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16 Sep 23 07:52
Date Joined: 11 Aug 21
| Topic/replies: 10,378 | Blogger: SirNorbertClarke's blog
Actor and comedian Russell Brand has posted a video online saying he “absolutely” denies unspecified criminal allegations about his personal life outlined in two “extremely disturbing letters”.

Brand posted the video on his YouTube and social media accounts on Friday evening, saying he received the letters from a “mainstream media TV company” and a newspaper which he said included a “litany of extremely egregious and aggressive attacks”.

He said: “Amidst this litany of astonishing, rather baroque attacks are some very serious allegations that I absolutely refute.

“These allegations pertain to the time when I was working in the mainstream, when I was in the newspapers all the time, when I was in the movies, and as I have written about extensively in my books, I was very, very promiscuous.”

Brand continued: “Now during that time of promiscuity the relationships I had were absolutely, always consensual. I was always transparent about that then, almost too transparent, and I am being transparent about it now as well.

“To see that transparency metastasised into something criminal, that I absolutely deny, makes me question is there another agenda at play.”

Brand said he believed he was a part of a “coordinated attack” and that he was going to look into this matter because it was “very, very serious”.
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Report clouded leopard September 20, 2023 4:10 PM BST
Shrewd_dude20 Sep 23 13:54Joined: 12 May 05 | Topic/replies: 7,637 | Blogger: Shrewd_dude's blog
Anonymity for defendants until charged would never work.

You can't have the police searching for a suspect or carrying out manhunts for wanted people i.e Raoul Moat types, saying we are looking for a man if you have seen him give us a call but we can't tell you his name or show you a picture of him.

SD, was referring specifically to rape allegations
Report Mexico September 20, 2023 4:39 PM BST
Stop crying shred

If you don't want a bet at evens for a 1000/1 shot, that is fine.

It is very short odds that RB has on at least one occasion broken the law regarding consent.
We accept that 15/16/17 year olds sleep with people of similar age who are under 16.

