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26 Jun 23 21:26
Date Joined: 25 Jan 01
| Topic/replies: 4,556 | Blogger: frog1000's blog

Interesting that the country without lockdown had the lowest rate of excess deaths. Even lower than their neighbour Norway.

Hope the world learns from this for next pandemic.
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Report Mexico June 26, 2023 10:00 PM BST
Could have a point frog.

Get rid of the millions of poorly educated flat earthers from U.K. before next pandemic and might actually have a chance of requesting social distancing. USA obviously don’t stand a chance of stopping those making millions selling lies on loon tube.

There were restrictions in Sweden, UK government decided best to hold Cheltenham, football matches, rugby internationals then go big on social distancing. Suspect starting early on reducing spread will be mentioned as a possible action time next pandemic.

Perhaps UK should have an inquiry frog? People could provide evidence of what happened.
Report irishone June 26, 2023 10:35 PM BST
our local quack
went online and local facebook telling everyone to wash their hands

pathetic in hindsight
Report Johnny The Guesser June 26, 2023 10:36 PM BST
Frog continues to totally ignore population demographics.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 26, 2023 11:07 PM BST
It's a nutters convention on the forum today
with frogit and timbuctooth returning to
post failed theories. I wonder how herd
immunity is going. Maybe we will get a thread
on that too.
Report casemoney June 27, 2023 1:48 AM BST
Quite incredible how many Small Businesses  , Pubs Restaurants have been lost due to Lock downs and the Bullsh1t Flu Terror , Those that Survived then put on their Knees again due to The So called Problems caused by the WAR raising prices ,Whats next ? BTW has anyone died of Flu over the past 3 years in Sweden ..

Any mention by the BBC of the brutal rise in the Amount of Sexual assaults and Rapes in the Country over the past Decade ?
Report casemoney June 27, 2023 1:59 AM BST
UK government decided best to hold Cheltenham

Mex don't forget the Thunderberg Bristol Meeting, What was it 15,000 Kids who all returned to their classes of 30 the Next day ?  None of course would show any symptoms
as the Killer Flu didn't harm Children ,Each of those kids who had been sitting beside each other then  returning home to Their Families ,Lets Try and work out what that done to
Spreading  the Deadly Killer Flu  Virus . But then Climate Change is such a dangerous and Deadly Catastrophe that will Kill millions in the UK , The risk was worth it  .

Well done MEX it was Racing and Football that Caused it ,and nutty anti Sports Lefty frequenting a sports Betting Forum Laugh

Report irishone June 27, 2023 8:32 AM BST
i think the media was responsible

there was stuff out there which could have been detected a lot earlier
but they failed to judge its significance sufficiently

the media often does this

the recent coverage of  stories like the migrant boat sinking and the titatanic sub tragedy showed how silly there assessments can be
Report clouded leopard June 27, 2023 9:38 AM BST
List of Covid symptoms - devalued currency, inflation, much higher interest rates, hammer blow to small business, ongoing supply chain disruption , increased surveillance on population, mental health crisis and loss of access to health services  ...   oh yes and maybe a cold for a few days for the vast majority

People who still cannot see why this happened need their bumps checking

Yep, massive knock on the head for the West which set the ball rolling for the eventual destination all coming to a cinema near you soon = digital ID, CBDC, loss of free speech,freedom of movement curtailed...  yada yada

just a little centralisation of control and transfer of your wealth...

Good luck
Report Dr Crippen June 27, 2023 10:06 AM BST
Get rid of the millions of poorly educated flat earthers from U.K. before next pandemic and might actually have a chance of requesting social distancing. USA obviously don’t stand a chance of stopping those making millions selling lies on loon tube.

The poorly educated tend to write stuff like that as well.

But none of them were in charge anyway.

As for the well educated people who were in charge, their fine educations didn't help them to make the right decisions. In fact they got it wrong at nearly every turn.
And now the public are paying dearly for their blunders.
Report ----you-have-to-laugh--- June 27, 2023 11:02 AM BST
Looking at Sweden v Norway excess deaths

Norway pop 5.4 million
Sweden pop 10.5 m

15k/10.5m = 0.00143
6.8k/5.4m = 0.00126

So why does bbc say Sweden is lower than Norway?
Report lfc1971 June 27, 2023 11:12 AM BST
Swedens football season runs from late March or early April
to November .. so there wouldn’t have been large crowds gathering every weekend at
Football matches when the pandemic struck or was starting to spread
probably earlier than we first knew about it . Might have been a very
fortunate factor
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 1:38 PM BST

Really not sure where you get the crazy idea that I’m anti sports?

