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24 Nov 09 18:57
Date Joined: 01 Jun 01
| Topic/replies: 17,453 | Blogger: treetop's blog
Listening to a radio 4 programme in the car last weekend and this guy said he doubted the benefit of Chilcot's enquiry with all the 'usual anti-war suspects' being unlikely to accept its findings. He claimed to have always supported the war as a means to get rid of Saddam Hussein and wished that the marsh Arabs and the Kurds could appear at the enquiry to justify regime change. Is this man all there ? What has he done of note that justifies a lifetime pension from the Lords now ? He seems to be more likely to pollute the Lords if he is that stupid.
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Report pug munter November 24, 2009 7:04 PM GMT
Lord Foulkes -who he ?

Foulkes knows!
Report baracouda30 November 24, 2009 7:07 PM GMT
Report ambi November 24, 2009 7:24 PM GMT
He is a fat, drink raddled **** who can always be depended upon to spout the Nulabour line. As an MSP and lord he is known for gorging at both the House of Lords and Holyrood troughs.
Report flushgordon November 24, 2009 7:26 PM GMT
guys great great great great grandson.
Report Rydal November 24, 2009 7:28 PM GMT
... his moment of glory:

I can forgive his being a fat b@stard for that performance.
Report A.H HUNTER esq. November 24, 2009 7:32 PM GMT
I agree with him,no need for the lies .
Report treetop November 24, 2009 8:07 PM GMT
A fair point to challenege TV presenters but clearly avoiding the question by attacking on another front. Why did the speaker use very expensive lawyers to prevent the public from knowing the truth? She was fully entitled to ask that question and expect to receive an answer. It still bothers me that he seeks to defend an illegal war for the sake of regime change.That entitles the perpetrators to appear at the Haguein due time for war crimes.
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