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Jack Hacksaw
03 Nov 09 21:16
Date Joined: 08 Jan 02
| Topic/replies: 5,319 | Blogger: Jack Hacksaw's blog
Good old BoJo.
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Report noddys ryde November 4, 2009 7:42 AM GMT
Red Ken would not chase after thugs.Too busy slurping red wine with his**cronies.
Report blackburn1 November 4, 2009 7:49 AM GMT
Well done Boris
Report Dr Crippen November 4, 2009 8:26 AM GMT
Probably a put up job.
Dopes like Blackie and co. are impressed by that sort of thing.
Report blackburn1 November 4, 2009 8:29 AM GMT
Franny, director of the film Age of Stupid and founder of the 10:10 campaign to cut carbon emissions, was unhurt after the incident in Camden, North London, on Monday night.

She said she did not agree with the mayor 's politics and had voted for rival Ken Livingstone.

But she added: "If you ever find yourself down a dark alleyway in trouble I think Boris will be more use than Ken."

Before he was elected Boris, 45, urged people "to take a risk" tackling thugs and claimed the chances of being stabbed were "microscopic".

Police quickly contradicted his advice, urging people not to become heroes.

I know you like the Mirror crapper, sorry to disappoint you again
Report Dr Crippen November 4, 2009 8:42 AM GMT
I know you like the Mirror

Wrong again Blackie, I never read it.
Report Dr Crippen November 4, 2009 8:44 AM GMT
She said she did not agree with the mayor 's politics and had voted for rival Ken Livingstone.
But she added: "If you ever find yourself down a dark alleyway in trouble I think Boris will be more use than Ken."

That looks a bit too neat and cosy to me.
Report noddys ryde November 4, 2009 9:14 AM GMT
Are you saying that Franny is really a Tory in disguise?
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