If this is correct Tony is out of the running for President.
They wouldn't stand for two Brits in the top roles regardless of Tony's gifts to Europe. Milliband to Brussells, no byelectio because of the forthcoming GE, gives Mandy space to renounce his title, stand at South shields, and take over leadership once the hapless Brown has gone. Kick in the nuts for those of us hoping that defeat spelled the end of the New Labour Project and a return to roots. |
Bob Ainsworth @ 420/1 !!!!!!! Anyone believe in the toothfairy? :) :) :)
Mister E 05 Nov 14:53
... regardless of Tony's gifts to Europe. Which, just to remind everyone, consist of the British rebate and restrictions on Britiains biggest industry. |
That's it in a nutshell goring,
the "gift" of the rebate was exactly what I had in mind. |
Mandy won't be leader, there's simply too much history etc.., not to mention the improbability of getting the renunciation of peerages law through in time.
However David Miliband's departure to Brussels further clears the route to the Labour leadership (and possibly the premiership, if GB goes before an election) of Mandys' preferred candidate: Ed Miliband.,news-comment,news-politics,new-year-new-pm-labour-will-dump-brown-and-turn-to-ed-miliband- |
They will have to agree to move the financial centres out of London to Paris or Frankfurt before they get a plum job. Highly probable on their past record I reckon.
Miliband has ruled himself out, preferring to remain in UK politics.
If Labour lose Glasgow NE on Thursday, I won't be surprised to see things develop on the leadership front. In fact, once again we must question whether he was ever really in the running for this job, or has this story been spun by the usual Blairite suspects, just like Blair for EU President? Now, if Brown were to be forced out due to ill health, DM could be presented as a heavyweight figure, sought after by Europe as some grand foreign policy figure. |