A 30 year old getting a school girl delivered does give some insight into what a wonderful caring hero he is.
Report clouded leopard September 20, 2023 4:47 PM BST
Sheriff Mex (god forbid) banging people purely on probability theory Laugh wac
Report Johnny The Guesser September 20, 2023 4:48 PM BST
I see you, Russell Brand.
Tell you what. Before we even start, here’s a conspiracy theory for you. The comedy industry, with its long history of struggling to hold its sleazier elements accountable, starts its first tentative steps towards a vaguely unionised approach just a few short years back. As a network of self-employed freelancers lacking any kind of centralised HR department we’ve never had a proper reporting framework for sexual misconduct. There was the whisper network and the rumour mill - through which you have been absolutely *churning* for the sixteen years I’ve been performing - and that was literally it.
MeToo saw more people speaking out against the promoters, comics and powerful industry figures making them uncomfortable. Get Off! Live Comedy was set up to report and challenge sexual harassment, the charge led by women who were justifiably sick of it. At the same time, you were a man far too intelligent and narcissistic to be utterly unaware of the many, many things being said about you. Suddenly you start moving away from the relentlessly bawdry sexual material and begin steering hard into the anti-establishment rhetoric you’d previously only superficially dabbled with.
Report Johnny The Guesser September 20, 2023 4:48 PM BST
Mainstream media was to be distrusted, the elites are lying to you, I’m the only one telling the truth. On paper, a fairly predictable career turn and reinvention for the self-styled libertine with a god complex. One that soon proved to be incredibly lucrative. Then, when the hammer now comes down on you, you suddenly have a readily-cultivated audience of new followers willing to disregard any evidence presented to them by the ‘mainstream media.’ In fact, they’ll probably happily take on The Man by chipping into your legal fund. Particularly if you get ahead of the allegations and pretty much insist that the establishment are now co-ordinating their efforts to take you down.
Weirdly convenient, isn’t it?
Am I insisting the two are definitely connected? No, because I’ll leave the drawing of conclusions based on incomplete data and potential coincidence to the professional grifters on Rumble. I just think it’s a slightly more believable possibility than the idea that Anthony Fauci is suddenly working with Rupert Murdoch and Channel 4 in order to somehow discredit you. I know you’ve always had a pretty high opinion of yourself but I somehow doubt Big Pharma are all-knowing enough to have preempted your switch to alternative media guru.
Report Johnny The Guesser September 20, 2023 4:49 PM BST
Did they set up the rape crisis centre that poor woman has now proven she attended after encountering you, even though it happened long before you ever started calling them out? Did they put fake cabbies on the streets seventeen years ago to warn the teenagers being driven to your house, not for the sake of their own personal safety but in defence of their future profit margins?
What’s the timeline here, Russell? Just how deep does the rabbit hole go, that the deep state were even whispering in my ear in the Loft Bar in the Gilded Balloon in the late Noughties? Who were the shadowy figures, still posing to this day as my colleagues, who warned me to keep an eye on my female friends around you should we ever cross paths?
Now I’m not suggesting that rumour and innuendo are the same as definitive criminal guilt - of course they aren’t. I’m just pointing out that it’s utterly spurious to claim these accusations, the like of which anyone who works in comedy knows have hung over you for years, are suddenly being manufactured by dark forces. They massively pre-date your reinvention as an anti-corporate, anti-establishment, anti-New World Order soothsayer.
Report Johnny The Guesser September 20, 2023 4:49 PM BST
You lost countless jobs because you couldn’t behave appropriately. Your fundamental disrespect for boundaries and authority has always extended right out into other people’s voicemail inboxes and personal space. It’s frankly baffling that you can now pretend that the suggestion anyone could possibly have objected to it at the time somehow appals you. That you claim allyship to so many vulnerable groups rings unbelievably hollow when you now rush to prime your fans to defend you against a conspiracy of women who insist that your ‘consensual’ sexual encounters with them were anything but.
And good Lord, do we need to stop pretending that “innocent until proven guilty!” is an unassailable pedestal of a moral position. It seems absolutely fundamental on paper but in reality it's a statement that's in no way above and beyond contamination by the dreadful nuances that victims of sexual assault have to navigate each and every day. Of course we don’t convict people by social media witch-hunt but there’s a world of difference between baseless Twitter speculation and properly researched and effective journalism. Not that it stops the excuses or the blind deference some are now displaying to their anti-establishment hero. All of that now feeds into the already mountainous culture of silence that for many has become an unassailable obstacle to reporting what happened to them.
Report Johnny The Guesser September 20, 2023 4:50 PM BST
There are myriad reasons why victims may prefer to go to the press over the police; from the more sympathetic ear and approach, to the less intimidating and official process, to the fact the media actually have the resources to investigate allegation and rumour thoroughly without overstepping their legal bounds. There are myriad reasons why victims are unable to even process, let alone vocalise, the things that have happened to them for years - or even decades - after their abuse physically took place. There are myriad reasons more why proper and effective journalism has traditionally both supported and enabled proper criminal investigations and convictions.
There’s a good chance you’re about to find that out, Russell Brand. I’m not calling you guilty and you’re entitled to your day in court, should it ever come to that. But I will not pretend, with everything I’ve heard, that I’m in any way surprised by this. Narcissists with the all-consuming assumption that every woman worships them mistake compliance for consent all the time, with the worst of them overstepping boundaries in the most appalling and egregious of ways.
Report Johnny The Guesser September 20, 2023 4:51 PM BST
Nor will I entertain the ludicrous suggestion that this ‘conspiracy’ extends anywhere beyond the women who have an absolute right to now tell their stories about you in any way they see fit. If you genuinely believe this is a corporate set-up perpetrated by the establishment, you have more than enough resources to challenge all this by suing everyone involved. With all the potential disclosure that goes along with that process. If the sixteen year old you reportedly dated as a 31 year old man is nothing but a grotesque fabrication, surely you’ve got nothing to fear coming out under litigation?
Surely even you believe that free speech has *some* limits, if this is nothing but a baseless corporate smear campaign against you?
I guess we’ll find out.
I see you, Russell Brand. I f**king see you.

