the loser 21 Nov 19:02 Since the arrival of Pussytw1at and the golden showered Braindead this forum has degenerated rapidly.Here you go:
' does the louse ever post anything that does not show what a childish bitter and twisted old man he is. '
I believe ' pussycat ' is female although I could be wrong
' does the louse ever post anything that does not show what a childish bitter and twisted old man he is. 'I believe ' pussycat ' is female although I could be wrong
Female 1/6 Male 11/2 ============================= Short and ugly 1/8 Tall, can't possibly be good looking.....7/1 ============================= If female Lesbian 1/6...........straight 11/2 ============================= If male Poof 1/6...............straight 11/2 ============================= Under 30 n/o Black or asian n/o Mentally disturbed n/o Virgin n/o
Female 1/6Male 11/2=============================Short and ugly 1/8Tall, can't possibly be good looking.....7/1=============================If femaleLesbian 1/6...........straight 11/2=============================If malePoof 1/6...............straight