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Tony Montana2
09 Nov 09 19:43
Date Joined: 12 Jan 06
| Topic/replies: 85 | Blogger: Tony Montana2's blog
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Report A.H HUNTER esq. November 9, 2009 7:47 PM GMT
Yes ,without them this government could have taken the country to the abyss. They have provided a public service to the working classes by exposing Labour with the truth on so many issues.
Report Manchester Untied Dave November 9, 2009 7:50 PM GMT
I love the questions answered section. Some corking trivia to be found there.
Report A.H HUNTER esq. November 9, 2009 7:51 PM GMT
If i ever see a vote Labour board outside a house i often post a back copy through the door .
Report Ivor November 9, 2009 7:57 PM GMT
strictly speaking it should be presented up the back passage
Report flushgordon November 9, 2009 8:38 PM GMT
strictly speaking it should be used to wipe the back passage ,if there is no sun available , and yes the sun does shine out of my rrssss.
Report macarony November 9, 2009 9:15 PM GMT
not a patch on the Sun IMO
Report crediter November 9, 2009 9:52 PM GMT
great for horseracing....over exaggerates whatever it thinks will make a headline.......its still dissapointed that a million of us didnt die of bird flu.
Report 4thjulykid November 9, 2009 9:55 PM GMT
Hitler and Moseley did in 1938 .
Report quietgenius November 9, 2009 9:56 PM GMT
Did Hitler get it delivered or pop in to his local newsagent?
Report macarony November 9, 2009 10:09 PM GMT
he would drive down our street in 60 ton royal tiger. stop at the paper shop for his daily pack of fags and some cheese XL crisps
Report cheese November 10, 2009 8:10 AM GMT
Report muggg November 10, 2009 8:31 AM GMT
the Daily Heil
Report Churchill November 10, 2009 8:39 AM GMT
It appears that all labour supporters dislike the Daily Mail, the Dailly Express, The Sun in fact all the morning papers because they keep exposing the shortcomings of the government.
Report crediter November 10, 2009 8:59 AM GMT
and yesterdays mail...............people who desecrate graves can get up to 10 years in jail................idiots ;murderers just bout get that sentence.
Report cheese November 10, 2009 12:15 PM GMT
It appears that all labour supporters dislike the Daily Mail, the Dailly Express, The Sun in fact all the morning papers because they keep exposing the shortcomings of the government.

Did you consider it might be because it is a viciously negative pile of sloppy **e?
I actually get the Times, which does a much better job of exposing the shortcomings of the government than the papers you cite. I can stomach the centre-right bias if there is occassional good journalism.
Report Manchester Untied Dave November 10, 2009 12:33 PM GMT
Circulations are dwindling. They have never been lower. Nobody complains about the bias of the Metro. Most people are too thick and or tight to buy a paper, so get handed this propoganda sheet every day.

Who cares what newspapers say? I buy the Telegraph myself. Yet I also look at the Sun online to get a guage of popular opinion. What I see sickens me. I feel like Dante looking upon the Uncommited.
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