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19 Aug 10 23:54
Date Joined: 23 Jan 04
| Topic/replies: 87 | Blogger: Baracus's blog
Can anyone take the time to explain to me why my cake payment only worked out to be around 15% for the last counting period please?

Have they changed the way they calculate it? I was under the impression that all existing cake deals were protected but this hasn't been the case with my payment and obviously I won't be continuing to play if I'm only getting around 12.5%.

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Report Poolio August 20, 2010 12:02 AM BST
Baracus refer to the OnGame 'Essence' rake scheme
Report Baracus August 20, 2010 1:21 AM BST

Having read that, a tight, winning player such as myself is going to effectively give up some of my overall profits in the assumption that it will keep more fish in the game long term?

I'm not convinced by the theory, as we're only talking a few crumbs here and there. My winrate would have to improve by around 1.5bb/100 to compensate me for the 15% reduction in cakeback. It will take a pretty large sample size to get even close to estimating the affects of this change.

The conspiracy theorist in me tells me that its just a networks way of skimming some of the cream from a winning regs profits. If I jump into the mind of a fish for a moment, they will either reload their account when they go broke, or they won't. I can't see them getting an extra few $ at the months end being the difference between them reloading or not and if they don't reload, they will probably just take the few $ cakeback they received and blow it in a low stakes game.

I think a better idea. if the skins want to keep the fish in the game for longer would be to not take any rake and then make a deduction when a winning players net withdrawals are greater than their net deposits. However, as a disclaimer, I haven't really thought that through, so it could be a bad idea.
Report racing revenue August 20, 2010 3:08 PM BST
exactly the same situation for me,i have moved elsewhere until my grandfathered 40% deal is back, if it isnt then thanks but no thasnks
Report Waheyyyy August 20, 2010 7:11 PM BST
exactly the same situation for me,i have moved elsewhere until my grandfathered 40% deal is back, if it isnt then thanks but no thasnks

Email me mate -
Report rivered August 20, 2010 7:20 PM BST
"Due to some initial reporting constraints an adjustment will be made in a separate payment to those who are due a payment for activity between the 27th and the 31st of July on our new software."

Did any one receive two payments? I only received one and was active between those dates.

Also site is currently down
Report Baracus August 20, 2010 7:37 PM BST
I have emailed them, informing them that I will stop playing unless they increase my payments. They probably won't but if it continues, I've already got myself a 55% deal on a Prima skin, so I'll be offski come Monday if they don't play ball.
Report Blue and White army August 20, 2010 7:50 PM BST
rivered Joined: 20 Aug 10
Replies: 1 20 Aug 10 19:20   
"Due to some initial reporting constraints an adjustment will be made in a separate payment to those who are due a payment for activity between the 27th and the 31st of July on our new software."

Did any one receive two payments? I only received one and was active between those dates.

Also site is currently down


See rakeback payment responses update thread.
Report enjbenjy August 20, 2010 8:10 PM BST
Don't even know why anyone is playing Betfair anyway. Can get 60% cakeback playing the same games.
Report MrFancyPant August 20, 2010 9:30 PM BST
Baracus I am the same boat as you.  I have emailed betfair and let them know I'm offski if something isn't done.

enjbenjy - spill the beans m8 :-)
Report akabula August 20, 2010 9:31 PM BST
the bubble has burst
Report trueblue August 20, 2010 10:18 PM BST
Everybody's rake back deal has been grandfathered over to the new network, i have that on very good authority, no one has taken any deals away.

The way i calculated rake back for myself was to look at my points earned between the 1st and 18th of aug as these are the points awarded after the essence changes have taken place
Then as it was a mixture of cash and tournaments i took an average of 3.6 ( 3.25 points per $ attributed in rake for cash games ) ( 5 points for tournaments - not subject to essence ) and divided my number of points by that figure, for examples sake - 2500 points / 3.6 = 694.44 then if say 30% rake back deal = 208.33 and convert to GBP if thats your currency ofcourse which gives me £134.15 for that period. It came within a couple of pounds of the amount i received.

