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22 Nov 09 18:20
Date Joined: 14 Aug 05
| Topic/replies: 1,355 | Blogger: PompeyMike's blog
Portillo said as much in an interview with Andrew Neil yesterday.

Big businesses to get tax cuts, which means you and me will pay for the haves to have more at the expense of the have nots.

He will later make sure that his mates, and their families, with their multi million pound homes, will make a killing out of the slashing of inheritance tax.

I really have to laugh at the people on here who think that Cameron and the Tories are going to make things better for them.

Its amazing that he is able to seduce ordinary working class people into voting for him and thereby funding his handouts to his fellow toffs.
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Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 6:25 PM GMT
Big businesses to get tax cuts, which means you and me will pay for the haves to have more at the expense of the have nots.

perhaps the "haves" would be happy to pay for themselves. im not defending him nor advocating his candicy, but i am defending tax cuts. should be for individuals too though, across the board.

how is it that you think you are paying for the "haves"? i dont understand how you think you are, so i dont understand how it can be at the expense of the have nots other than not necessarily continuing to give them things that weren't theirs in the first place..
Report the loser November 22, 2009 6:25 PM GMT
20 % for certain defined ' luxury ' items would be welcome - ie Chelsea Tractors, jewellery , mobile phones, TVs , spirits and foreign holidays would be a good idea.

Who needs expensive mobiles ? Who needs television ?
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 6:26 PM GMT
why do we need vat at all..
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 6:27 PM GMT
other than to pay for past fk ups of course.
Report the loser November 22, 2009 6:28 PM GMT
VAT was , and is, a rather complicated form of purchase tax devised by the EU. Local sales tax instead ?
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 6:31 PM GMT
yeh why not? allow local authorities to spend what they receive too, in the main, with only a slice going to central government. and that's if the tax is even needed at all...

im still not convinced tbh. we are being taxed left right and centre and it doesnt seem to be doing any good.
Report Napoleone di Buonaparte November 22, 2009 7:39 PM GMT
Report zilzal1 November 22, 2009 7:47 PM GMT
Replaced purchase tax in the early 70s
Report pandora1963 November 22, 2009 7:57 PM GMT
forget lib demmy golfjudge,pompey mike for PM,THE TRUE VOICE OF THE LEFT ON BETFAIR
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 8:02 PM GMT
the left are happy to pay tax on their purchases even if its not necessary?? even though they already pay tax on their earnings??
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 8:07 PM GMT
or is it because they dont pay tax on their earnings anyway because they dont earn and in fact their income is provided by others?
Report V4 Vendetta November 22, 2009 8:10 PM GMT
Report zilzal1 November 22, 2009 8:16 PM GMT
Remind me how much council tax has gone up in the last 12 years, mostly in the poorer areas
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 8:17 PM GMT
im currently paying £12 a month towards the building of my local mosque..
Report zilzal1 November 22, 2009 8:19 PM GMT
Don, take your breakfast in if your paying that much, Dont thnk that Bacon Sarnies will go down that well
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 8:19 PM GMT
and how about a euro tax eh people. it wont actually raise taxes, honest..
Report Mister E November 22, 2009 10:24 PM GMT
Tax should be levied in proportion to ability to pay.
Unfortunately we have not had a Left Wing Government in the UK for the past 12 years.

Are we assuming Darling won't raise VAT ?
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 10:26 PM GMT
Tax should be levied in proportion to ability to pay.

says you. bold statement imo.
Report no moves November 22, 2009 11:08 PM GMT
Your right Pompeymike the Tories are always keener on indirect taxation rather than direct taxation (income tax), like the the poll tax, because as you rightly point out this unevenly prejudices the poor and aids the wealthy; after all the affluent in society were the group the Conservative party were set-up to look after in the first place.

Their always promoting the idea of a flat tax rather than one which takes account of peoples ability to pay, if they really believe uniformity is such a good idea why don't they promote a flat wage instead?
Report DonWarro November 22, 2009 11:19 PM GMT
if i had millions, i would gladly give more than my share, if it were truly needed, but out of choice not because somebody told me to. they can jog on. flat is fair. and they can especially jog on since it's not needed anyway. get rid of most of those indirect taxes too if you want something from my income and stop spending it all on sht and encouraging people to let the state support them, otherwise you'll get nowt from me. cut the war out too, and the oppressive control-freak system of rules. :)
Report noddys ryde November 23, 2009 8:33 AM GMT
The liars will do the same. We are broke
Report The Lord BUSH November 23, 2009 9:06 AM GMT
If ashcoft paid his taxes
instead of buying the nasty tory party
would we still be broke

party befor country
nasty tory
Report Mister E November 23, 2009 9:07 AM GMT
no moves 23 Nov 00:08
Your right Pompeymike the Tories are always keener on indirect taxation rather than direct taxation (income tax), like the the poll tax, because as you rightly point out this unevenly prejudices the poor and aids the wealthy.

spot on no moves, that is why NL were Tories wearing red rosettes.
Remember Blair smirking before the poster promising to peg the Top Rate at 40%
A raft of indirect taxes instead, and then abolished the 10% rate rather than touch the top rate. Nasty Tories.
Report blackburn1 November 23, 2009 9:36 AM GMT
This thread proves that the dumbos just dont understand the state we're in.

If Cameron had any sense he'd get a job back in PR
Report HarryCrumb November 23, 2009 10:56 AM GMT
Its pointless now trying to have any sensible debate with Labour supporters on here. They are so deluded and so willing just to believe the bare faced lies that Brown spouts. I actually hope Brown does win so they get to see exactly what damage he has done.Lets be fair Cameron cant put things right now we are too far gone and our nation is stuffed full of lazy greedy and selfish people. Might as well watch Brown collapse things as to let Cameron try to avoiid the inevitable.
Report Mister E November 23, 2009 11:04 AM GMT
The next few years Budgets will be the same regardless of who wins Red Tory or Blue Labour,
and Gordon's "Act" to reduce the deficit by 50% uin four years makes FA difference.
Report noddys ryde November 23, 2009 11:27 AM GMT
If Blair paid his taxes we would be alright
Report Shab November 23, 2009 12:36 PM GMT
will make a killing out of the slashing of inheritance tax.

Economics guru speaks!
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