Is that with the young gymnnast ? I honestly don't see anything wrong there,the medal presenter messed up.
You read up on Enoch Casemony?
Is that with the young gymnnast ? I honestly don't see anything wrong there,the medal presenter messed up.You read up on Enoch Casemony? https//
She was only handing out the ribbons for taking part.
She was keeping the placed prizes until last. Which is the usual procedure.
Troublemakers at it again.
She was only handing out the ribbons for taking part.She was keeping the placed prizes until last. Which is the usual procedure.Troublemakers at it again.
Just catching up with you CM as you never replied on the powell thread,you 'pissed yourself laughin' when i said it and i am putting a link up for you to read.
I wondered if i got the wrong link with the op but honestly he seems a serial complainer(mukhtar)
Just catching up with you CM as you never replied on the powell thread,you 'pissed yourself laughin' when i said it and i am putting a link up for you to read.I wondered if i got the wrong link with the op but honestly he seems a serial complainer(mu
I put a link up for you on that thread PA , Link you have put up on here is Not working , Still not Quite Sure what Enoch has to do with this
Is Giggilo one of Enochs men ? Fairly Brutal attack on Eire TBH
I put a link up for you on that thread PA , Link you have put up on here is Not working , Still not Quite Sure what Enoch has to do with this Is Giggilo one of Enochs men ? Fairly Brutal attack on Eire TBH
You couldn't get more blatent than that it took a year to sort it out and the woman initially refused to apologize,pure and unadulterated racism,i love the way it's always a mistake like pulling young girls pants down by the police to search their knickers at 13/14 literally examples everyday of the week..And then they get accused of being trouble makers,another racist term used to keep them subdued..
You couldn't get more blatent than that it took a year to sort it out and the woman initially refused to apologize,pure and unadulterated racism,i love the way it's always a mistake like pulling young girls pants down by the police to search their kn
Just watched this and it’s appalling, must have been by accident but how is difficult to see damage done and it ruined all the good memories for the young girl The fact she is the only black girl in the line makes it more upsetting
Just watched this and it’s appalling,must have been by accident but how is difficult to see damage done and it ruined all the good memories for the young girl The fact she is the only black girl in the line makes it more upsetting
But if you are one black girl standing in line happy waiting and with your friends in front of family and spectators … That might not be so easy to accept
But if you are one black girl standing in linehappy waiting and with your friends in front of family and spectators …That might not be so easy to accept
It's possible to comment on that without adding a sweeping generalisation. The wokies regarded Ukraine as a racist hell hole until quite recently. Now they're our mates, funny old world.
It's possible to comment on that without adding a sweeping generalisation.The wokies regarded Ukraine as a racist hell hole until quite recently. Now they're our mates, funny old world.
The Irish Independent also reported that the mother is concerned the family will be a target for racist abuse and wants the video removed by social media companies.
The newspaper reported that the family believed their daughter was ignored at the ceremony because she was black.
fook me the BBC are on the case now Irish Independent also reported that the mother is concerned the family will be a target for racist abuse and wants the video removed by social media companies.The
Anyone who doesn’t respect Ireland , north / south And doesn’t say a prayer of thanks every night before they go to sleep Is a nasty ungrateful very thankless person .. who deserves to be despised
Anyone who doesn’t respect Ireland , north / south And doesn’t say a prayer of thanks every night before they go to sleep Is a nasty ungrateful very thankless person .. who deserves to be despised