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noddys ryde
09 Nov 09 07:17
Date Joined: 15 Feb 02
| Topic/replies: 1,864 | Blogger: noddys ryde's blog
....says the niece of the countess of Londonderry.
Does she propose lifting the poor up or dragging the rich down?
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Report Larry's Codpiece. November 9, 2009 9:23 AM GMT
Have a guess. A clue. They always do it.
Report ribber November 9, 2009 9:27 AM GMT
TBF you can't say that the rich haven't got richer in the last 12 years. 'We are intensely comfortable...' etc
Report Dr J November 9, 2009 10:06 AM GMT
Does she propose lifting the poor up or dragging the rich down?

Why would the rich be 'dragged down' by contributing towards a fairer, more equal society for all please?

Seems like your assuming all rich people are self-centred and ignorant, which is a horrible stereotype imo.
Report sibaroni November 9, 2009 10:14 AM GMT
No doc, if we are to be "more even" (because under Labour we have become less so), from which end do you narrow the gap? Top down, or bottom up?
Report HarryCrumb November 9, 2009 10:16 AM GMT
The Govt should redistribute some of the money given to the long term idle and give it to the people who work long hours for around minimum wage.
There are many deserving poor who deserve more and many undeserving poor who should be given an awful lot less.
Report V4 Vendetta November 9, 2009 10:16 AM GMT
Who said anything about fairer etc., Dr J? She said "equal" without regard to anything else such as work or ability to contribute - which is, of course, the problem.
Report Dr J November 9, 2009 10:32 AM GMT
No doc, if we are to be "more even" (because under Labour we have become less so), from which end do you narrow the gap? Top down, or bottom up?

I'd tackle the problem from both ends. The working poor certainly deserve better and I see no reason why the very highest earners shouldn't be taxed a little more.

Who said anything about fairer etc., Dr J? She said "equal" without regard to anything else such as work or ability to contribute - which is, of course, the problem.

I'd imagine she's talking about equality of opportunity, which is currently a myth in UK society.
Report sibaroni November 9, 2009 10:35 AM GMT
After 12 years of Labour, it is indeed a myth.

The reality is, there is little case for riching higher earners more. It causes the tax take to go down. The rich are mobile, and will move their services elsewhere if taxed too much. I know this is a constant annoyance for the left, but it is a fact.

Which means brains have to be deployed, and real opportunities created.
Report sibaroni November 9, 2009 10:36 AM GMT
riching? Yikes, what a word, I meant "taxing".
Report Dr J November 9, 2009 10:47 AM GMT
I know this is a constant annoyance for the left, but it is a fact.

I know this is a constant annoyance for the right, but it isn't.

To give one recent example, Berlusconi's top rate of income tax has been much higher than most of Europe's but there's never been a brain drain from Italy, nor a fall in the tax take.

Labour isn't anything like as internationally mobile as the right believe. Indeed, many wealthy people (Gates, Buffett, etc.) have said that they'd happily pay more tax to create a fairer society.

Honestly, Sib, I don't know why you buy into this argument so uncritically.
Report sibaroni November 9, 2009 10:54 AM GMT
Very sadly, Brown, in an attempt to defray peoples concerns, Brown has not put his tax on income. We are taxed in every other and which way. People are aware of that, in Italy as well as Britain. Overall taxation is the thing.
Report noddys ryde November 9, 2009 11:00 AM GMT
I agree that inequality has grown under the Liars.
The pubic sector has grown fat at the expense of the over taxed private sector who keep the whole sorry bandwagon rolling.
One group of workers have job security-indeed growth,gold plated pensions paid for by our kids and pay increases -the other group have seen job cuts,pay cuts and pensions down graded.
Wonder if Harriet will support the marginalised private sector?
Report Chippie in Whitehall November 9, 2009 11:04 AM GMT
Italy, Gates and Buffet as examples.
It's comedy gold, it really is.
Report Dr J November 9, 2009 11:05 AM GMT
Those Socialist Bankers must love idiots like you, noddys.

They bring the entire financial sector to its knees, take £200bn of taxpayers' money to 'restore confidence', then continue paying themselves undeserved bonuses.

And what do you complain about......?

Nurses' pensions.
Report noddys ryde November 9, 2009 11:12 AM GMT
Dr J-300,000 extra pubic sector jobs have been created in the last many of them are nurses?
And 900,000 taxpaying jobs have been lost in th same period.
Report V4 Vendetta November 9, 2009 2:45 PM GMT
Dr J 09 Nov 12:05

Those Socialist Bankers must love idiots like you, noddys.

They bring the entire financial sector to its knees, take £200bn of taxpayers' money to 'restore confidence', then continue paying themselves undeserved bonuses.

The government were the socialists. It was they who imposed it. Anyway, what's undeserved about the bonus (not that the bailed-out lot will be getting much as it happens).
Report Lampus November 9, 2009 2:51 PM GMT
Why don t the goverment get the money back from the bankers
which they got paid in bonuses
but was in fact gambling and losing the banks money
the bankers are frauders if they got bonuses and yet knew the banks were going broke
Report evski November 9, 2009 2:56 PM GMT
2008 lose billions- no bonus
2009- make small profit and owe the government huge amount of cash- big bonuses again.

It's the short-termism that is the problem. It cannot be right that banks lost vast sums last year, resulting in the worst recession since WW2, and the next year they are getting huge bonuses again. This should not be considered profit but recouping some of the losses amde last year.

I want my fecking money back.
Report Lampus November 9, 2009 4:08 PM GMT
The revolutionary committee under the Leader willsort out the bankers, MPs and the house of frauds
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