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05 Sep 10 13:35
Date Joined: 22 Sep 06
| Topic/replies: 9,809 | Blogger: annie.'s blog
I am nearly up to a year playing poker and wondered how long my opponents  at the tables have been playing?
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Report Has this ever happened before? September 5, 2010 4:15 PM BST
5 years
Report Bruce Willis September 5, 2010 4:40 PM BST
30 years man and boy
Report Ovalman. September 5, 2010 4:57 PM BST
Since Betfair first joined Crypto.
Report annie. September 5, 2010 5:13 PM BST
How long was that, Ovalman?  So perhaps you just bet on sports and because betfair started poker you tried it, like me?
Report annie. September 5, 2010 5:14 PM BST
Come to think of it, was it the same with you, canaryboy?
Report Has this ever happened before? September 5, 2010 5:33 PM BST
Report Has this ever happened before? September 5, 2010 5:34 PM BST
actually it was 2004 when shara won wimbledon
Report JPJ September 5, 2010 5:57 PM BST
11 years for a living. a couple of years before that as my apprenticeship Happy
Report annie. September 5, 2010 6:04 PM BST
So, JPJ, you think it takes about two years to become a pro - there might be hope for me yet  Happy
Report Ovalman. September 5, 2010 6:23 PM BST
About ?7? years ago.

I played a couple of play money games and then delved straight in. Deposited a tenner one night drunk and the next thing I knew I had it over £300. TBH I didn't have a clue and hit lucky, I lifted the £300 out and played with the rest, I've never had a losing year.

Remember JPJ and Reactive from that period if my memory is correct. I remember starting one of the first Betfair only STT's on the forum back in those days. I played a lot of freeroll poker after that bringing any winnings to the tables and spinning it up. I always got to £100, lifted out and started again.

I'm still low stakes (why go looking for sharks?) but I rarely play freerolls unless their of decent value. I won $20 on a Boyle freeroll last year and spun it up to a $250 buy in to their IPO. Think that was my last major freeroll success.

Best tip I got when I STARTED was not chasing with pocket pairs when there's overcards on the flop. It helped me a lot.
Report JPJ September 5, 2010 6:24 PM BST
Nah, that's just the time it took me to have the bottle to 'go for it.' People learn at different speeds, some will never learn. You are the only one who can honestly judge your own ability and wheather or not it is just a pipe dream.
There are also many more important factors than just being good at the game or being able to make a regular profit. Money management, discipline and a stable personal life are three important factors that will determine a long term poker future.

If you have all aspects in place and feel you have the game then go for it. You can always go back and get a job and will regret not giving it a shot.

Be Lucky (Semi important [;)])
Report annie. September 5, 2010 6:35 PM BST
Thanks, Ovalman and JPJ, it is really interesting hearing about poster's poker lives.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 5, 2010 6:37 PM BST
poker is one of the most uninteresting things in the world
Report annie. September 5, 2010 6:40 PM BST
So why did you play it for five years?
Report Has this ever happened before? September 5, 2010 6:42 PM BST
i've played for 6 now

to win money basically

betting is pretty uninteresting too
Report JPJ September 6, 2010 5:24 PM BST
Those were the days Ovalman Happy

Hey Mike, you ok mate?
Report Creidhne September 6, 2010 6:15 PM BST
Hi annie, I've been playing for about 4 or 5 years. I make most of my money trading on one of bf competitors (got a better deal there on commission). I only started poker to while away the time while my trades filled, not looked back since. I only play low stakes because I make more money trading, and therefore often have to concentrate on the trades rather than the poker.

I keep meaning to have a go at poker (only for a month) to see how much I could make if I went to higher stakes but have had to swap to cash tables since the swap over (no value for me in the new sng structure). So for a few months I will stick to micro stakes until I get the hang of it!!!!!

So far I'm doing pretty good on the cash, better than I did on sng's as far as roi goes, but I can only play a couple of tables at a time as bf2 is lousy for multi tabling.
Report annie. September 6, 2010 6:47 PM BST
You are like me, Creidhne. 

I used to bet on horseracing mainly, as well as other sports, but then I discovered poker.  It was just a thread asking for advice about what poker books to read on chit chat that started me off.  I had always meant to try it.  The only sad thing is that I rarely bet on horseracing now and it used to be the love of my life  Sad  I wish I could get back my enthusiasm for horserace betting.

