.‘Addressing the culture’ refers to erm…the culture of justifying and glorying in crime that’s so blatantly in the lyrics they (those who
He didn't mean that. Nor did he deliberately use the symbol of "noose" for a black man in the USA being in trouble. Dustybin is also known as the biggest women's right activist ever around these parts, so his calling out misogyny of others comes fully from his own heart.
He didn't mean that. Nor did he deliberately use the symbol of "noose" for a black man in the USA being in trouble. Dustybin is also known as the biggest women's right activist ever around these parts, so his calling out misogyny of others comes full
Oh ok, so nose isn’t allowed even though criminals were getting strung up throughout England even before anyone had heard of the word ‘America’….
On that logic we won’t be allowed to use the word ‘knife’ because such is the propensity of knife crime in youth culture, but largely in London.
Oh ok, so nose isn’t allowed even though criminals were getting strung up throughout England even before anyone had heard of the word ‘America’….On that logic we won’t be allowed to use the word ‘knife’ because such is the propensity of
No, I’m calling you a cnt because you instinctively made out I chose the word noose because I was referring to the actions of a guy who happens to be black.
No, I’m calling you a cnt because you instinctively made out I chose the word noose because I was referring to the actions of a guy who happens to be black.
Leave him alone edy. Obviously completely innocent why the word noose would spring to dusty's head when discussing a black man. Nothing at all to see here.
Leave him alone edy. Obviously completely innocent why the word noose would spring to dusty's head when discussing a black man. Nothing at all to see here.
There is no deflection with you edy You are a sweat-stain maker who rattles one question after another as they get answered because you are hollow.
Pop got nowt either, that’s why I answered his assertion directly and now he’s continuing the false fabrication edy started with
Truly pitiful
There is no deflection with you edyYou are a sweat-stain maker who rattles one question after another as they get answered because you are hollow.Pop got nowt either, that’s why I answered his assertion directly and now he’s continuing the false
I still remember when you didn't know any further in a discussion, yet again, and went all like (paraphrased) "In my hood, you'd have been beaten to a pulp by now" towards me to switch it up from your usual verbal diarrhea of insults.
You huge pacifist.
I still remember when you didn't know any further in a discussion, yet again, and went all like (paraphrased) "In my hood, you'd have been beaten to a pulp by now" towards me to switch it up from your usual verbal diarrhea of insults.You huge pacifis
Really? It wouldn’t surprise me edy if you collate your own database of previous posts that you read over to yourself when nobody continues with your tedious self on here.
I don’t remember that post in reference as much of what you post edy is forgettable, but it’s true you’d probably have got kicked upside down, so what?
Really?It wouldn’t surprise me edy if you collate your own database of previous posts that you read over to yourself when nobody continues with your tedious self on here.I don’t remember that post in reference as much of what you post edy is forg
Well, you don't seem of partcicularly clear mind the majority of time on here, so I am not surprised your memory is somewhat lacking compared to even me, whose memory is not the greatest itself.
dustybin • January 6, 2023 7:35 PM GMT haha you have no clue whatsoever you really lucky that you hide behind this loser persona you have collecting cans for fook all where I grew up if the likes of you showed up you'd have got smashed Its real and true whether you like it or not
Funnily enough, I stumbled across this post of yours in that same thread, oh biggest of fighter against misogynist language and culture.
dustybin • January 6, 2023 7:33 PM GMT edy you are a prize fanny congrats you won sumat
Well, you don't seem of partcicularly clear mind the majority of time on here, so I am not surprised your memory is somewhat lacking compared to even me, whose memory is not the greatest itself.
So? Re-posting parts of conversations out of context amounts to nowt. Your persona that I went off is one of a weasel and they did get kicked upside down.
Tickle tackle twts that clung to teacher while break was on cos they knew they’d get leathered for being a snide.
Trying to be glib, fabricating what I ‘must have meant’ by using perfectly acceptable language is snidey You probably arn’t aware of it.
So?Re-posting parts of conversations out of context amounts to nowt.Your persona that I went off is one of a weasel and they did get kicked upside down.Tickle tackle twts that clung to teacher while break was on cos they knew they’d get leathered f
dustybin • May 18, 2024 10:39 AM BST So? Re-posting parts of conversations out of context amounts to nowt. Your persona that I went off is one of a weasel and they did get kicked upside down.
Tickle tackle twts that clung to teacher while break was on cos they knew they’d get leathered for being a snide.
Trying to be glib, fabricating what I ‘must have meant’ by using perfectly acceptable language is snidey You probably arn’t aware of it.
