Since AC/DC cant keep a 'cast iron guarantee' on the Lisbon Treaty what other 'cast iron guarantee' will he jettison?
My favourite would be the NHS but I also fancy 'we are in this together' economic policy.
Before the tory boys go on about ''he didn't mean that'', or, ''you cant change law'' etc etc just remember he wants us to hug a hoodie and put windmills on our roofs and cycle to work while our driver follows' behind and ban chocolate oranges from checkouts....
blackburn 06 Nov 14:55 How much did you get on Hung Parliament the other day puss?
Waiting to see if Brown and UKIP give AC/DC some grief but 7/2 looks a bit skinny at the moment.
blackburn 06 Nov 14:55 How much did you get on Hung Parliament the other day puss?Waiting to see if Brown and UKIP give AC/DC some grief but 7/2 looks a bit skinny at the moment.
promise more spending on the NHs - kept promise law against fox hunting - kept promise to spend more on schools - kept promise not to plunge the economy into depression after Lehman's Day - kept promise to keep the tories out - kept
must admit I am struggling with the big narrative however....
promise more spending on the NHs - keptpromise law against fox hunting - keptpromise to spend more on schools - keptpromise not to plunge the economy into depression after Lehman's Day - keptpromise to keep the tories out - keptmust admit I am strugg
HarryCrumb 06 Nov 15:00 Disgraceful actions by Cameron. I will be voting for Gordon a true man of principle who would never go back on his promise. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!