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30 Oct 09 18:31
Date Joined: 15 Jun 05
| Topic/replies: 252 | Blogger: layem&payem's blog
are the government trying to tax ordinary people out of flying. Is it aceptable that we are getting to the situation where only the rich will be able to fly.
I understand that not a penny of the tax goes to green policies, just boosts the coffers of the government.
Planes next, then on to the trains, where will it end.

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Chippie in Whitehall
When: 30 Oct 09 18:34
The EUSSR are demanding 90 billion a year in climate con taxes. The Government are just doing as they are told.
When: 30 Oct 09 18:40
Chippie, why then are the taxes not universal, they vary from country to country.
Chippie in Whitehall
When: 30 Oct 09 18:41
You'll have to ask the EUSSR that. They'll probably tell you that it's for the greater good and make reference to historical precedent.
Dr Crippen
When: 30 Oct 09 18:50
It wont make any difference to the number of flights, its just another tax on people who work.

Christ knows what Chippie is on about, hes a very stupid boy.
When: 30 Oct 09 18:52
Dr Crippen 30 Oct 18:50

It wont make any difference to the number of flights, its just another tax on people who work.

Christ knows what Chippie is on about, hes a very stupid boy

Dr C.........................this is getting very worrying, we have agreed at least 3 times in a month, we both should book doctors appointments.
Dr Crippen
When: 30 Oct 09 18:55
''However, some airlines are likely to oppose any rise at all. Michael O'Leary, chief executive of Ryanair, recently called the idea of raising taxes to protect the environment "horse s***".''

That just about sums it up
Dr J
When: 03 Nov 09 14:09
Michael O'Leary is a self-indulgent idiot.

I'd prefer to see air travel rationed rather than taxed, but remember that aviation fuel is currently tax exempt. How much longer can a government supposed committed to halting CC continue subsidising the industry?
When: 03 Nov 09 14:12
I'd prefer to see air travel rationed rather than taxed

I'm so glad he's back.

Why the hell should anybody be told how many times they fly ffs?
V4 Vendetta
When: 03 Nov 09 14:41
I like how "tax emempt" means that something is subsidised in Dr J's book. The same sort of argument leads people to say that not paying twice for healthcare is a subsidy just because you want to opt out of the NHS part. Anyway, back on topic, it will remain exempt because it's an international treaty. Changing will require everyone to agree which I see as likely as Lampus joining mensa.
When: 03 Nov 09 14:55
Carbon rationing is definitely the way forward.
When: 03 Nov 09 14:58
Dr J and alfie
Bollux. It's my money and I will fly as much as I choose to.
Stop nannying me.
I will take all this climate change stuff seriously when the Catholic world and Asia do something about birth control and over population.
When: 03 Nov 09 15:19
spot on overboard

just another way to give economic advantages away to the 'BRIC's... and the weaker we are, the less we can impose our 'eco-friendly' agendas on those who put economic/industrial development at the top of their agenda
V4 Vendetta
When: 03 Nov 09 15:36
Poor people shouldn't be flying anyway. If what they're doing was adding any value it would pay for itself, so the price should continue to be a fair market price.
the loser
When: 03 Nov 09 15:56
Dr Jesus-he-has-said-something-intelligent

' I'd prefer to see air travel rationed rather than taxed, but remember that aviation fuel is currently tax exempt. How much longer can a government supposed committed to halting CC continue subsidising the industry? '

Absolutely old boy. I don't really see the need for most air travel - true patriotic Brits take their holidays at home and do not fly Costa-del-Vomita for British beer, burgers and *****and skin cancer. TAX IT.
Dr Crippen
When: 03 Nov 09 16:21
I'd prefer to see air travel rationed rather than taxed

It would be impossible to do that fairly enough to be accepted by the public.
Every time you picked up a paper or heard the news there'd be a new case of someone fiddling the system, and I suppose business trips wouldn't count.
So there'd be an explosion in the number of business trips to exotic places overnight.
No you couldn't ration it, there'd be riots.