It is strange that you and me have switched to cash and found that we are better at cash.  Perhaps we should thank betfair for giving us the downgrade?  However, today is like always really.  I start playing here but I do not like their 5 max.  It would be okay if it stayed at 5 max, but they quickly break down and I do not like playing heads up or threesomes.  I do not like no player finder and no waiting lists either.
Report annie. September 6, 2010 6:52 PM BST
Creidhne, I just looked quickly at the posts on this thread and thought that yours was mine  Happy

It is great to see someone who can paragraph and also use double space lines and block paragraphs.  It looks so much better.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 6:55 PM BST
your patronising tone has to be a wind up

nobody is like that!

i'm good ta J, hope all is well with you
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 6:57 PM BST
so what was wrong with ovalman's way of posting

obviously JPJ missed a return and should be sentenced to death accordingly
Report annie. September 6, 2010 7:09 PM BST
I was not critizing anyone, canaryboy, just praising Creidhne.

What I had not noticed was that most of the posters on this poker forum, including Ovalman and JPJ, do post well - I had not noticed.  I am so used to the poor layouts, bad spelling etc on chit chat that I had not noticed that the poker forum was different. 

So you are back to your grumpy ways,canaryboy - oh well, I knew it would not last CryLaugh
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 8:47 PM BST
i am glad i have shown you they do post well then
Report annie. September 6, 2010 8:51 PM BST
Mea culpa, thank you for showing me the error of my ways  Silly

Perhaps it shows that the poker forum has the best minds?
Report Mc Moonbeam September 6, 2010 8:56 PM BST
So .. the moral of the story .. Annie don't like threesomes  Silly
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 8:56 PM BST
no it shows i have the best mind
Report annie. September 6, 2010 9:00 PM BST
Mc Moonbeam, as I typed it I thought someone is going to comment, but it was the most appropriate word so I thought what the hell Happy
Report annie. September 6, 2010 9:05 PM BST
How can you have the best mind, canaryboy?

You never engage in discussion or conversation, you just post snide comments after mine and others posts.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 9:10 PM BST
just yours cos you're full of ****
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 9:10 PM BST
now you'll write something about how offended you are, and if i say  anything like that you'll get me banned

Report annie. September 6, 2010 9:22 PM BST
Why are you so hateful, canaryboy?  Sad
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 9:26 PM BST
i'm not hateful, you just annoy me greatly
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 9:27 PM BST
and someone else who rarely has a problem with anyone called you pathetic the other day
Report annie. September 6, 2010 9:28 PM BST
Well, do not read my posts then  Silly
Report Mc Moonbeam September 6, 2010 9:35 PM BST
Maybe she's just a nice harmless Lady canaryboy ?

She doesn't deserve your abuse though
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 9:38 PM BST
i'm not being abusive

she even reports people for swearing at her lol
Report annie. September 6, 2010 9:53 PM BST
Has this ever happened before? Joined: 05 Aug 08
Replies: 1145 06 Sep 10 21:10 
just yours cos you're full of ****

So you do not think that the above post is not abusive?

I have reported just one poster in four years on the forums for being abusive towards me.   I did ask that he only be banned for a short while, I do not believe in banning posters permanently.  However, if he tells me again that I am lying about my brothers, threatens me and calls me a c... I will have him banned again - and this time I will not warn him before I do it.

You have to remember that this was the first time I have been called a c... in my entire life and it also involved him accusing me of lying about my brothers, whom I love dearly.  I also did it out in the open, not behind his back like so many do.  I warned him not to swear at me like that again, he swore again and threatened me, so I reported him.

He also acted like a stalker, coming on the thread  suddenly, swearing and threatening me  etc when I had not even been talking to him on the thread and also hardly ever anyway.
Report annie. September 6, 2010 10:19 PM BST
Thanks, Mc Moonbeam, I really appreciate your reply  Happy

'Has this ever happened before?' , also known as canaryboy, has been nasty to me ever since I started posting on these forums. 

I have never reported him to betfair, even when he called me a stupid, f...... b.... and other remarks. What made this worse was that I was not even talking to him at the time.  Also I had been having a discussion about doctors with posters, hardly deserving of being swore at I would have thought.  It was very disturbed behaviour.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 11:25 PM BST

i just think you're a disgrace that's all
Report annie. September 6, 2010 11:41 PM BST
I might be a lot of things, canaryboy, but I am not a disgrace.  You are a very disturbed man,
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 11:55 PM BST
Report Has this ever happened before? September 6, 2010 11:57 PM BST
Slippy Blue     05 Sep 10 17:53 
He posted a few days later on a thread started by kenny man. Quite frankly I find you to be a pathetic individual personally.
Report akabula September 7, 2010 12:07 AM BST
Hi Annie - hope u well and winning.

