To ensure the input of selections into the scoring spreadsheet is efficient and timely, could compers please take care to do the following -
1. Leave at least a line of space at the top and bottom of your selections, so for example -
Dickie Le Davoir Ingleby Arch NAP Stand Guard General Tufto La Estrella Desert Strike
Good luck all
Is fine, but not -
Dickie Le Davoir Ingleby Arch NAP Stand Guard General Tufto La Estrella Desert Strike Good luck all (ie no line of space after the last selection).
2. Count your selections and make sure you haven't missed any races out
3. Name the selections. Dont just type 'FAV' or use race card numbers
4. Have your picks in 15 mins before the first race.
Thank you
First race: 12.05pm
One selection per race One nap per meeting
Winner selected scores 7 points Second selected scores 3 points Third selected scores 1 point
If SP is greater than 6/1 points are doubled If SP is greater than 12/1 points are trebled If SP is greater than 20/1 points are quadrupled If SP IS EVENS OR SHORTER POINTS ARE HALVED (i.e a 4/7 winner scores 3.5, a napped 10/11 second scores 3)
All nap points won are doubled.
Any non-runners (which can be substituted at any time before the off) will automatically go on the favourite.
Non-Running Naps will be transferred to the selection in the Lucky Last (unless clearly instructed that you wish to make another of your selections, which has yet to run, your nap). In the event the selection in the last is a n/r, the nap will transfer to the selection in the penultimate race and so on in the event that is also a n/r
In the event of joint or co- favourites for competition purposes the lowest racecard number will be treated as the favourite