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23 Nov 09 12:26
Date Joined: 15 Jan 02
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There is a chance that Brown will win a GE, the likelihood is it will be Cameron. Regardless of who wins, how serious is our debt situation and what should be done to clear it and/or find work for the unemployed?
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Report Chippie in Whitehall November 23, 2009 12:36 PM GMT

Here is the Bottler with all your answers, bb.
Report blackburn1 November 23, 2009 12:43 PM GMT
I'm not expecting too many replies chippie, the fools are kidding themselves.
Report Chippie in Whitehall November 23, 2009 12:57 PM GMT
Hey Goring, 1:36 into that clip, I think he's talking to you. ;)
Report noddys ryde November 23, 2009 1:23 PM GMT
blackburn-why are you asking supporters of a tax and spend party difficult questions like that?
If you do get an answer it will be "tax the bankers/Ashcroft/fox hunters etc etc" rather than entering into a serious debate on balancing the budget.
Report blackburn1 November 23, 2009 1:26 PM GMT
Yep noddy. Not one reply yet, just loads of threads about life under the tories.

If I was older and wealthier I would run a campaign to get Brown elected (I nearly put re-elected). Seeing the faces of the lefties as the axe falls on benefits and the public sector would be interesting viewing.
Report noddys ryde November 23, 2009 2:03 PM GMT
I agree -those who think that by voting labour they can protect cosy jobs and benefits are sadly mistaken. Secretly many liars do not want to win the next election because they will have to fight their union paymasters or call in the IMF in order to balance the books-easier for them to howl at the Tories when they take necessary measures.
There are no 2 ways out of this mess-there is just one-increased taxes AND reduced spending.
Report MRGRUMPY1 November 23, 2009 3:14 PM GMT
Easy, keep borrowing money until sterling is almost worthless, then even though we owe billions, even trillions, of pounds. In real terms we owe very little.
Report noddys ryde November 23, 2009 3:22 PM GMT
Sounds like the banks strategy .....keep giving mortgages and loans at low rates to those who have no hope of paying them back.....we keep the bonuses and the taxpayer picks up the tab.
Report Mister E November 23, 2009 3:44 PM GMT

the answer is very serious.
I can only see massive cuts in Public Services and increases in taxation.

Re the unemployed..we have lost an opportunity that won't arise again for the foreseeable future.

When we had relatively full employment we should have tackled the problem, instead we opened up the borders and fast tracked cheaper imported labour.

Some still appear to be deluding themselves that cuts in service/increase in tax will only happen under the Conservatives..IMO ridiculous.
Report STUDYFORM November 23, 2009 3:47 PM GMT
NR you type so much unadulterated bοllocks it almost hurts.

The banks don't loan to poor people
Living on the dole (or equivalent) is NOT a life of luxury
A majority of state benefit is not just for hoodie chavs in council estates in rough places - though they do recieve it too
More of "Your" "Taxpayers money" goes to fighting wars and paying for equipment than to the poor people you seem to despise so much
Far more has gone to bailing out Rich Bankers and shareholders than to the needy.

People like you and the other twunts on here make me sick.
You'd all like to see the return of Victorian Workhouses and soup kitchens. To see people homeless and on the street, unless they're prepared pick up your litter for less than a liveable wage.
There are not enough jobs for the population, not all people who claim don't deserve it. Poor people are not criminals.
Many wealthy people are, and what's more, they run things.
Report blackburn1 November 23, 2009 3:49 PM GMT
Notice you still dont come up with an answer study, just personal abuse and innaccuarate ranting
Report STUDYFORM November 23, 2009 3:52 PM GMT
To answer the initial question.
It doesn't matter who wins. Things will, or not, improve at the same rate. They're all greedy self-serving basstds, all parties, all politicians, and that will never change. If the public do OK out of anything, it's a by-product of what is doing a politician some good.
Report blackburn1 November 23, 2009 3:53 PM GMT
Still no answer to the question though, just more ranting and abuse.
Report evski November 23, 2009 3:54 PM GMT
BB offended by personal abuse? is this like Ian Huntly being outraged at the lack of security checks on school workers?