Source : Unknown (to me anyway)
Report cryoftruth September 20, 2023 5:19 PM BST
Johnny we disagree about much, but that lot was really interesting.

He has been clearly a sexual predator. Now there is nothing illegal in conning over 16s into having sex with you. But there is something very very wrong in leaving a 16 year old girl feeling as one complainer clearly did, “used, soiled and dirty.”. I would be happy if he got convicted. I am glad his career seems to be over.

I remember the fuss after the shocking broadcast that was supposed to be “funny” when the odious specimen boasted about his conquest of Andrew Sachs’s grand daughter. That was never remotely funny, just an ego trip for a revolting letch and at the expense of perfectly decent people who did not deserve his “affection”.

Of course there is an irony with the sleazy sick rag (The sickening Sun) having built the letch up as “shaggger of the year”, now doubtless making money writing about the new shock revelations. Anyone who reads the Sun, or even just looks at the pictures must be truly stupid.
Report Whisperingdeath September 20, 2023 5:32 PM BST
Well said Johnny
Report SirNorbertClarke September 20, 2023 6:46 PM BST
Beverley Turner of GB News reacted to the  Russell Brand exposĂ© by saying Brand was a hero.

This begs the question, how compliant where some women with Brand's behaviour?

If some women liked the way Brand behaved could this have led him to believe that his behaviour was acceptable?
Report cryoftruth September 20, 2023 8:51 PM BST
If GB news said anyone was a hero it’s a certain guarantee they the they are a complete rsole.
Report scandanavian_haven September 20, 2023 11:37 PM BST
GB News looks like a collection of angry, sad mainstream rejects, same as Talkradio, now they're all 'against the establishment' and 'speaking for the people', when really they just want to hang on to their careers and will work for anyone that'll have them because nobody sensible will employ them anymore.
Report edy September 21, 2023 12:11 AM BST
Just another far left station that celebrates the destruction of traditional family values.
Report Foinavon September 21, 2023 6:22 PM BST
Lefties like Benjamin Butterworth and Amy Nickell on every show spouting Corbynista garbage at every opportunity, centrists hardly get a look in.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 21, 2023 6:28 PM BST
Centrist simply don't watch the stream
of right wing bollocks for half wits
Report jollyswagman September 21, 2023 6:31 PM BST
martin daubney takes us through breaking news gb news style Laugh

tv gold
Report Shrewd_dude September 21, 2023 7:15 PM BST
Good on Rumble standing up to an elected MP’s efforts to demonetise someone for merely having allegations made against them.
Report Jack Bauer "24" September 21, 2023 7:46 PM BST
Lefties like Benjamin Butterworth and Amy Nickell on every show spouting Corbynista garbage at every opportunity, centrists hardly get a look in.

Benjamin Butterworth is not a Corbyn supporter. He was very vocal in his opposition to Corbyn when he was leader. He is in the Starmer camp rather than the Corbyn camp.
Report Foinavon September 21, 2023 8:31 PM BST
He's still a lefty spouting garbage.
Report Jack Bauer "24" September 21, 2023 8:46 PM BST
To right-wingers who watch GB News all day there may be no difference between the two camps in the Labour Party, but to the actual party members like Butterworth there is a big difference. Many of them hate each other. Butterworth would be very offended if you called him a Corbynista, given his very vocal anti-Corbyn stance snice Corbyn became leader.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 21, 2023 8:58 PM BST
Some folk are so far right of centre they cannot be educated to
finer points.
Report clouded leopard September 22, 2023 11:25 AM BST

Deplatforming, cancelling   -- call it what ya like - I call this a 100% obvious play,deeply insane and worrying

For the deaf dumb and blind on here, whether you agree, disagree with Mr Brand is totally besides the point.... You are supporting the eradication of free speech and you are putting 'your trust' in the Censorship Industrial Complex to battle their way to a no return point whereby they become 'your single source of truth' ... ring any bells ?

You are building you and your family your very own fkin prison

wake tf up
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 22, 2023 11:28 AM BST
He is free to continue spouting his tosh.

