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10 Nov 08 12:53
Date Joined: 12 Mar 06
| Topic/replies: 402 | Blogger: BlufDaddy's blog
My last post on here before I leave you lot to it.

Yes, I did report Ben to the police and I'm more than happy to admit it. I also gave him plenty of forewarning that I was going to do just that if he did not cease stalking me.

In one night alone, I received 11 text messages and phone calls, a friend request on facebook and a request for my home and email addresses from him. This started in the early evening and continued until past midnight. This is unacceptable behaviour - it's harrassment, it's stalking and when my phone provider told me they were unable to block his number I repeatedly asked him to stop.

Threats of violence are one thing but invading my privacy is another. Regardless of whether I gave him permission to get my number from someone else does not excuse his actions. If my girlfriend, friends or family contacted me that much, I would demand they stop so I'm certainly not putting up with it from someone I've never met. If I had given my number to a girl who then pestered me that much and who refused to stop when I asked her, I would also have reported her.

My girlfriend and friends have told me that even though I'm barely known in poker circles that as I become more well known I'm going to have to expect this sort of thing as a natural consequence of success so I need to just rise above it. Whenever someone succeeds in a competitive field there are always going to be jealous individuals who cross the line and try to invade the target of their jealousys personal life. This is what Ben has done here - he has invaded my personal life.

Ben and his virtual friends on here like to believe he has had a victory over me - that his threats of violence have scared me into submission. That's absolutely fine, I'll get over it... but as he himself points out, I'm a black belt in karate, and as I have previously pointed out I grew up mixed-race in a rough part of Scotland. Combine both of these facts with the fact that I'm a shade under 6'2" and 190lb and you can all make up your own minds about whether my action has been due to threats of violence or aversion to being stalked.

So, that's me done with the forum now. There are a handful of people on here that know what they are talking about and that I can improve my game from but there are far more on other forums and this place has truely reached a new low.
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Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:03 PM GMT
Ty - but I don't believe you mean it now that you were prompted. Show me you mean it. Actions not words.
Report Six of Clubs November 12, 2008 3:04 PM GMT
mavis is an old fogey (nap)
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:05 PM GMT
Mavis has been 87 for at least five years
Report Six of Clubs November 12, 2008 3:06 PM GMT
and been taking it up the gary glitter for at least 81 of them :D
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:08 PM GMT
If she was only 6 then it probably was Gary Glitter :)
Report chilindude2 November 12, 2008 3:09 PM GMT
I didn't get it till you pointed it out lol, thought it was some inside joke she busted out with it or something
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:10 PM GMT
Nah that would be K6o LDO
Report Six of Clubs November 12, 2008 3:11 PM GMT
it takes chil an hour and a half to watch 60 mins (nb)
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 3:19 PM GMT
Never fear!!
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:20 PM GMT
wooooooooooooooooooooo :)

what happened?
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:20 PM GMT
From beyond the grave!
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:21 PM GMT
btw, my account was strangely logged out just after you were 'banned'
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 3:21 PM GMT
Betfair Towers have done the right thing :)
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:21 PM GMT
FFS I wrote an email and they said she would be perm banned :(
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 3:22 PM GMT
That was so weird? Like a tease. As if they've done it on purpose to make it look like it was all an attention seeking rouse! LOL :D (it wasn't).
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:22 PM GMT
I bet she wasn't even bannned. Said on MSN she was then nipped to the shops and sat back to see if anyone was talking about her. Bloody attention seeker imo
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:23 PM GMT
Grrrrrrrrr X-(

beat me to it :(
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 3:23 PM GMT
Lol grrr @ you too :)
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:24 PM GMT
were you not just logged out like me?
Report Fresh November 12, 2008 3:25 PM GMT
welcome back lol
Report chilindude2 November 12, 2008 3:29 PM GMT
Same thing happened to me PQ - Thought I was banned but I got loggedo ut only.
Report chilindude2 November 12, 2008 3:29 PM GMT
lol same as canary for me
Report Lord Highstack November 12, 2008 3:30 PM GMT
Oh great another attention seeker, just what we need :(
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:30 PM GMT
lol so she wasn't banned (NAP) :p
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:30 PM GMT
imo attention seekers like fresh and cav should be banned

no place for it
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 3:31 PM GMT
funny innit *laughs* :p
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:31 PM GMT
tbh i should have just said try logging back in when it happened to me :|
Report Six of Clubs November 12, 2008 3:33 PM GMT
taxi for canary and cavity imo
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:33 PM GMT
anyway, can i just say it was me who grassed her up

Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:34 PM GMT
well i thought the thread had been deleted after she got 'banned' as it wouldn't let me post

then wouldn't let me on other threads so logged back in
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 3:34 PM GMT
it didn't say i'd been logged out though *confused face*
Report chilindude2 November 12, 2008 3:34 PM GMT
Same as canary
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:35 PM GMT
so what happened then?!
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:36 PM GMT
and when you get logged out, it doesn't say it, just the same message as if thread deleted or you've been banned

but when i went to home page i wasn't logged in
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:37 PM GMT
You do not have permission to post in this group.