I odn't know where this question is going BB, or where you would like ti to go, but the answer is clear public service cuts and tax increases.
Report STUDYFORM November 23, 2009 3:55 PM GMT
And you, Blackbum, on the 3rd post of this thread were already calling people fools who hadn't even responded to you. No-one hurls more abuse than you, in fact with a few exceptions (your little clique of out of touch right-wing selfish gits) there is seldom a post where you don't call someone something disparaging. So don't tell me about fecking name-calling.
Report noddys ryde November 23, 2009 3:56 PM GMT
Study-"far more has gone bailing out the bankers than the needy".
We were within hours of the ATMs failing to dispense cash.
Not certain how letting them run out was going to help the needy.
The regulators and the "government"were "bailed out" as much as the bankers.
Report blackburn1 November 23, 2009 3:57 PM GMT
I'm not offended in the slightest evski, I'm not as precious as you my love.

My old mate studyform loves to come on here and dish it out without ever making a contribution before disappearing looking sheepish again.

To be fair though evski he's not as thick as you, he didn't have to wait till his 20s to pass a few simple exams
Report blackburn1 November 23, 2009 3:57 PM GMT
Still no answer then study just more abuse.

Its no wonder everyone thinks you're thick
Report STUDYFORM November 23, 2009 3:58 PM GMT
Your answer:
What sort of a sodding question is it?
What would you do if you were Prime Minister?

It's unanswerable. Unless you are attempting to prove all 'lefties' know nothing about politics by asking them a bloody pointless question that even the best political minds can't fathom, even WITH the relevant information,
Report golfjudge November 23, 2009 3:59 PM GMT
Great post from Studyform at 14.47, swiftly followed by highly comical hypocrisy from Blackburn.

Not just the relentless personal abuse either. He isn't too great at answering straight questions, unless you consider cutting and pasting from Tory journalists as a straight answer.
Report V4 Vendetta November 23, 2009 4:01 PM GMT
Chippie in Whitehall 23 Nov 13:57

Hey Goring, 1:36 into that clip, I think he's talking to you.

51.5 to be precise.
Report STUDYFORM November 23, 2009 4:03 PM GMT
My rant -for want of a better word- was at your general attitude with regard (and blackbum this applies to you too), to the unemployed and "Scroungers", not specific costings to the nation.

Daily Mail/Express type hearsay about how it's luxury being unemployed is miles from the truth, and you just perpetuate the nonsense.
Report STUDYFORM November 23, 2009 4:06 PM GMT
btw Blackbum - once again, YOU started the personal abuse.
and fwiw - It is with consummate certainty that I can state, no-one, let alone everyone, thinks I'm think. Only you, and you're wrong about that too.
Report Compound Magic November 23, 2009 4:08 PM GMT
I think the economy would best be served by giving more incentive to work and earn more.
By having less taxation for all and less handouts. Make people accountable for their actions.

I've heard many say "What's the use of slugging your guts out only to be taxed more" and
"Why should I pay excessive tax to support bludgers"

If people are earning more they are spending more, the economy grows and most will benefit
except the lazy which is as it should be.
Report STUDYFORM November 23, 2009 4:13 PM GMT
Report evski November 23, 2009 4:22 PM GMT
blackburn 23 Nov 16:57
I'm not offended in the slightest evski, I'm not as precious as you my love.

Why mention it then?

My old mate studyform loves to come on here and dish it out without ever making a contribution before disappearing looking sheepish again.

as opposed to your many constructive posts?

To be fair though evski he's not as thick as you, he didn't have to wait till his 20s to pass a few simple exams

Study may well be more intelligent than me, although since you have no education this post is a direct admission that I am more intelligent than you. Which puts me in the catagory" Dung beetles and more intelligent creatures".
Report pussycat November 23, 2009 8:09 PM GMT
blackburn 23 Nov 13:26
There is a chance that Brown will win a GE, the likelihood is it will be Cameron. Regardless of who wins, how serious is our debt situation and what should be done to clear it and/or find work for the unemployed?

since we are in uncharted waters the only thing that is clear is that the Tory view was wrong and Labours view was right about what actions should have been taken.

