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03 Apr 10 17:01
Date Joined: 14 Apr 06
| Topic/replies: 6 | Blogger: ThugLife's blog
Hey guys.

I would like to become one of the big name online players and be considered godlike on T**lustwo. I'd like to do this by playing NLHE at the 500/1000 tables on a certain American site. I am determined to play NL, not PLO, I want to make NL sexy again.

The only problem I have is that I'm finding it hard to get a roll together for these games. But I was reading a few threads on t**lustwo, and it seems that a large percentage of the European players playing in these games made there cash playing on the Euro sites!

Apparently people like Islidur and Fullflush, made a lot of there money playing on sites like Betfair. I would like to repeat this. In a few months time I am hoping people will be saying "Who is this new guy thug life!? He's after taking Ivey for 10 buy-ins at 100,000nl!". Of course the ground work starts here.

I would like to make my money on Betfair like fullflush, not like Isilidur, who made his first couple of mill on eyepoker.

Any advice about how to go about building this roll would be much appreciated. Serious answers only please.
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Report HU SUPERSTAR April 3, 2010 5:04 PM BST
actually best way to build big roll is to grind 0.11$ sngs all day long.
appreciated if u will be on wine doin dis sh1t
Report cavcav April 3, 2010 5:10 PM BST
1st advice: Don't post a lame thread like this one.
Report ThugLife April 3, 2010 5:13 PM BST
I think my first step is to play HU PLO against the Euro fish that populate this site. My mate, a NAME PRO, with BIG BRITISH BOOKMAKER, told me that all the European dummys from countries like Denmark, Germany, and Finland, where PLO is played as much as NL, come to Betfair to play online.

He told me these players should stick to playing live with there fellow fish in there local loser casino, because there gonna get bullied online, when a shark like me calls them down with BIG BROADWAYS to scoop there stack 200BBs deep.
Report mach April 3, 2010 6:15 PM BST
^^"The only problem I have is that I'm finding it hard to get a roll together for these games." ^^
try Ocean finance
Report chop180 April 3, 2010 6:19 PM BST
Put up your bank details and I'll deposit as much as you need.
Report Ovalman. April 3, 2010 6:27 PM BST
The $5 bankroll starter will keep you busy for a while.
Report argen-toon-a April 3, 2010 7:04 PM BST
what does your poker bankroll currently stand at?
Report ThugLife April 3, 2010 8:09 PM BST
As I suspected- a lot of interest by the railbirds as I begin my quest, unsurprising, because something this special doesn't exactly happen every day. I enjoy talking to these average joes, and like interacting with fans.

My bankroll at the moment stands at a measly $2k. Barely enough to take a beautiful South American escort for a helicopter sight seeing trip in Las Vegas, followed by an evening of love making in the Wynn.

A friend of mine who once bluffed Johnny Chan off a massive pot in Vegas suggested I should only play a limit in NL when I have 30 BIs. This suggestion makes my powerfully muscular and ripped torso shake with hysterical laughter.

If I want to play against OMGClayAiken, I obviously need a far more aggressive strategy. I plan to start off playing HU PLO at the 200nl level, when I crack this, and make my balance 5k I'm going to concentrate on tournaments and make a score of 100k+ within two weeks.

Of course this will be just one buy-in for me, so concentrating on making another 9 so I can conquer URINDANGER will be the difficult part.
Report cavcav April 3, 2010 8:53 PM BST
lol @ $2k br
Report The Ichtyologist April 3, 2010 9:02 PM BST
Good luck with this, Thuglife, I know you can do it. I want in on the ground floor as your first No.1 fan so I can be seen hanging out with you on tv and stuff, and bask in your reflected glory.
Report cavcav April 3, 2010 9:21 PM BST
What's your nickname on BF?
Report Splasher April 3, 2010 11:23 PM BST
cavcav 03 Apr 21:21

What's your nickname on BF?

Plant Pat
Report ThugLife April 4, 2010 4:40 AM BST
The Ichtyologist, we will be seen together looking content and happy after I take Patrick Antonius for 3.5m playing HU PLO. We will talk about drinking booze and partying with lap dancers during our TV interviews on the RTE news.

For the people who say a 2k bank roll is laughable. HAHA@YOU. We will see who is laughing after I take Phill Hellmuth for all he is worth on UB.
Report mach April 4, 2010 5:18 AM BST
come play plo now thuglife plenty seats
Report ThugLife April 4, 2010 9:15 AM BST
Last night I showed my dedication, discipline and skill by going out and drinking hard, and not coming home and blowing by 4 figure roll. I did this with ease

It's happened too many times, that I've built my roll up to 4 figures through discipline and skill, only to blow it all after a night out in a drunken frenzy.

However I've mastered the skill not to do this. The trick is, to drink so much that you seriously struggle to operate a laptop on your arrival home. People the trick to getting this drunk, is to drink a serious measure of spirit (your choice) before you leave your homestead. In this case 375ml of vodka.

Trying to get this drunk in bar, drinking beer of spirit, simply doesn't work.

Tom Dwan, brace yourself.
Report The Ichtyologist April 4, 2010 9:48 AM BST
*awed smiley*
Report mach April 4, 2010 2:14 PM BST
Plz post your screen name
i would love to wach a future superstar at work
Report mach April 4, 2010 2:20 PM BST
Report cavcav April 4, 2010 6:34 PM BST
lol @ plantpat.
Report Six of Clubs April 5, 2010 1:39 AM BST
before you do your spring wash can i purchase a pair of pants complete with **? please send in airtight packaging. TIA
Report Six of Clubs April 5, 2010 1:39 AM BST
uh that should read wánkstain
Report seamushan April 5, 2010 2:40 PM BST
LOL impressive catch of fish , niceone
Report boobooboo April 5, 2010 8:30 PM BST
I also want to be on the ground level, supporting this guy.
I would like to be your number two fan. What turned me and I think at some point latter everybody else:was the stunning tactic to protect your bankroll.
That to me shows commitment to the long term goal, by the way does special brew do a poker comp?
Report The Ichtyologist April 5, 2010 10:45 PM BST
It's cool that you want in on the bandwagon. Just remember, you'll always only be No.2.
Report The Ichtyologist April 5, 2010 10:45 PM BST
2nd comes right after 1st.
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