Just how many cases of embarrassment does one politician have to take before they realise it is counter productive to falsify photo shoots.This comment applies equally to Cameron,Clegg et al.
Just how many cases of embarrassment does one politician have to take before they realise it is counter productive to falsify photo shoots.This comment applies equally to Cameron,Clegg et al.
What are these people (of all parties) thinking - that we were all born under gooseberry bushes?. A good photo in the papers 100 years ago may have been worth a few points - but with almost instant world-wide media now this manipulation will always be seen for what it is.
What are these people (of all parties) thinking - that we were all born under gooseberry bushes?.A good photo in the papers 100 years ago may have been worth a few points - but with almost instant world-wide media now this manipulation will always b