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10 Nov 09 09:11
Date Joined: 24 Oct 02
| Topic/replies: 432 | Blogger: nononsense's blog
the build up to the next election, probably 6 months away.
I guess labour are so demoralised, they haven`t got the motivation, and the tories simply need to keep stum.
Pause Switch to Standard View I can`t understand why the parties...
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Report Dr Crippen November 10, 2009 9:46 AM GMT
The newspapers started their build up ages ago, theyve been on Browns back every since he called off the election. They havent forgiven him for that.
Report Larry's Codpiece. November 10, 2009 9:46 AM GMT
Labour are potless. They haven't the money to fight an election and at this stage the Tories don't need to.
Report Mister E November 10, 2009 9:50 AM GMT
Labour's strength was in its grass roots and trade union loyal support.
"New" Labour have trashed that.
When funding was flowing in and honours were flowing out they didn't need it, a police investigation seems to have curtailed that.

At least they haven't got Cherie's hairdressers bills to meet this time.
Report Ivor November 10, 2009 10:27 AM GMT
As long as the Tories say little or nothing - they win.
Report nononsense November 10, 2009 11:13 AM GMT
ya, don`t mention the E word
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