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22 Nov 09 04:01
Date Joined: 30 May 09
| Topic/replies: 140 | Blogger: pussycat's blog
...For Labour!

keep up the good work Agent Murdoch your nasty and silly campaign is getting the progressives sense of 'F**K You old man and your sh*t rag of a newspaper' gut instinct running again....
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Report Big Charlie November 22, 2009 3:24 PM GMT
Report sepp blatter November 22, 2009 9:20 PM GMT
the sun is and as always been a right wing(tory voting)newspaper,only when its own personal polls ,paid for by the sun ,only asked voters in marginals,respond with a labour win - do they then side with labour.

the reason
1)back the winning side - thus looking like a winner and in tune with its readers/electorate
2)if by backing the blinking obvious,this will help convince/trick/fool,the voters/its readers,to follow the sun when its a close call or a tory win,
3)it backed blair a few days before elections,after extensive polling - it backed cameron 6 months before the election on the morning after the labour conference,to stifle any bounce that the previous yr brown got,

god only knows why an 80 yr old billionaire gives a monkeys about who rules britain,either way his companies will be quids in,so why put so much effort into it

its strange tho how ,murdoch now wants the tories to win and the editor and political editor have also changed there minds all at the same time ,or they just write what they are told to and bank their cheques ever month,after selling their sole to the devil
Report chumptastic November 22, 2009 9:29 PM GMT
god only knows why an 80 yr old billionaire gives a monkeys about who rules britain,either way his companies will be quids in,so why put so much effort into it

if you had more money than you knew what to do wth, and were too old to spend it anyway, what could be more fun than proving to the world that you can tell morons from the other side of the world who to vote for?
especially when, as you point out, he has nothing to lose.

the lemmings known as the british public are not a laughing stock around the world for no reason.
Report sepp blatter November 22, 2009 9:58 PM GMT
point taken - megmalmainer (sorry for spelling)is the reason - when you are as powerful as god - its nice to test the therory ,proving you can guide the masses is probably one of the few reasons he as left to get up of a morning
Report treetop November 23, 2009 11:43 AM GMT
I do think the Sun and its owner spot the trend better and then jump on the bandwagon to claim it wos them wot wun it.
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