Guess been to 1,000 professional football matches including Euro finals,  just been to Royal Ascot last week,looking forward to a trip to France this autumn.

The season could actually have continued in spring 2022 if government had acted in a different manner. Professional sports continued in autumn 2022/winter 2023 after the PM “let in rip” & “let the bodies pile up”
Shame there are so many ******* in U.K. who wouldn’t follow any Swedish style recommendations. The U.K. had a similar system to Sweden in summer/autumn 2022. How did that go , everybody followed the advice or did people know best?

Do you get to many live sporting events Putin or have you devoted all your spare time to spreading lies and misinformation on an obscure forum nobody reads?

Good luck to all the uneducated flat earth boomers who actually believe this 3 year inquiry will recommend that everything should remain open for the next pandemic.
Report saddo June 27, 2023 1:42 PM BST
Are you heroic pin cushions booked in for more 'booster' shots this autumn?
Report Shrewd_dude June 27, 2023 1:56 PM BST
Still probably getting their granny to show a lateral flow test when she comes round for Sunday lunch.
Report lfc1971 June 27, 2023 2:02 PM BST
In face of the facts that Sweden , with their differing approach
might have fared better than just about all other European countries
Mexico then wants to think this was down to the Swedish peoples
better behaviour … but I’m not sure that’s necessarily so .. seems
I guess it’s possible , but doubt it . Would prefer real evidence In any event it seems like clutching at straws by mex
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 2:13 PM BST
Actually LFC

You should also include your behaviour. Don’t just think the state of the country is because of Sweden. Take some responsibility

Is there any negative consequences in ignoring medical advice? Perhaps we should have an inquiry to see how to prepare for next pandemic?

Anybody actually believe that an inquiry looking at the evidence will decide it is best to just carry on as normal, go to the pub, get on packed trains, join 50,000 others at festivals or sporting events? Maybe that will be the outcome of the investigation?
Report lfc1971 June 27, 2023 2:15 PM BST
Actually I followed the medical advice
Report Shrewd_dude June 27, 2023 2:21 PM BST
Anybody think the enquiry will decide that healthy 21 year olds ahouldn't be allowed to go to a football game unless they get a jab?
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 2:22 PM BST
Nice one LFC. Basically not much else an individual can do.

The vast majority of people I saw at supermarkets & later pubs were also fairly sensible.

Can’t help thinking with a different approach, schools could have stayed open, elite sport could have continued. Government going to face difficult questions about why letting it get completely out of control twice. They will all have different jobs by then , looking like Labour will be government when report actually published.
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 2:26 PM BST

Doubt the enquiry will go into such age related or sport related details. We shall see.
Once there is a vaccine in people’s arms any future pandemic shouldn’t be that serious . Perhaps won’t take a year next time, plenty can happen in a few decades.
Report saddo June 27, 2023 2:33 PM BST
Let's hope they can come up with a vaccine that actually stops people catching it eh.
Report Shrewd_dude June 27, 2023 2:35 PM BST
I would hope that they would go in to the use of vaccine passports one of the most ridiculous and oppressive rules arising from Covid.
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 2:50 PM BST

That would be handy. 
obviously even if there was a perfect vaccine which didn’t have a single side effect and was 100% effective in preventing people actually catching the virus there will still be millions claiming it is killing billions of people.

Then 2 years later rather than admitting they were totally wrong to claim billions would die they just spout more bs.
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 2:56 PM BST

As vaccine passports were hardly used  doubt much time will be spent on it.

Not really on the modules

Difficult to recommend to a government in 40 years time if they are good/ bad idea. It is up to the government at the time as they will have more information about the actual virus they are facing and effectiveness of vaccine.
Report clouded leopard June 27, 2023 3:44 PM BST
Plenty of time being spent on vaccine passports elsewhere ...  by the heavily privately funded WHO for instance

To facilitate the uptake of the EU DCC by WHO and contribute to its operation and further development, WHO and the European Commission have agreed to partner in digital health.

This partnership will work to technically develop the WHO system with a staged approach to cover additional use cases, which may include, for example, the digitisation of the International Certificate of Vaccination

This cooperation is based on the shared values and principles of transparency and openness, inclusiveness, accountability, data protection and privacy, security, scalability at a global level, and equity. The WHO and the European Commission will work together to encourage maximum global uptake and participation.
Report clouded leopard June 27, 2023 3:54 PM BST
Will be such a relief when they get that Pandemic Preparedness Treaty all fully agreed on and signed to properly examine the Covid episode, learn from that and save us from future disease.