Its more airports we are going to get and more runways, thats the real future if you hadnt noticed.
Dr J
When: 03 Nov 09 21:18
Rationing isn't anything like as complicated (or prescriptive) as people think. Those who wish to take extra flights would buy additional allowances from those who choose not to fly. The government would make no revenue at all, the environment would benefit substantially, and there's be a lovely bit of progressive wealth redistribution on the side.

What you guys need to realise is that, post-Copenhagen, things are gonna change fast. Carbon rationing is almost certainly the most painless way for targets to be met.
When: 03 Nov 09 21:43
So you would get 10,000 airmiles with your annual tax code?

At no cost to the government. OK then.......
When: 03 Nov 09 22:34
This notion that you have a divine right to be a selfish ar*ehole and destroy the planet is an interesting one. Does your right to a week in Benidorm supercede an African farmer's right to feed his family or his right to not have his crops fail for four consecutive years? Humans have only had the ability to fly for 0.1% of our time on Earth- indeed, most of the people on the planet now will never take to the skies, but the mere suggestion of a future with restricted air travel gets people frothing at the mouth.
When: 03 Nov 09 23:32
Does your right to a week in Benidorm supercede an African farmer's right to feed his family or his right to not have his crops fail for four consecutive years

You are making the mistake of believing the two are linked.
When: 03 Nov 09 23:40
Well if we are using so much compared to the third world countries it would make sense to halt immigration full stop, after all the more that come here to live, the more that their own personal carbon footprint would increase, in fact, if more left, we could then reduce it more??
noddys ryde
When: 04 Nov 09 07:37
Dr J-I thought rationing ended in 1951.
With rationing black markets develop as those who dont want something sell to those who do.A huge pubic sector bureacracy is needed to run and police the whole stucture.
Isn't allocating via the market much more efficient?
When: 04 Nov 09 07:46
A huge pubic sector bureacracy is needed to run and police the whole stucture

Thats a leftist utopia noddy.
When: 04 Nov 09 08:30
Göring 03 Nov 16:36
Poor people shouldn't be flying anyway.

If only YOU were poor.
You might be less pious.
Dr J
When: 04 Nov 09 09:07
alfie255 03 Nov 23:34

This notion that you have a divine right to be a selfish ar*ehole and destroy the planet is an interesting one. Does your right to a week in Benidorm supercede an African farmer's right to feed his family or his right to not have his crops fail for four consecutive years? Humans have only had the ability to fly for 0.1% of our time on Earth- indeed, most of the people on the planet now will never take to the skies, but the mere suggestion of a future with restricted air travel gets people frothing at the mouth.

Supremely well said, alfie.

Rationing is actually a market-based solution because allocations could be traded. It's either rationing or taxation, and, as people have rightly pointed out, taxation hits the poorest hardest.
noddys ryde
When: 04 Nov 09 09:12
Dr J-airline allocations are traded already. We are using a things called choice and money.
If you have limited money and prefer to go on holiday than smoke/drink/DIY/run a car/go to gym/buy clothes that is what you do. If you prefer to do other things than go on holiday that is what you do.Simple-why does the government have to get involved?
Dr Crippen
When: 04 Nov 09 09:20
Rationing - imagine all the people who have no intention of ever flying, applying for their allocation of flights just so that they could sell them.
Theyd be selling them on Ebay, and we'd have people dealing in them, it would be a farce.
It would only restrict the flying of the less well off, and cost already does that.
The savings achieved would be a waste of time.
Dr Crippen
When: 04 Nov 09 09:25
So to stop the inevitable trading that would happen, theyd have to put the applicants name on the passes and make them for the use of the named only.
That would restrict the amount of flights for rich people as well, and they wouldnt stand for that.
Dr J
When: 04 Nov 09 09:37
Dr J-airline allocations are traded already. We are using a things called choice and money.
If you have limited money and prefer to go on holiday than smoke/drink/DIY/run a car/go to gym/buy clothes that is what you do. If you prefer to do other things than go on holiday that is what you do.Simple-why does the government have to get involved?