If he can no longer monetise his tosh he may just go
further down his rabbit hole, aided by brainwashed
and brain dead half wits doing his bidding.
Report LoyalHoncho September 22, 2023 11:45 AM BST
I'm with you leopard, all the way.  As a society we are in deep, deep trouble.
I have ALWAYS disliked said R.B. but that doesn;t make him guilty of anything.
This has been four years in the making as all involved seem proud to keep boasting. as if that is a virtue.
And yet again accusers are allowed total anonymity.
Whoever is at the heart of all these campaigns targeting individuals by way of public and media accusation and almost instant guilty judgements and thus career assassination and destruction - just watch that moron Madeley all this week if you doubt my word - are very dangerous people.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 22, 2023 11:47 AM BST
Brand accused of being a sexual predator

Cancel Madeley...
Report clouded leopard September 22, 2023 2:25 PM BST
and another letter to X from our protective 'single source of truth' gov

Thank the lord they are around to reach out over and beyond to keep us all safe from a man like Brand - who hasn't even been charged yet

then there's the US gov recently found to be 'coercing and significantly encouraging the social media platforms to censor disfavoured speech' naturally, are no better.

join the dots fellas .. you'll get a better picture of what's coming
Report Foinavon September 22, 2023 2:35 PM BST
Some folk are so far right of centre they cannot be educated to
finer points.

Labourites don't have any finer points, they are all watermelons.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 22, 2023 2:56 PM BST
Violet Elizabeth Bott has taken over the foinirony account.
Report edy September 22, 2023 2:59 PM BST

Sep 22, 2023 -- 11:28AM, ----you-have-to-laugh--- wrote:

He is free to continue spouting his tosh.If he can no longer monetise his tosh he may just gofurther down his rabbit hole, aided by brainwashedand brain dead half wits doing his bidding.

He isn't in a rabbit hole himself. What he says, he does for the money, not because he actually believes in it. The performative niche is simply to be a hippie guru for misfits.

Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 22, 2023 3:09 PM BST
Hmmm, he doesn't have to believe it's a rabbit hole, but
it's likely he ramps up the conspiracy stuff, so goes deeper.

I get what you say, and many start off to exploit.
But end up converting themselves too.

Is he there yet? Dunno!
Report edy September 22, 2023 3:23 PM BST
Found it funny "Censorship Industrial Complex" got a mention here earlier a day after Pyjama used it in his video.
Report edy September 22, 2023 3:28 PM BST
Pyjama big time disappointed me the other day btw.

Shilling supplements for expensive urine - fine
Shilling really dodgy "japanese" knives bordering on scam - fine
Shilling YouTuber grooming/skincare stuff - fine
Shilling dodgy gold - fine
Shilling scottish pieces of land in a really cringe way for titles - fine

but the other day he, leader of the alpharest alphas, shilled "FÜM" and in it calling the alpharest of alpha activities - smoking - bad and destructive just shook me to the core. Was very super woke. Just take the name "FÜM" too for an essential oil breathing device. Just screams woke hipster at you with a US company going all Umlaut with the ĂŒ.
Report casemoney September 22, 2023 3:51 PM BST

Truely desperate  Times
Report Reynard September 23, 2023 12:48 PM BST
Apparently two of the four 'victims' in the Dispatches investigation currently work for Channel Four Mischief
Report edy September 23, 2023 2:31 PM BST

Report impossible123 September 23, 2023 6:50 PM BST
Let's hope he's his day in court to categorically exonerate him from these sexual accusations. Let's hope he's organised and ready for it when the day comes.
Report Dr Crippen September 23, 2023 7:46 PM BST
When Brand was spouting left-wing tripe they cheered him on. The BBC even had him on QT, and his past was never an issue.

But when he starts rocking the boat and spelling out to people about how they're being taken for a ride by the establishment, they put him through the wringer to try and find something to nail him on.

They just want to shut him up.   