I am not a big supporter of the banks bail out but what was the alternative - economic depression and inevitable social turmoil.

we may still see social turmoil but at least there is a plan to avert a potential Third World War.
Report flushgordon November 23, 2009 8:37 PM GMT
blackburn your favourite radio programme has got to be-
sorry i havnt a clue!
or is it the freudy night project on tv?
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 7:24 AM GMT
Regardless of who wins, how serious is our debt situation and what should be done to clear it and/or find work for the unemployed?

Amazing, the usual suspects pop up on the thread but not one of them had an answer.
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 8:30 AM GMT
the national debt is only about 55% of gdp right now

it has been as high as 250 % in the past in the 1950's and 1960's

it can be brought down by world economic growth and some cuts as it has been in the past, notably when the tories handed over a deficit in 1997 which labour got rid of and its only this present worst world downturn since the 1930's that put it back up

just remember the tories gave us two recession in much easier world economic climates

and as regards the last question i think gordon brown should take some action to find blackburn a job so he no longer spends all his days sitting at home staring blankly at a betting site forum that hardly anybody reads
Report Big Charlie November 24, 2009 8:34 AM GMT
pussycat 23 Nov 21:09
we may still see social turmoil but at least there is a plan to avert a potential Third World War.

Hello grass/stalker/nutjob.

You need to word your posts more clearly.

World War Three may bother me, but a 'third world' war is being raged all the time.

I'm not bothered at all if africans want to spend their money on weapons and kill themselves.
Report STUDYFORM November 24, 2009 8:34 AM GMT
This thread is a blatant fishing expedition, a ridiculous question designed to create guffaws and chuckling amongst some twunts.
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 8:40 AM GMT
Still no answers then study.

Or from nearctic.

Clueless the lot of you.
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 8:41 AM GMT
the national debt is only about 55% of gdp right now

it has been as high as 250 % in the past in the 1950's and 1960's

it can be brought down by world economic growth and some cuts as it has been in the past, notably when the tories handed over a deficit in 1997 which labour got rid of and its only this present worst world downturn since the 1930's that put it back up

just remember the tories gave us two recession in much easier world economic climates

and as regards the last question i think gordon brown should take some action to find blackburn a job so he no longer spends all his days sitting at home staring blankly at a betting site forum that hardly anybody reads
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 8:47 AM GMT
Regardless of who wins, how serious is our debt situation and what should be done to clear it and/or find work for the unemployed?

Not good enough neo I'm afraid, you still haven't answered the question
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 8:51 AM GMT
NEARCTIC 24 Nov 09:30

the national debt is only about 55% of gdp right now

it has been as high as 250 % in the past in the 1950's and 1960's

it can be brought down by world economic growth and some cuts as it has been in the past, notably when the tories handed over a deficit in 1997 which labour got rid of and its only this present worst world downturn since the 1930's that put it back up

just remember the tories gave us two recession in much easier world economic climates

and as regards the last question i think gordon brown should take some action to find blackburn a job so he no longer spends all his days sitting at home staring blankly at a betting site forum that hardly anybody reads

a lot more is being done for the unemployed than the tories ever did and a return to world growth will cut unemployment
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 8:52 AM GMT
1/10 but better than I expected from somebody who lacks the ability to think for themself
Report noddys ryde November 24, 2009 8:56 AM GMT
I thought debt couldn't go above 40% of gdp-is the golden rule broken? If so when was this announced?
If you add in unfunded pubic sector pension liabilities and pfis then the true national debt is over 100% - and we used to laugh at Italy!
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 8:57 AM GMT
a few examples of blackburns " thinking for himself"

blackies answer to the eec- lets just get out right now

blackies answer to afghanistan- lets just get out right now
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 9:00 AM GMT
And I stand by those 2 statements neo, as do the majority in UK.

noddy, you should know by now neo will believe anything No 10 rolls out, however implausible
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 9:02 AM GMT
blackie there is no way the people of this country would vote to pull out of the eec

thats just a myth that only gullible fools like you believe, just ask any business person what would happen if we pulled out of the eec
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 9:05 AM GMT
NEARCTIC 24 Nov 10:02

blackie there is no way the people of this country would vote to pull out of the eec

Oh yes they would neo and the politicians know it.

