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master of multys
19 Nov 09 14:25
Date Joined: 07 Nov 09
| Topic/replies: 2,185 | Blogger: master of multys's blog
full of fugly people imo, no wonder they have so much hatred looking as if they've been hit in the face with a frying pan.
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Report The Magic Flea November 19, 2009 2:28 PM GMT
genetically pure equates to inbred
Report Shab November 19, 2009 4:44 PM GMT
so you are putting yourself forward as their pin-up multy?

You see yourself as the only member who is a bit of a looker?
Report master of multys November 19, 2009 4:54 PM GMT
yes im fit as fook and the bnp are a bunch of fugly cnuts, fat sloth without a costume on the 31st october scares the sh1t out of children, layem and anex facial features are so disfigured they are to remain in their mothers basements for the rest of their lives
Report Manchester Untied Dave November 19, 2009 5:10 PM GMT

Simone Clarke yeah...............
Report sap November 19, 2009 6:01 PM GMT
awww.. a our BNP ballerina, all the outer beauty in the world will never compensate for her lack of inner beauty.
Report gus November 19, 2009 6:48 PM GMT
did you read, in that article about Simone Clarke what Richard Barnbrook (BNP councillor for Barking (Barking ... love it) and Dagenham) had to say about any hypothertical children that she and her Cuban-Chinese partner might have?

"he hoped the couple would not have children."I'm not opposed to mixed marriages but their children are washing out the identity of this country's indigenous people," he explained"

god what a bunch of loonies :)
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