This may be because the group is read-only, or because your Forum posting rights have been revoked. If your rights have been revoked you will have been sent a notification to your registered email address. If you require further clarification, please contact
Report chilindude2 November 12, 2008 3:37 PM GMT
Yeah exact same as you canary I thought I'd been banned then opened up new forum and I wasn't logged in. Tried opening various threads in poker & chit chat first and was like "FFS THE**S BANNED ME"
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:38 PM GMT
lol i did think i'd been banned too cos you only usually get auto logged out at midnight not 4 in the afternoon
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 3:40 PM GMT
well it's a little embarrassing that i just assumed i'd been banned but not that ridiculous an assumption IMO ;)
Report chilindude2 November 12, 2008 3:42 PM GMT
You a woman. If you didn't assume things and over-react I would doubt that you were a real woman.
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:47 PM GMT
knew she hadn't been banned but wanted to hear people saying how unfair it was ;)
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 3:48 PM GMT
hmmm that would make me a woman too chil :|
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 4:19 PM GMT
dammit, i was just about to post that it was nowt to do with me. only to find she isn't banned anyway. oh well.
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 4:21 PM GMT
btw mavis, if you're about, what is your opinion on the blufdaddy grassing thing? not seen your opinion - just seen you sticking up for pq, which you're entitled to do of course.
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 4:21 PM GMT
i fingered you for it easter, i'm ashamed to admit - sincerest apologies
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 4:22 PM GMT
no worries q - but i'm no hypocrite.
Report Mandylou November 12, 2008 4:27 PM GMT
some displeasing comments from easter to pq early in this thread - not nice easter

she may be an attention seeking drama queen but she is our attention seeking drama queen and dont forget it
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 4:34 PM GMT
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 4:42 PM GMT
we've been here before mandy. she doesn't need your or mavis or anyone else to look after her. the only remark i made that was truly ott, imo, was the up against the wall one. fortunately for pq, and the rest of civilisation, nobody would make me president of anything.
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 4:44 PM GMT
the numpty society? :p
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 4:45 PM GMT
i'd need you to propose me canary. ;)
Report Mandylou November 12, 2008 4:45 PM GMT
Easter 1916 12 Nov 01:17

and the only reason i'd fvck her is because she's got the requisite number of holes - and that assumes her ar$e isn't a second mouth. don't give a sh!t if she's attractive or not. give me a fat bird with a brain over pq any day

was refferring to that actually , must be my age then because i wouldent lower myself to say that about a woman , irrespective of my feelings about her
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 4:48 PM GMT
ok, fair enough, a little strong perhaps. but not wildly different from what hellmuthian folds put - only he was more eloquent. and you say HF is a stand up guy so...
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 4:49 PM GMT
actually, ignore that. i'm talking sh!t.
Report Captain Eglefin November 12, 2008 5:24 PM GMT
jeez.... are you cretins still monging away on this thread.

Rarely seen so much two-faced sh1te as displayed here... and canaryboy.... you are like the annoying little kid in a gang of wasters.

You keep chipping in with irrelevant worthless b0ll0x that nobody could find remotely interesting... just take a look back at the thread. Nearly every other post is by you on some pages and you luv it when you and your bunch of chums identify a new target to abuse.... get a life the lot of you.... pleez. :)
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 5:25 PM GMT
yeah cos i've clearly been rucking you cretinous clown
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 5:27 PM GMT
and weren't you the tramp who posted a thread titled 'bwcop.... who gives a ****?'

oh yes so you were

Captain Eglefin 19 Oct 22:27
gg wp go away.

