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23 Jan 11 10:37
Date Joined: 13 Oct 07
| Topic/replies: 242 | Blogger: PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE's blog

I'm looking to get staked for satellites to the sunday warmup (~$250k 1st prize) and sunday kickoff (~$20k 1st prize).

I will play the $5.50 rebuy and $8.80 rebuy sats so need a stake of around $133 ideally (but could go lower).  This is an estimate with enough for 3 rebuys/1 addon in 4 tournaments.  These sats are usually full of donks and I definitely have an edge on the field.  All unused rebuys will be returned if I qualify.

If I sat into either big tournament the profit split i'm looking for is 60/40

I have played the warmup 4 times and cashed in 3 of them, biggest for 1k

My OPR shows a profit of ~$15,000 in mtt's with my ABI being $31

For security I can provide email, name, add you on facebook and I will be on msn.  I have been staked by skandiuk a number of times and have returned any money I have won.

Cheers for looking
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Report cheezer January 23, 2011 12:04 PM GMT
Staking for a $5.50 rebuy when your such a great player with an amazing record?? LMFAO fook off you peasent gambling saddo.
Report PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE January 23, 2011 12:22 PM GMT
Laugh Sometimes things happen and you have to use your poker winnings on more important things, it's hard rebuilding a roll from scratch!

This could be a good investment for someone at a low outlay, you never know.

Thanks for suggesting i'm a great player though, appreciate the praise.
Report Steve19 January 23, 2011 1:12 PM GMT
this isnt a good investment for anyone, 100% staking for 40% profit
Report PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE January 23, 2011 1:22 PM GMT
60% profit after stake back
Report cheezer January 23, 2011 1:43 PM GMT
please go away you begging gambling peasent.
Report PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE January 23, 2011 1:54 PM GMT
You're so retarded you can't even spell peasant
Report cheezer January 23, 2011 2:05 PM GMT
full stop?
Report PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE January 23, 2011 2:09 PM GMT
Bore off you tard
Report cheezer January 23, 2011 2:27 PM GMT
"can someone please lend me £4 so I can gamble and feed my habit as I have no life, no future and no self respect. I am also too fat to do anything useful and getting a job/girlfriend is totally out of the question at this present time. I am a very successful gambler however I still need to borrow £4, thankyou very much indeed."

LOL and you call me a tard.
Report screwyou January 23, 2011 11:55 PM GMT
classic cheezer what a knob jockey
Report beriteonce January 24, 2011 12:09 AM GMT
"im looking for 133 dollars but could go LOWER" you couldnt get any lower you degenerate gambling tramp.
Report ABU AL-HASAN AL-MAWARDI January 24, 2011 4:02 AM GMT
PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE go crawl back under the pile of crap you came from you parasite.
Report PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE January 24, 2011 11:26 AM GMT
Abu, how's your sex tourism going you fat sweaty loser?

Beriteonce, I like what you did there, you're my favourite poster Love
Report Wonky January 24, 2011 7:17 PM GMT

"can someone please lend me £4 so I can gamble and feed my habit as I have no life, no future and no self respect. I am also too fat to do anything useful and getting a job/girlfriend is totally out of the question at this present time. I am a very successful gambler however I still need to borrow £4, thankyou very much indeed."

The honesty is refreshing Cheezer... let me have your Stars name and I'll ship the £4 plus £1 for karma.   Good luck! Love
Report ianhamilton. January 24, 2011 10:25 PM GMT
Report ABU AL-HASAN AL-MAWARDI January 25, 2011 4:39 AM GMT
Always been a slimy little rat on here and now you are broke, karma is great.

Good luck begging you peasant
Report WELL PED OFF January 25, 2011 10:30 AM GMT
what is your player name on here NOW? AND PRE POKER2? I WOULD LIKE TO STAKE YOU
Report PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE January 25, 2011 6:39 PM GMT

Are you off to Vietnam again this year for some more, shall we say, 'barely legal' girlsLove?

This is not a begging thread, this is a +ev business opportunity for a shroooood customer!

Report charlyfarly January 25, 2011 7:45 PM GMT
Date Joined: 13 Oct 07
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When: 25 Jan 11 18:39
Date Joined: 13 Oct 07
| Topic/replies: 182 | Blogger: PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE's blog

Are you off to Vietnam again this year for some more, shall we say, 'barely legal' girlsLove?

This is not a begging thread, this is a +ev business opportunity for a shroooood customer!

Bit iffy in this strange world Mr President. A.Gray just be hung for less.
Report ABU AL-HASAN AL-MAWARDI January 29, 2011 5:21 AM GMT
No I am staying in thailand for the ladyboys.

Now get back to begging for a pittance you broke joke tramp loser peasant ;)
Report CLIFTY January 29, 2011 12:10 PM GMT
Your stats look quite good and i'm sure you can make a profit playing sats but I think you would probably need a bigger bankroll to play those sats.  As a one off attempt, then fair enough $100 odd dollars is fine and I think it is actually a good investment. 

I'm willing to go halves with someone, $75 each?
Report PRESIDENT ROBERT MUGABE January 29, 2011 5:49 PM GMT
Yeah, would def need a much bigger bankroll, like you say, to play them full time and as your main game. 

I was just going to play them as a one off to try and bink a warmup/KO seat and play it for 40% equity.

Appreciate your offer, hopefully someone can match you.
Report ABU AL-HASAN AL-MAWARDI January 30, 2011 3:26 AM GMT
-$5k hu sng
-$5k cash games

Report Nocash January 30, 2011 9:36 AM GMT
I'm willing to go halves with someone, $75 each?

If a forum member offers less than the full amount, the beggar must try and make up the total by securing a handout from one or more of the remaining forum members.

For security I can provide email, name, add you on facebook and I will be on msn.

Not much security there, we prefer bank a/c details plus the CVC number on back of card.
Report C.Ronaldo.7 January 30, 2011 10:55 AM GMT
Report BIGNOSEDAVES SPROG January 30, 2011 6:44 PM GMT
clifty types alot like the president Mischief
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