Because the Sweaty socks have a terrible chip on their shoulders about being completely inadequate so they naturally gravitate to that party of the feckless losers--- Nu Liar. Why work when your lot will pay you endless benefits? Glasgow---- ought to be redeveloped as a nuclear waste disposal site. Would improve the place no end.
Because the Sweaty socks have a terrible chip on their shoulders about being completely inadequate so they naturally gravitate to that party of the feckless losers--- Nu Liar. Why work when your lot will pay you endless benefits? Glasgow---- ought to
ambi-I work for most of my income. I would be happy if we left the corrupt EU.But while we are in I may as well take what is due to me-I pay plenty of tax so view it as getting something back from the state.
ambi-I work for most of my income. I would be happy if we left the corrupt EU.But while we are in I may as well take what is due to me-I pay plenty of tax so view it as getting something back from the state.