... hope you all had a nice time and all but as I wasn't there I couldn't give a **** who lost their phones.

you piece of ****
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 5:30 PM GMT
no denial that you're an attention seeking piece of **** then?

gg wp ty
Report Captain Eglefin November 12, 2008 5:31 PM GMT
case rested....

ty gg fo
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 5:32 PM GMT
kiss my bad self
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 5:51 PM GMT
For my mental comedic picture a friend and I now wish to know if Bluf actually went into the police station or called up on the phone. Anyone know?
Report Mandylou November 12, 2008 5:53 PM GMT
he has his own personal officer
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 5:53 PM GMT
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 5:54 PM GMT
LOL I'd expect nothing less.
Report Dests November 12, 2008 6:11 PM GMT
Do you guys ever sleep?? :D
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 6:12 PM GMT
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 6:12 PM GMT
I'm in bed approx 12 hours a day/night. No need for concern! :)
Report Dests November 12, 2008 6:13 PM GMT
ty, carry on :)
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 6:17 PM GMT
we will ;)
Report Six of Clubs November 12, 2008 7:08 PM GMT
Cavity Ben 12 Nov 19:12
I'm in bed approx 12 hours a day/night. No need for concern! :)

no of hours sleeping/day 6.5-7.5
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 7:22 PM GMT
Tis true I do most of my good thinking in bed so like to maximise pondering time as much as possible :D
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 7:25 PM GMT
the world's greatest mathematicians used to spend loads of time in bed in order to think
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 7:26 PM GMT
methinks she will soon be solving the Riemann hypothesis :p
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 7:28 PM GMT
I'm more of a sociological and philosophical thinker, don't you know. Y'know.. like that Marx geezer.
Report Easter 1916 November 12, 2008 7:28 PM GMT
gummo or zeppo?
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 7:29 PM GMT
well plato was a great mathematician too as well as philosopher :)
Report Cavity Ben November 12, 2008 7:29 PM GMT
That's nice for him. :)
Report Mandylou November 12, 2008 7:39 PM GMT
Easter 1916 12 Nov 20:28

gummo or zeppo?

LOLOLOL - quality response
Report Ghostbusters 2 November 12, 2008 7:49 PM GMT
spot the aged joke imo :D

(obv i don't get it)
Report Child of the Rafalution November 12, 2008 9:32 PM GMT
pq stop dragging me into this (highly amusing) debacle :)

This thread is more addictive than crack, just cant leave it alone, even the pointless circling and bickering.
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 9:33 PM GMT
you want some?! :p
Report Child of the Rafalution November 12, 2008 9:39 PM GMT
absolutely, although im far too articulate for you clowns i'll be using big words like, know what I mean? you mightn't get me, innit.

Im actually losing my mind tonight.... and the espressoo ij ust had is playing havoc with my heart as usual :(
Report Mr Boom-Bastic November 12, 2008 10:57 PM GMT
jamesbeckton. 11 Nov 19:26

Can everyone stop arguing over f u ck all pl

canaryboy 11 Nov 19:29

yeah beckton

for some of us, this is life

LOL. Post of the year IMHO.
Report Mr Boom-Bastic November 12, 2008 10:58 PM GMT


Ty, that will be all.
Report canaryboy November 12, 2008 11:00 PM GMT
i was agreeing with mavo :p
Report shimmy1 November 12, 2008 11:37 PM GMT
I feel like I should post in this thread.

Nothingto see here, move on.
Report [x] These checkboxes suck November 14, 2008 3:41 AM GMT
No replies for one whole day. Wow.
Report Lord Highstack November 14, 2008 8:29 AM GMT
Is this the new Aristons Winnings?
Report bestpricebarry November 14, 2008 7:57 PM GMT
Report "M" November 14, 2008 10:02 PM GMT
No, this is the new bluffdaddy stalking thread
Report Jim Hensen November 14, 2008 10:27 PM GMT
I have been away, what exactly started it all off between ben and bluf in the first place?

For note there is always something like this when I go away, can we please ensure I am here as it takes ages to read these things ;-)
Report canaryboy November 14, 2008 10:28 PM GMT
they were fighting for jazzy's affections and things got a bit out of hand

you know how it is
Report Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane November 14, 2008 10:34 PM GMT
oh..i thougth it was a staking thread..sorry
Report Dooberama December 10, 2008 4:05 PM GMT
missed all this myself lol
Report Punterz09 December 20, 2008 9:40 AM GMT
Report [x] These checkboxes suck April 26, 2009 2:19 AM BST
Thread of the year imo
Report page-413 April 26, 2009 6:40 AM BST
learn out to play bluff ,, you was a joke thursday even you best mate was laughing
Report Rowland Browning March 23, 2010 7:15 PM GMT
Report canaryboy May 4, 2010 3:43 AM BST
certainly was
Report Allez May 4, 2010 3:45 AM BST
Report canaryboy May 4, 2010 3:46 AM BST
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