If you are having problems logging in, accepting Terms and Conditions and/or selecting a new alias on Betfair Poker 2 then please follow the instructions below.
*** Logging in ***
If you continually receive “Invalid username/password. Please try again.” when attempting to log in to Betfair Poker:
1. Make sure you are logging in using your Betfair username, not your poker alias/nickname 2. Log in to the www.betfair.com website to verify that you are using the correct username and password 3. If you have any pending messages on the website (such as a request to update your contact details), you will need to action the messages before you will be able to play Betfair Poker. If you receive “Account blocked” when attempting to log in to Betfair Poker, please follow the above instructions initially and if this doesn’t resolve the problem then contact the Betfair Helpdesk.
*** Updating your account, accepting Terms and Conditions and choosing an alias ***
After logging in for the first time, you will see a window asking you to accept the new Terms and Conditions and choose a new alias (for new users or those whose alias is not available on the OnGame network). If this window does not load properly – displaying either a blank page or a message saying “You are not authorised to view this page” then please follow the instructions below to enable cookies to be sent to Betfair.
--- Windows users: Change Internet Explorer privacy settings
• Open Internet Explorer from the Start menu • From the Tools menu, click Internet Options. • Select the Privacy tab • Change your privacy setting to Medium • Close Internet Explorer • Restart the poker client and try again
Note that the Betfair Poker client uses Internet Explorer internally, regardless of which browser is set as your system default
If this solution works and you are able to play poker, then you can set your privacy setting back to its original value.
--- Mac users: Change Safari cookie settings
• Load Safari • Click on the tools icon, then choose the Preferences option • Navigate to the Security tab • Select "accept cookies - always" • Close Safari • Restart the poker client and try again
Note that the Betfair Poker client uses Safari internally, regardless of which browser is set as your system default If this solution works and you are able to play poker, then you can set your security setting back to its original value.
--- Disable firewall and anti-spyware
Some personal firewall products and anti-spyware tools may interfere with the operation of cookies in the Betfair Poker application which could cause the problems outlined. If the above instructions do not resolve the problem, please temporarily disable your firewall and anti-spyware tools and try again. You can re-enable these tools as soon as you have successfully logged in to Betfair Poker. If none of the above solutions work for you, please contact the Betfair Helpdesk