And people can't even suss out what they're up to. All this time and no accusations, then suddenly up they pop like magic.
And only after he's said the wrong things of course.
Report Dr Crippen September 23, 2023 7:48 PM BST
The dirty left and the establishment join forces.
Report Reynard September 24, 2023 9:05 AM BST
edy ‱ September 23, 2023 2:31 PM BST


...........Channel Four Plain
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 12:19 PM BST
Hilarious that some betfair posters are still trying to defend the man who when he was 31 had a 16 year old schoolgirl girlfriend who he called 'the child' and whose throat he used to force his dick down until she choked.
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 12:21 PM BST
And you wonder why Brand's lawyers won't let him speak about any of the allegations levelled at him LaughLaughLaughLaugh
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 12:26 PM BST
It's amazing how none of these misogynistic truth-tellers like Brand & Tate,  who are accused of multiple sex crimes, are ready when the 'matrix attacks!'

Report nineteen points September 24, 2023 12:29 PM BST
its shocking if he did that.i bet her mother wouldnt have drove her to meet him if she knew he was doing that
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 1:16 PM BST
Does the mother delivering her 16 year old schoolgirl daughter to Brand excuse his abusive behaviour?

In my opinion that makes it worse. Brand knew the girl lacked decent parental guidance yet still chose to abuse 'the child'. A typical predator.
Report nineteen points September 24, 2023 1:28 PM BST
had the child been married would your thoughts be the same?
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 1:59 PM BST
The child wasn't married so your question is just whataboutery.

But for your information  forcing you dick down an unwilling partner's throat would be, would be a sexual assault which would be illegal even inside a marriage.
Report edy September 24, 2023 3:52 PM BST

Sep 24, 2023 -- 9:05AM, Reynard wrote:

edy ‱ September 23, 2023 2:31 PM BSTSource?...........Channel Four

Was it a programme or did they write it on the internet? Plain

Report Dr Crippen September 24, 2023 4:13 PM BST
These allegations you’re making against Brand are very serious Noblet.
So why haven't the police arrested, charged, or even interviewed him?

Ar you telling lies again Noblet?
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 24, 2023 4:50 PM BST
It's from Brand's "comedy" routine

Brand gets laughs for telling that story for money.

No by simply accurately reporting what Brand has said.
Report impossible123 September 24, 2023 4:52 PM BST
I hope he's questioned soon under caution at a police station. Either he's guilty or not guilty so that the UK can move on to something more pressing and of consequence.
Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 4:53 PM BST
It’s straightforward .  .. he’s not guilty
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 5:00 PM BST
Two of the saddest trolls on betfair.
Report edy September 24, 2023 5:14 PM BST
lfc1971 ‱ September 24, 2023 4:53 PM BST
It’s straightforward .  .. he’s not guilty

lfc1971 ‱ September 24, 2023 5:10 PM BST
He might be guilty , if so let’s see -
Im not going to take the opinion of noblet
Why ? because he’s an idiot .. and untrustworthy
Oh .. he hasn’t left England either

Can you walk me through the new information you obtained in the 17 minutes between "It's straightforward . .. he's not guilty" and "he might be guilty"?
Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 5:17 PM BST
That’s easy edy 
 he isn’t guilty imo

That of course might be wrong .. let’s see
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 5:29 PM BST
If you are 31 years old and you have a schoolgirl girlfriend of 16 years old who you call 'the child' then most people would judge to be a borderline peadophile.

Peadophile, someone sexually attracted to children.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 24, 2023 5:36 PM BST
It's Brand saying he did it.

It's not difficult, nobby has not made it up.

Maybe Brand made it up, but seems as if both parties
agreed that it happened.

Then his audience pay to hear the story, and walk
out enthralled.

Then, oddly, they say he didn't do it and
a guy on the forum is making it up.
Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 5:37 PM BST
Still here noblet ?

Let us know when you leave .. soon ?
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 5:52 PM BST
Funny how being a Nazi isn't our trolls worst character trait.

Who'd have guessed 10 days ago they'd be out in force defending a borderline peado?
Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 6:06 PM BST
^ all he can do is throw about lies he’s a very odious person -
That’s why he’s blocked .. carry on ..
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 6:11 PM BST
If the peado defender cap fits......
Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 6:14 PM BST
Exactly so .. noblet 

Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 6:21 PM BST
Did you study Shakespeare noblet ?
Me thinks you doth protest 
 too much

You’ve already proved yourself to be a racist and misogynist .. go on
Report irishone September 24, 2023 6:23 PM BST
He reads every line of what you says nobby
Thats why he keeps responding
He gets really bothered by it
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 6:26 PM BST
lfc has to be the thickest of the trolls here.
Report Dr Crippen September 24, 2023 6:29 PM BST
He's so full of hate and loathing. He must have screw loose or something.

