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15 Dec 09 17:15
Date Joined: 15 Apr 08
| Topic/replies: 145 | Blogger: IMAKE's blog
Just watched a friend play backgammon online, and unlike poker its a game of complete information. Surely there some good bots out there that could crush low stakes. even a pc backgammon game on expert could beat these stakes.
how do we make millions(of cents)?

or am i wrong ?? seems like it would be to easy to beat

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Replies: 15
McCoy Carp
When: 15 Dec 09 17:24
Do you know what dice you are going to roll next online then?
When: 15 Dec 09 17:34
no but surely theres mathematically correct moves to make given the roll. And the info is still complete(ithink) because both of us get to see it at the time when decisions are needed.
When: 15 Dec 09 17:35
i aint got a clue but definately seems like low stakes could be crushed by a computer.
Steve F.
When: 15 Dec 09 17:42
Yea I have the backgammon Bot, you can only make like £100-200 a day so not worth it.
When: 15 Dec 09 17:42
where can u play backgammon online for money??? i have thought this for a while if u can and there must be some form of prevention of bots because it could surely tare up even at some of the higher stakes due to the mechanics involved
When: 17 Dec 09 08:27
The skill in backgammon is knowing how to use the doubling up dice. The actual gameplay is pretty obvious.
When: 17 Dec 09 09:04
Yes a bot would walk these games and yes the software is available that gives the move with maximum equity, for example Snowie or the free GNUBackgammon. The problem is that even the best human players in the world aren't able to chose the optimum move in every situation.

As a result detection software will flag up people who play perfectly. Of course the bot designer could make its bot choose slightly suboptimal plays in certain situations to avoid detection or a good human player might run Snowie and just use it in difficult situations.

As a result I don't really trust online play and won't for more than the smallest stakes. That and the fact I'm a fish at the game.
When: 17 Dec 09 11:00
Writing undetectable software under Windows is within the capabilities of any decent programmer that is prepared to put in the research.

You can be sure if that if there is play for money Backgammon online then there are profitable bots out there.
Yair Marx
When: 17 Dec 09 12:01
P l a y 6 5 . c o m

Tried to reply to this thread the other day but something was deemed wrong in my post :)
Yair Marx
When: 17 Dec 09 12:02
By the way the cake paid on backgammon sites is extremely high. I haven't looked into it rigorously but I think this alone would make it pretty pointless as a money maker in the long run.
When: 18 Mar 11 12:54
I'd happily prop bet myself vs Snowie or GNUB in unlimited money games. Bots handle backgames very badly and make some huge cube errors in other spots - the combined EV of all of these make them quite easy to beat over a long sample. Astrifix over at 2+2 has an open challenge to anyone to play bots, and anyone interested in propping bots should go there.

They stop this in online games by having the cube capped low, but this can be easily avoided simply by uncapping the cube in the games you make. The real problem with online backgammon is all the rakes are just too high but I'm hopeful this will change.
Bruce Willis
When: 18 Mar 11 15:08
solid bump
When: 21 Apr 11 09:25
Backgammon in on Betfair now !

and we can discuss about it on its own Forum (Games->Backgammon)
When: 21 Apr 11 16:36
This presupposes the software is straight.

Just saying...
When: 25 Apr 11 05:33
I had a few sessions on betfair backgammon.The software is terrible.
Its not betfair's software , you can play same games from bwin and other servers. Ive snowied all my games I managed to save and well I started off lucky...
Of the 41 games I was expected to win 58% but only won 46%. Luck factor -5.8
Small sample but i don't have enough paracetamol to continue.
Blackwater knew ....
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