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You Smell Of It
27 Jan 10 13:37
Date Joined: 29 Sep 09
| Topic/replies: 66 | Blogger: You Smell Of It's blog
Pause Switch to Standard View Over 2 years worth of work, and its...
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Report Korse January 27, 2010 1:42 PM GMT
when is this going live?
Report You Smell Of It January 27, 2010 1:45 PM GMT
6 weeks
Report You Smell Of It January 27, 2010 1:47 PM GMT
Launch Date of RealDealPoker
RealdealPoker is expected to launch by the end of March 2010, so we are only a little over 6 weeks away from launch. Once we have an exact launch date we will be making this publicly known and you can be assured that you our players will be the first to have the information.

We have seen huge numbers of sign ups to our current
Report Korse January 27, 2010 1:56 PM GMT
Love the idea of being able to have games audited for a small fee.

Although don't think it's wise to use it often the fact that its offered gives some level of assurance.
Report FFsmd January 27, 2010 2:02 PM GMT
Seems like a bit of a gimmick,it prob will appeal to the, its all a**crowd, but in reality it seems it could be less secure than the traditional methods.Bit nice idear gl with it.
Report fedddddddd uppppppppp January 27, 2010 2:11 PM GMT

I'M IN...

I don't trust rng software... never have!!!

Good Luck

Think you are on a BIG WINNER !
Report FlopIt... January 27, 2010 2:56 PM GMT
are u going to get less hands/hr than a normal online site? (ex PKR)
Report jamesbeckton. January 27, 2010 3:09 PM GMT
It doesn't look to be trying to attract serious players- only the 'it's all rigged brigade'.
Report Nova Sicko January 27, 2010 3:15 PM GMT
how are they going to produce 1000s of hands required? will be slow as.
Report [x] These checkboxes suck January 27, 2010 3:21 PM GMT
Very interesting idea. This will either be a massive hit or a massive failure. A lot of fish could flock there in the hope that they can now win online.
Report FlopIt... January 27, 2010 3:22 PM GMT
this has so many faults its untrue.

- 2yrs late imo - if not more
- only gunna bring in losing fish who think they are good.. after a couple of weeks (when they still lose - cos they cant see they are sh1t) they will leave and will find something to blame.
- too slow
- millions of people play just fine on stars**/ipoker. u really arent going to convince them to move across.
- you dont accept US players
- too slow dealing times

overall 1/10
Report jamesbeckton. January 27, 2010 3:23 PM GMT
too slow. Will only attract idiots. Will not do**
Report fedddddddd uppppppppp January 27, 2010 4:10 PM GMT
Bulls*it... cards are shuffled and scanned into memory very quickly then its just played like any other site...

The more fish that sign up the better.

Report Model Man January 27, 2010 4:47 PM GMT
Full marks for the principle behind it - BUT

if hands are pre recorded cabbages gracious me - could it possibly lead to suggestions of it being rigged??!! After all you only need to rig one hand a day to make a living!

And if a mis-deal occurs - machine jams or for some phenominal reason an extra ace is added to the pack?

I personally think, it will make more people realise just how realistic true online poker is - if its all rigged, then why do good players generally do well across on any online site?

Its like reinventing the wheel, but instead of adding ball bearings, you decide to shape it like a triangle!
Report 5LEEPWALKER January 27, 2010 8:53 PM GMT
One thing for sure is that people will still be on the forums etc, Crying about how online poker is fixed when they lose

It happens everywhere and always will

Losers will always come up with some sad excuse, lol
Report Nova Sicko January 27, 2010 9:05 PM GMT
why is there not more people playing live?
Report FFsmd January 27, 2010 9:12 PM GMT
What and leave the house,ar you carzy theirs pople out there.
Report FFsmd January 27, 2010 9:14 PM GMT
crazy obv freudian slip
Report casemoney January 27, 2010 9:59 PM GMT
jamesbeckton. 27 Jan 16:09

It doesn't look to be trying to attract serious players- only the 'it's all rigged brigade'.

so the site will have a million regulars :-)
Report BlufDaddy January 28, 2010 9:38 AM GMT
This is a good example of misunderstanding the problem before engineering a solution.

The problem with current systems isn't random number generation, but peoples perceptions of random number generation. The designers have attempted to engineer a mechanical solution to a social problem. This will ultimately be born out because the actual underlying problem isn't being addressed, merely masked. It's like treating a brain tumour with painkillers.

What will happen is that the company are left with a mechanical solution in a digital world. From a technological Darwinism point of view, the system is inferior (*) and cannot thrive in the market place.

*1. A mechanical shuffler cannot operate at the same speed as a digitial shuffler
2. Mechanical failure rates are higher than digital failure rates

Report Twaddles January 28, 2010 11:11 AM GMT
I agree with everything bluffdaddy has said and thought this as soon as I saw it in a magazine a couple of weeks ago...and what about hands being produced before they're released for dealing? There'll surely be some integrity concerns that these will be available to *somebody* to view somewhere, making the whole idea pointless.
Report Nova Sicko January 28, 2010 11:32 AM GMT
to get my thrill heart pumping buzz from poker I need to play a lot higher stakes than I do live, why is this?
Report Splasher January 28, 2010 11:32 AM GMT
April Fools day would be an appropriate start date.
Report Dooberama April 16, 2010 12:17 AM BST
wot is going on here?
Report EverybodydsAwinner April 16, 2010 11:19 AM BST
only losers dont trust RNG
Report Mr Myxlplyx April 16, 2010 11:26 AM BST
serious addons to make the site a winner

1. cards with naked ladies on them
2. cards with naked ladies (vintage) for the older players e.g. supergeil and hennigan1

BTW cat see that catsix ran another monster at 66/1 - told you it had some ability :)
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