If i had just played tournaments then i would have divided by 5 in the above example if i had earned 2500 points it effectively means that i would have paid $500 in tournament fees and then take my rake back % on that.

Hope this helps
Report enjbenjy August 20, 2010 10:42 PM BST
I think Waahhey might know do it. He left his email further up the thread. It's either 60% or 55%. Better than Betfair anyway.
Report alexsdad August 21, 2010 11:13 AM BST
i think our rake payments which are missing went to pay for the 10k giveaway, maybe its their way of spreading the money aroundLaugh
Report Waheyyyy August 22, 2010 10:27 AM BST
MrFancyPant, was it you who was going to email me a bit ago? Happy
Report Hammerdfu August 22, 2010 5:52 PM BST
I can assure you all any talk of grandfathered deals is a load of bullsh*t ..i myself inquired .. i pasted the reply on here and it was immediately deleted are getting rake based on the ongame structure ..basically you are getting less if your a winning player and you are subsidising bad play and donk fish ..with the ongame mentality that it keeps the fish donks tards etc in the game and reloading ..less ...but just enough to keep them them hooked ...from a site point of view reloading less is better in the long term for their profits rather than losing a customer ..personally it just pisses off good players and makes them move ..but hey im no P.R guru just someone with some common savvy
Report Ghostbusters 2 August 22, 2010 6:11 PM BST
i would expect most losing players to not have rakeback and therefore it is one massive onGame scam to keep even more profits for themselves.
Report racing revenue August 23, 2010 10:07 AM BST
Still no adjusted payment!! i guess this will be added at the next cake payment day. Thought they might go the extra mile and try and keep higher caking players happy,maybe im wrong
Report alexsdad August 23, 2010 12:49 PM BST
no chance mate, im playing until end of the month then waheyyyy has sorted me a deal elsewhere, so when i come back from hols im offski[;)]so if u want easy money ull have to follow meBlush
Report Blue and White army August 23, 2010 5:49 PM BST
As regards the missing payment for the period 27th July to 31st July I have now received another top response from the clowns at the Betfair Big Top......

Dear xxxxx,

Thank you for your e-mail.
We apologise for any inconveniences caused. Unfortunately there are still reporting issues being encountered and hence no players have been credited for this period yet. We are investigating this matter as a high priority however we regret that we have no time line for when this will be resolved.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further enquiries.

Kind regards,

Faye Haridas

I read it as they have NO IDEA when they intend paying for this period.
As this is now well over a fortnight late surely they should use the betfair points accrued during this period to calculate the payment.
A sorry "for knobing you off" freeroll/bonus would be nice as well however I'll settle just for the money that I am owed.
Report Blue and White army August 23, 2010 5:53 PM BST
My bad....nearly a fortnight late.....
Report alexsdad August 23, 2010 6:03 PM BST
now on thread saying next 24hrs, i want the rest of the payment they never paid for the 2 weeks of august, ie 30% not 15% that i got[:o]
Report snakebitch August 24, 2010 1:24 AM BST
hahahhahahhahahhahaaa baracus serves u rite for being such a tight NIT u prick !!!
mr im goin to pay my mortage off with my winnings wat a fukin clueless moron wake up and get in the real world !!!!
Report FishFlush August 24, 2010 9:10 AM BST
Still no cake. Getting hungry....
Report racing revenue August 24, 2010 4:13 PM BST
over 24 hrs......
Report wobbly August 24, 2010 4:16 PM BST
we peasants want our cake.... let them eat biscuits says the queen of betfair
Report Bruce Willis August 24, 2010 4:24 PM BST
Im not bothered about the money..

I hate that principle of it, that a company like Betfair says your rake payment will be paid in the next 24 hours, yet they dont deliver and are therefore lying to the customers.

Shame on you Betfair.
Report akabula August 24, 2010 4:32 PM BST
Feck the principle where's the money Laugh
Report racing revenue August 26, 2010 6:56 AM BST
Got my missing payment,overall my cake is WELL down on the previous software for a similar hand sample,imo they have NOT grandfathered my deal over to the new software as promised,so that is one of the reasons i have stopped playing, good luck all
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