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15 Nov 09 09:03
Date Joined: 30 Sep 04
| Topic/replies: 59 | Blogger: Chance's blog
having listened to John Bercow on the Andrew Marr Show (and incidentally if you have an eponymous show it strikes me as rather rich to take time off) who says it would be "a catasthropic mistake" to ignore the reforms outlined for MPs expenses by Kelly, and the thought struck me, in what ...sense? Haemorrhaging voter turn-out and voter apathy I guess; oh wait that is already the case...
Pause Switch to Standard View call me a controversialist but-
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Report NEARCTIC November 15, 2009 2:46 PM GMT
how much did the tory bercow spend on that flat again ?
Report noddys ryde November 16, 2009 11:25 AM GMT
Nearctic-he might be a Tory but he was elected by Liar MPs who wanted to irritate the Tories (who hate him) rather than do what is best for the country.
He is a charlatan and everyone in the HOC knows it.
His wife spent the £45k on refurbishments and she is now standing as a labour councillor....another don't do as I do socialist methinks.
Report V4 Vendetta November 16, 2009 12:12 PM GMT
You are a contraversial Butt.
Report V4 Vendetta November 16, 2009 12:13 PM GMT
Contraversialist Butt, sorry. ;)
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