Sorry, did you just yet again go with a misogynist term as part of your verbal diarrhea? It is astonishing how the vast majority of go-to insults just so happen to be misogynist terms. Oh warrior against misogyny.
dustybin • May 18, 2024 10:39 AM BSTSo?Re-posting parts of conversations out of context amounts to nowt.Your persona that I went off is one of a weasel and they did get kicked upside down.Tickle tackle twts that clung to teacher while break was on
So words that make up part of our lexicon happen to be slang terms referring to genitalia.
Just as nbhead or cck prck etc are.
How is using slang considered the same as promoting a culture of subjecting the woman to suppression and even making money from it on the same scale?
See how pathetic you are edy?So words that make up part of our lexicon happen to be slang terms referring to genitalia.Just as nbhead or cck prck etc are.How is using slang considered the same as promoting a culture of subjecting the woman to suppres
Already pointed out with "cnt and "fanny" to you and what do you feel is the best way of a comeback to that? Another word like that. Does take a truly special kind of genius to pull that off.
Already pointed out with "cnt and "fanny" to you and what do you feel is the best way of a comeback to that? Another word like that. Does take a truly special kind of genius to pull that off.
No The difference is it’s part of our slang. As evidenced with other words. Using the terms doesn’t promote women beating, and it certainly doesn’t make money from it as the lyrics glorying in violence against women does.
NoThe difference is it’s part of our slang. As evidenced with other words.Using the terms doesn’t promote women beating, and it certainly doesn’t make money from it as the lyrics glorying in violence against women does.
I remember there being lefty ‘PSE’ ‘lessons at school you’d have loved edy Perfectly illogical
So saying fck as anything beyond the activity itself must bring disrespect on the human reproduction cycle does it?
I remember there being lefty ‘PSE’ ‘lessons at school you’d have loved edyPerfectly illogical So saying fck as anything beyond the activity itself must bring disrespect on the human reproduction cycle does it?
To be fair to you, dustybin, there is of course a culture of misogyny and bigotry in (parts of) hip hop. As e.g. Macklemore pointed out quite well in this song of his and Ryan Lewis.
To be fair to you, dustybin, there is of course a culture of misogyny and bigotry in (parts of) hip hop. As e.g. Macklemore pointed out quite well in this song of his and Ryan Lewis.
But evidently there are some cases that don’t venerate crime, but then who’s suggesting they are the problem?
dustybin dustybin 18 May 24 07:36 Joined: 29 Dec 08 | Topic/replies: 27,004 | Blogger: dustybin's blog Noose tightening. That newly released clip doesn’t look good does it?
Now I don’t know what Puff’s lyrics are in his songs, but there’s unquestionably a culture of misogyny and crime in rap music as a whole….are they now addressing this culture properly?
I remember the birth of rap music, I don’t remember the Sugarhill gang being so expressively violent, but I guess when people start to get away with it it takes on its own validity.
Incase you were unaware, The Sugarhill Gang were also black, and I said they didn’t as far as I am aware write tracks about pimping, drive-by shooting, drug cartels, revenge murder, rape or violent robbery.
But all you wanted to do was highlight the fact I mentioned a noose, so I must have been referring to lynchings. That’s because you are triggered and ready to attempt to justify your own illogical position over and over.
Never heard of himBut evidently there are some cases that don’t venerate crime, but then who’s suggesting they are the problem?dustybindustybin18 May 24 07:36Joined: 29 Dec 08 | Topic/replies: 27,004 | Blogger: dustybin's blogNoose tightening.Tha
'Triggering' is quite a modern concept really. Face to face it would be called goading and you might risk a slap. It's goading for non physical types who'd rather bully with their intellect.
'Triggering' is quite a modern concept really. Face to face it would be called goading and you might risk a slap.It's goading for non physical types who'd rather bully with their intellect.
Triggering' is quite a modern concept really. Face to face it would be called goading and you might risk a slap. It's goading for non physical types who'd rather bully with their intellect.
or their stupidity
Triggering' is quite a modern concept really. Face to face it would be called goading and you might risk a slap.It's goading for non physical types who'd rather bully with their intellect.or their stupidity
Some people simply are quite fascinated with having to point out proactively how triggered everyone else always is in their perception. Some presidential sons even wrote books about it and named their podcasts that way because everybody except for themselves is always triggered in the most triggerest ways.
Some people simply are quite fascinated with having to point out proactively how triggered everyone else always is in their perception. Some presidential sons even wrote books about it and named their podcasts that way because everybody except for th