Almost every post confirms his instability.
Report Dr Crippen September 24, 2023 6:29 PM BST
There he goes again.
Report irishone September 24, 2023 6:30 PM BST
Lfc is the worst racist on here Crippen

Nobby is right
Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 6:35 PM BST
Noblet you are a racist and misogynist
I’ve pointed out your words and posts that confirm that
before .. no point doing so again .. you’re incapable of learning
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 24, 2023 6:49 PM BST
SirNorbertClarke24 Sep 23 18:26
lfc has to be the thickest of the trolls here.

Dr Crippen24 Sep 23 18:29
He's so full of hate and loathing. He must have screw loose or something.

Almost every post confirms his instability.

Lol, crippens knows
Report SirNorbertClarke September 24, 2023 7:19 PM BST
Dr C comes a poor second in the thickest troll on betfair competition and always will do until the Nazi-loving peado defender gets banned.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 24, 2023 7:27 PM BST
Crippens has lfc to a tee.

However he may well be second thickest behind lfc but
I'd say it was pretty close.
Report cryoftruth September 24, 2023 7:30 PM BST
It’s straightforward .  .. he’s not guilty

Bit worrying for Brand.

Like Hitler and Putin and Yaxley, he has the full support of lfc.
Report lfc1971 September 24, 2023 7:30 PM BST
Report SirNorbertClarke September 25, 2023 7:57 AM BST
The Eastbourne peadolover
Report Reynard September 25, 2023 8:01 AM BST
Did it really take you 12 hours to come up with that ? Mischief
Report SirNorbertClarke September 25, 2023 8:21 AM BST
If you say so.
Report irishone September 25, 2023 8:36 AM BST
LFC ?????

Just read into posts .............he is a complete nutter

yak hunt ‱ September 22, 2023 3:37 PM BST  Why does lfc1971 constantly humiliate himself daily by pretending he has people blocked when he obviously hasn't?
By lfc1971 on 8 May 16 10:46 Liverpool is an English city, As are Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast and Dublin
lfc1971 ‱ September 13, 2023 4:11 PM BST  It’s sad , but most people are as thick as two short planks
By lfc1971  1 Dec 22 12:14 Sometimes I tell lies and say I am Danish

Complete geriatric loony
Report SirNorbertClarke September 25, 2023 10:43 AM BST
The Eastbourne peadolover and his sidekick Dr Cretin.
Report Dr Crippen September 25, 2023 10:49 AM BST
Let's face it Noblet, if Brand were a black man instead of a white man you'd be backing him regardless of any allegations.

Of course you would, and you know it.
Report lfc1971 September 25, 2023 11:15 AM BST
We will have to wait and see if Brand is convicted of
any criminal activity . That is how we do things in this country
Thank goodness the majority of good people believe this is essential
If someone such as noblet doesn’t understand this basic principle
he’s free to leave the country
Report irishone September 25, 2023 11:36 AM BST
Report SirNorbertClarke September 25, 2023 11:57 AM BST
25 Sep 23 11:15
We will have to wait and see if Brand is convicted of
any criminal activity . That is how we do things in this country

24 Sep 23 16:53
It’s straightforward .  .. he’s not guilty

The thickest poster on betfair LaughLaughLaughLaugh
Report irishone September 25, 2023 12:40 PM BST
By Charlie on 26 May 23 16:35
lfc trying to redifine electricty. Idiot.
Report irishone September 25, 2023 12:42 PM BST
Tucker Carlson Interviews Man Who Claims To Have Had Sex With Barack Obama
By cryoftruth on 13 Sep 23 13:30
Tucker has always been an idiot. An lfc for Fox News
Report irishone September 25, 2023 12:43 PM BST
Till death us do part
By sparrow on 4 Oct 22 20:54
lfc, you make no sense whatsoever.
Report macarony September 25, 2023 1:19 PM BST
He was apart of mainstream media for a long time, he will know quite a few of other people's secrets. much as been made of his preemptive video before he knew what accusations were to be made. This opens the door to accusations that he was viewed as dangerous, or about leak information about his past employers. hence they struck first, a ploy aimed at discrediting anything he now says.
Report clouded leopard September 25, 2023 1:23 PM BST
It's like a fuken kindergarten in here sometimes