Three things that in referenda would change, leave the EU, leave Afghan and bring back hanging.
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 9:05 AM GMT
And if I ask "any" business person what would happen, what exactly would he say?
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 9:08 AM GMT
if that is the case then we can expect ukip to win the next election then can we ?

and as for the afghanistan one its how you ask the question
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 9:10 AM GMT
blackie can you name some leaders of big british business who are calling for us to pull out of the eec
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 9:10 AM GMT
Well dodged

Of course UKIP wont win the election, but their popularity will grow once its out of the way. And if Farage stands against Bercow I'll be betting on him to win.
Report V4 Vendetta November 24, 2009 9:17 AM GMT
NEARCTIC 24 Nov 09:30

[the national debt] has been as high as 250 % in the past in the 1950's and 1960's

True it peaked at that after the war, but it didn't see 250% again in the 50s or 60s. It was bearly above 200% in 1950 and below 150% by 1960. The point is that it was on a monotonic downtrend and bobbled from 36 to 50ish until the snot eater got hold.

it can be brought down by world economic growth and some cuts as it has been in the past, notably when the tories handed over a deficit in 1997 which labour got rid of and its only this present worst world downturn since the 1930's that put it back up

The economy had been restructured into growth again, that's why the deficit was on an improving trend when the war criminal took over.

just remember the tories gave us two recession in much easier world economic climates

Like a socialist strike-ridden backward mining and car-making economy and cold war. Really easy.
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 9:17 AM GMT
blackie can you name some leaders of big british business who are calling for us to pull out of the eec

Oh I see we've gone from "any" business to "big" business
Report V4 Vendetta November 24, 2009 9:24 AM GMT
NEARCTIC 24 Nov 10:10

blackie can you name some leaders of big british business who are calling for us to pull out of the eec

Stuart Wheeler, but I thought you guys objected to business setting the agenda and believed in government being representative of the people?
Report V4 Vendetta November 24, 2009 9:25 AM GMT
(small pause while the answer given is rubbished as not applicable by virtue of reverse reasoning...).
Report blackburn1 November 24, 2009 9:27 AM GMT
Actually goring it will be a long pause, nearctic will not be seen on this thread again.
Report NEARCTIC November 24, 2009 9:43 AM GMT
Göring 24 Nov 10:24

Stuart Wheeler

Report HarryCrumb November 24, 2009 9:52 AM GMT
Nearctic- National Debt isnt 55%. Its vastly higher than that. Of course you would be using Gordons figures, the ones that dont include the odd trilion here and there.
Even on his figures its heading towards 100% over the next few years and its wrong to compare with previous decades as this country hasnt the ability to grow like it did in the fifties.
Just face the facts Gordon Brown has led us to the verge of bankruptcy. Argue if you want that its a worldwide crisis and that bankers bear alot of the blame but dont pretend that we are not there.
Report flushgordon November 24, 2009 4:16 PM GMT
the head honch of the imf said gordy saved the world at cbi conference, and gave a speech saying what gordy was doing is the correct thing to do.
and basically he said cameron was a clueless git who was special advisor to the treasury on 16 september 1992.
Report Larry's Codpiece. November 24, 2009 6:25 PM GMT
Nearctic will hopefully be here all week folks. If he keeps it up he will be playing to full houses.
Report Larry's Codpiece. November 24, 2009 6:28 PM GMT

Interesting that you want to quote the head of the IMF. Shall we get the IMF's quotes out telling Brown not to go down the path which led to our crisis in the first place?

By the way if he has done such a good job on our behalf why is everybody else out of recession and yet we still languish?
Report flushgordon November 24, 2009 6:32 PM GMT
the uk as a major financial centre was affected more coddy,
this was due to the lax financial regulation allowed by blair/brown/thatcher/major
but lets be gratefull they never allowed the free for all that the torys really wanted.
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