Bit confusing that they saw no urgency on determining the origin of Covid and abandoned further investigation - surely should be top of the list to 'prepare' for future emergencies no ?

Report Mexico June 27, 2023 4:01 PM BST
Yep Leopard

This inquiry just isn’t long enough. I do hope they extend it to look at events which were not relevant.
Perhaps a couple of years to compare New Zealand and Brazil to U.K.?

The origin of 2019 pandemic isn’t going to help much in 2050 is it? The Chinese government would just hand over all their data to this inquiry as well. A missed opportunity.
Report clouded leopard June 27, 2023 4:13 PM BST
And the 'WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network' Mexico ?

Something you'll be fully supportive of ?

The vast majority of folks would not have even heard of such a thing - it was hardly reported in mainstream

Not really so much about this WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty either

Such heartwarming news should be shouted from the rooftops imo
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 4:26 PM BST
Something which has never effected me in the past Leopard, obviously some close to your heart. It is very kind of you that rather than getting a life you manage to alert us to some obscure WHO idea. Shame you didn’t provide a link to the right wing conspiracy theory site you researched to get this information.

As I said this inquiry just isn’t long enough, I like your enthusiasm to extend it by looking at things which were not relevant in the U.K. pandemic.

I would like more time to focus on sending all UK children to  New Zealand without parental permission. This is shocking and the inquiry should spend years looking at it.
Report clouded leopard June 27, 2023 4:35 PM BST

some obscure WHO idea ?

No need to get all 'ridiculey' - you seem to see right wing flat earthers everywhere mex Crazy

There's plenty of guff about this on gov and WHO sites - when you've had a good read come back and give us a 'genuine' take on it

An interesting topic to discuss
Report Mexico June 27, 2023 4:49 PM BST

Yep you must have come across this WHO idea when you were spending hours looking at medical publications from around the world.

Silly me to think you may have read about it on a right wing conspiracy website.

Nice link to the story, must be so important to you. As I say the U.K. inquiry should be looking at things which were not relevant in theUK pandemic response.

Are you shocked by what could have happened to those millions of children sent to New Zealand? Obviously I won’t provide a link but trust me it is horrific.
Report clouded leopard June 27, 2023 5:21 PM BST
Another childish response so we'll leave it there
Report Johnny The Guesser June 27, 2023 6:03 PM BST
What I don't understand if it was some sort of grand oppression plan from the elite, then why was the jack boot removed from our neck just as 'they' were achieving their goals ?

They had us locked down in our homes and now we are doing exactly what we want again  ?  I'm confused - it must be the worst cunning plan since Blackadder ?
Report edy June 27, 2023 6:14 PM BST
If someone is visibly embarrassed by their own sources, why do they still choose to ardently believe every word on them?
Report edy June 27, 2023 6:28 PM BST
Johnny The Guesser • June 27, 2023 6:03 PM BST
What I don't understand if it was some sort of grand oppression plan from the elite, then why was the jack boot removed from our neck just as 'they' were achieving their goals ?

They had us locked down in our homes and now we are doing exactly what we want again  ?  I'm confused - it must be the worst cunning plan since Blackadder ?

It's pretty simple actually and if the free thinkers are honest with their thoughts and feelings, it will come down to something like this: The plans were certainly there, but they had to be cancelled because the free thinkers outed the cunning secret plans that T-H-E-Y, as always, sneakily left clues for all over the place in their hubris. Luckily for us sheeple, the intellectual (non-globalist!) elites were able to see through it all and with it save us all from T-H-E-M introducing the one world government and a UBI scheme based on who allowed themselves to be injected with 5G triggered killer nanobots. 5G triggered killer nanobots that, as left as a clue in the Georgia Guidestones, are there to eventually reduce the global population to around 500 million people. 500 million people that will be made up of the elites and non-white people, as the globalists keep telling everyone with their manuscripts for Agenda2030 (formerly Agenda2020) and the Great Reset.
Report edy June 27, 2023 6:32 PM BST
Oh, and it's all George Soros.
Report Shrewd_dude June 27, 2023 6:49 PM BST
2021 Lets close the gyms, museums and art galleries to help peoples health.

2023 Lets close the gyms, museums and art galleries because we spent all our money trying to help peoples health.
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