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12 Nov 09 18:26
Date Joined: 28 Oct 07
| Topic/replies: 6,288 | Blogger: Lusitano71's blog
The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance (ratified at the Treaty of Windsor) between England (succeeded by the United Kingdom) and Portugal is the oldest alliance in the world which is still in force. It was signed in June 13, 1373.

had no idea of this, thats pretty old :D
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Report Arleystation November 12, 2009 7:00 PM GMT
Is this why Rooney and Ronaldo stayed friendly?
Report Lusitano71 November 12, 2009 7:09 PM GMT
yes probably :^0
Report madsimon November 12, 2009 8:34 PM GMT
we must have had a war with them since then though?
Report Arkle's Shadow November 13, 2009 8:53 PM GMT
And it's all to do with booze. Magic.
Report rustyboy November 13, 2009 10:26 PM GMT
there must be an older one than that. Between two African tribes going back thousands of years perhaps.
Report Lusitano71 November 14, 2009 2:43 AM GMT
lol rustyboy

Africa is for sure the first place you would think for long lasting alliances :^0

not even in the 20th/21st century let alone 7 centuries
Report V4 Vendetta November 16, 2009 7:35 PM GMT
About as active as the Libera/SDP alliance though, isn't it?
Report salmon spray November 16, 2009 10:34 PM GMT
We have in fact been at war with Portugal when it was part of The Spanish Empire, but I suspect not as a separate country.
The original alliance was down to The Black Prince`s last military adventure if I remember rightly.
Report Lusitano71 November 16, 2009 10:51 PM GMT
Göring 16 Nov 20:35
About as active as the Libera/SDP alliance though, isn't it?

yes Göring today is nothing but a piece of paper :D

salmon spray

There was an interruption for 60 years in 636 years

"The Iberian Union (1580-1640), a dynastic union between Portugal and Spain, interrupted the alliance. Portuguese foreign policy became tied to Spanish hostility to England. As a result, Portugal and England were on opposite sides of the Anglo-Spanish War and the Dutch-Portuguese War. The alliance was reconfirmed after the Portuguese Restoration War and the English Restoration."
Report V4 Vendetta November 17, 2009 8:36 AM GMT
King Jimmy and Walter then.
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