I'd suggest you do a little background reading on CC before asking questions as criminally stupid as that, noddys.

Rationing - imagine all the people who have no intention of ever flying, applying for their allocation of flights just so that they could sell them.
Theyd be selling them on Ebay, and we'd have people dealing in them,

I see no problem with any of this, Crippen.

That would restrict the amount of flights for rich people as well, and they wouldnt stand for that.

Surely you're not suggesting that we do nothing for fear of upsetting rich people?
noddys ryde
When: 04 Nov 09 09:42
Dr J-I don't believe in climate change. Does that meke me a criminal?
Dr Crippen
When: 04 Nov 09 09:44
Dr J,
The rich would see to it that the legislation didnt go through, theyve got the politicians in their pockets.
Dr J
When: 04 Nov 09 09:56
Dr J-I don't believe in climate change. Does that meke me a criminal?

No, it makes you criminally stupid, like I said.

The rich would see to it that the legislation didnt go through, theyve got the politicians in their pockets.

No doubt you're at least partly right, Crippen, but this is exactly the sort of submissive thinking that I always resist. There are very few Leftist measures that could be rolled out if you worry about the rich to this sort of extent.
noddys ryde
When: 04 Nov 09 10:14
If you believe in CC and fly you are a hypocrite. I would rather be criminally stupd than one of those.
When: 04 Nov 09 10:16
Where does this criminal stupidity begin and end - when you boil a kettle, turn on a pc, drive a car, mow the lawn?

B0ll0x to it all
When: 04 Nov 09 11:57
As I said, I will take all this crap seriously when the Pope tells his mob to rubber up and the blacks in Africa and Asia stop inserting their diseased willies into their ravaged wives and having 10 starving kids each.

Until then, I demand my right to produce the largest carbon footprint my considerable income allows so that I can fly at least 12 times a year for holidays etc.
And my car has a 3 +litre engine ----because I can afford it and choose to spend my hard earned as I please , not as I am told.
Dr J
When: 04 Nov 09 12:45
If you believe in CC and fly you are a hypocrite. I would rather be criminally stupd than one of those.

noddys - CC isn't something you 'believe in', ffs. It's a scientific fact, like photosynthesis or gravity. You really do make yourself look stupid with statements like that.

As I said, I will take all this crap seriously when the Pope tells his mob to rubber up and the blacks in Africa and Asia stop inserting their diseased willies into their ravaged wives and having 10 starving kids each.

Contraception in the Developing World is definitely a huge problem.

Until then, I demand my right to produce the largest carbon footprint my considerable income allows so that I can fly at least 12 times a year for holidays etc.
And my car has a 3 +litre engine ----because I can afford it and choose to spend my hard earned as I please , not as I am told.

I'm afraid this will not be your 'right' for long.
When: 04 Nov 09 12:47
I'm afraid this will not be your 'right' for long.

Oh - why?

And how long is "long"?
When: 04 Nov 09 12:58
I believe Dave has promised to do away with Flight Tax or whatever it is called.
Long haul. Here we come.
Not a penny ever collected under these spurious "green" taxes has ever been spent on green issues or technology. Simply another stealth tax .
Copenhagen will lead to absolutely nothing. Obama isn't even going. The US don't give a damn and until they, the third world and the Pope get on message then bollux to the lot of them so far as I am concerned.
Dr J
When: 04 Nov 09 13:28
I believe Dave has promised to do away with Flight Tax or whatever it is called.

On the contrary, the Tories' green policies are far more advanced than Labour's.
Sir Denis Eton-Hogg
When: 04 Nov 09 13:31
Is it aceptable that we are getting to the situation where only the rich will be able to fly.

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