Got to ask canaryboy what he gets out of attacking you.
He use's the term 'pathetic individual' which is quite ironic as it seems to sum him up perfectly.

It's weird behaviour m8 and I think you should seek help Happy.
Report annie. September 7, 2010 12:13 AM BST
Thank you so much, akabula - I needed a kind word.  Canaryboy has been like this to me for four years, and it still upsets me.  I  have never done or said anything to him to provoke such behaviour towards me.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 12:29 AM BST
the term pathetic individual was a quote Laugh
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 12:30 AM BST
still laughing at that lol
Report akabula September 7, 2010 12:36 AM BST
Whatever m8 but it STILL sums you up LaughLaughLaughLaugh.

Four years you been behaving like this how sad is that.

Bet you're lousy at poker as well!
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 12:38 AM BST
yeah i'm sure my poker ability is really relevantLaugh

the first time i even remember any of her posts was a year ago lol
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 12:39 AM BST
iirc it was when she stated all male nurses were homosexual Laugh
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 1:10 AM BST
annie.     15 Dec 09 19:41 
I think I have been posting on here for nearly a year.

pretty impressive that i could be abusive to someone for over 2 years before they'd ever posted Laugh
Report akabula September 7, 2010 2:02 AM BST
Even so. A year? Surely time to move on.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 2:06 AM BST
or they could grow up and stop annoying people

as loads on cc would agree given recent comments...
Report annie. September 7, 2010 11:18 AM BST
Sorry, akabula, I do not know how long I have been posting on the forums and therefore subject to canaryboy's abuse.  I joined betfair four years ago, so, with a drink inside me, that is why I said four years.  I cannot remember when I starting posting but it must be a few years now.  I would be grateful if someone could tell me when I first started posting.

As to the homosexual remark, I meant to say that all the male nurses I had met were gay - not the same thing, I admit, but posting on here, especially at night when I have had a drink, you sometimes do not express yourself properly.

This has somehow come out that I am a drunk  Shocked  But I only drink three units of alcohol a day, the limit for a female.  However, I drink them in the space of a few hours, so it can affect my judgement.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 11:21 AM BST
abuse lol

yeah blame the drink for making things up
Report annie. September 7, 2010 11:28 AM BST
I did not make things up, canaryboy.  I have been on betfair for four years, so it was natural to think, in the heat of the moment, that you had also been abusing me for four years.

In over 4000 replies to these forums I make a couple of mistakes, are you perfect?

And yes, I do think you abuse me.  Calling me 'full of s...', a stupid f...... b1tch, a disgrace and loads of other things for years is abuse.  But I have never reported you, canaryboy.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 11:32 AM BST
only one of those can be classed as abusive and i starred out the words

the rest was factual
Report annie. September 7, 2010 11:40 AM BST
You may think it is factual, but obviously I do not. 

It is not so much the fact of calling me a 'disgrace' and 'full of sh1t, but that you constantly do it.  You come on  threads where I post and start abusing me - weird stalking behaviour I call it.

I suppose your abuse hurts me because I have never been talked to like that in my entire life.  Noone in my real world thinks I am a disgrace or full of sh1t.  I know other posters say ignore it and what do I care if a disturbed man constantly posts horrible things about me, but I am a woman and we do get upset more easily.
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 12:02 PM BST
lol you're completely deluded

you only have to read what others think of you

seriously get a grip
Report Has this ever happened before? September 7, 2010 12:03 PM BST
and nobody in the real world talks to you anyway because you're a self confessed loner

no wonder you can't get on with people on here
Report MrFresh September 7, 2010 12:04 PM BST
You two live so near each other that you may as well meet up to talk this through
Report 15Stone10Lbs September 7, 2010 9:12 PM BST
classic signs of an alcholic loner with ocd
Report annie. September 7, 2010 9:22 PM BST
Excuse me, I am not an alcoholic. 

I only drink a few drinks each night, probably way less than most posters on forums.  And as you have posted only 239 replies in three years you are probably someone else in disguise - maybe canaryboy.  It would help if you could spell alcoholic as well.
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