How old are you guys ?  Squabbling all day and wasting precious time - nutso
Report SirNorbertClarke September 25, 2023 1:58 PM BST
much as been made of his preemptive video before he knew what accusations were to be made.

Brand had a letter and an email detailing the accusations for nearly a week before he addressed his adoring followers.

he will know quite a few of other people's secrets.

Slinging mud might not be his best option atm.

a ploy aimed at discrediting anything he now says.

Brand has discredited himself with his behaviour. Much of it recorded on video.
Report irishone September 25, 2023 2:01 PM BST
you from devon nobby ?
Report irishone September 25, 2023 2:02 PM BST
clouded leopard
Date Joined: 16 Jul 08
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25 Sep 23 13:23Joined: 16 Jul 08 | Topic/replies: 5,402 | Blogger: clouded leopard's blog
It's like a fuken kindergarten in here sometimes

How old are you guys ?  Squabbling all day and wasting precious time - nutso

Feck off im earning on the dawgs
Report irishone September 25, 2023 2:03 PM BST
bored fecking sh1tless waiting for the next
Report irishone September 26, 2023 7:46 PM BST
is there any danger we could be  clueless and brainwashed ?
Has he been charged with anything ?
Will he not get his day in court?
What crime did he commit ?
Is there not a bandwagon running here ?
Isn't the establishment just trying to close him down ?
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 26, 2023 7:54 PM BST
Brainwashed by him or msm.

Some obviously on both sides won't see
the truth.

Funny world we live in.
Report irishone September 26, 2023 8:03 PM BST
i thought you were innocent until proved guilty in the UK ?

yet his business associates seem to have judged him guilty already .....
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- September 26, 2023 8:14 PM BST
He is innocent,...

He is free to sue for damages if lies have been told about him.
Report Shrewd_dude September 26, 2023 10:41 PM BST
The people making the allegations are also free to sue for damages if it’s true what they said about him.
Report irishone September 27, 2023 9:42 AM BST
British are thick
didnt we get all this sh1te with phillip on the morning show or huw on the news ?

its bollux until its proven aint it  ?

have they turned up in court yet  ......for anything

time to shut down  some media outlets or facebook , twitter etc
Report irishone April 22, 2024 8:13 AM BST
After having encouraged anyone "who believes themself to have been a victim of sexual assault" to come forward, the Metropolitan Police received on 17 September an allegation of sexual assault against Brand said to have taken place in Soho, London, in 2003.[146] The allegation arose after the Met "[approached] The Sunday Times and Channel 4 to ensure that anyone who believes they have been the victim of a sexual offence is aware of how to report this to the police."[147] The alleged incident predates the period of alleged incidents covered in The Sunday Times and Channel 4 investigations.[148][149][150] On 19 November 2023, Brand was questioned by police in connection with alleged sexual assaults.[151] [152]

On 21 September 2023, a woman accused Brand of exposing himself to her at the BBC's Los Angeles office in 2008, and then laughing about it minutes later on his BBC Radio 2 show.[153]

In November 2023, a woman accused Brand of exposing himself and later trapping and assaulting her in a bathroom during the film production in 2010 of comedy Arthur (2011). She was an extra on the film and brought forth a lawsuit against him and Warner Bros.[154] On 3 November 2023, the lawsuit was filed against Brand under New York's Adult Survivors Act, which allowed victims of sexual offences for which the statute of limitations had lapsed a period of one year to file a suit. Warner Bros. Pictures and others involved in Arthur’s production were also named as defendants for neglecting, aiding and abetting misconduct of Brand on the film set.

Has he been banged up yet ?
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