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21 Nov 09 00:03
Date Joined: 05 Oct 03
| Topic/replies: 11,054 | Blogger: zilzal1's blog
OK you are Prime minister and you are told by the IMF, that you either slash welfare or you dont get a loan

interested to see what people would do
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Report golfjudge November 21, 2009 12:30 AM GMT
Even if this were going to happen, which I doubt, they wouldn't demand you cut welfare. They would demand you had a credible budget reduction plan. And if it were me, there would be many other measures to be taken before welfare.
Report towers21. November 21, 2009 12:32 AM GMT
ask anyone who lives in argentina if you should do anything to allow the IMF anywhere near your country

once the IMF gets its claws in, your **ed
Report flatliner November 21, 2009 6:51 AM GMT
If it,s before an election you come on all macho to the people and say we won,t have the IMF telling us what to do, we don,t need to do all these cuts etc.........after the election you go begging to the IMF and do all the cuts.

people will have forgot in 4 years time and they know that.
Report subversion November 21, 2009 7:26 AM GMT
^^^ a fiscal f*ck-up of this magnitude is going to take a lot longer than 4 years to put right
Report tangsoodo November 21, 2009 7:32 AM GMT
IMF got its claws into Britain in 1976

I used to think this was my unique discovery, because the mainstream media narrative is Thatcher did all the privatisation under guidance of Keith joseph.
I discovered that Thatcher knew nothing about economics and that Britain had taken out an (unnecessary) IMF loan in 1976 under Labour, when the privatisations started.
Have more recently seen it admitted that Thatcherite reforms were due to IMF, by BBC on national TV
Cabinet papers from the time were recently released, i haven't read through them, but listening to people who have, they raised the same issues about the IMF
Report flatliner November 21, 2009 9:13 AM GMT
tangsoodo 21 Nov 08:32
IMF got its claws into Britain in 1976

We went begging to the IMF.
Report towers21. November 21, 2009 10:47 AM GMT
the agenda of the IMF is concentrating on the nations wealth into the hands of a few private individuals to further the agenda of the new world order

leeches just shame the people are so dumb
Report HarryCrumb November 21, 2009 1:03 PM GMT
If you dont get the loan you will have to cut welfare anyway as you wont have the money. Anyway the circumstances that would lead to IMF intervention are likely to mean there is no choice but to agree to their terms.
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