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11 Aug 13 18:38
Date Joined: 03 Apr 06
| Topic/replies: 6,801 | Blogger: punchestown's blog
How does Ruby end up riding against a Mullins representative in the 2Ml Maiden lads?
Pause Switch to Standard View Ballinrobe Monday.
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Report guru m August 11, 2013 6:46 PM BST
Must be off tomorrow.
Report pa lapsy August 11, 2013 6:48 PM BST
Good question,hard to see him not wanting the ride on Massini,s after one of the most controversial rides for a long time LTO.
Report Shotgun Willy August 11, 2013 6:57 PM BST
He'll be a short price to collect that
Report punchestown August 11, 2013 7:05 PM BST
Can easily see why he'd want to be on the fav but what with throwing in his lot with WPM this year it's a bit puzzling that he wouldn't just bite the bullet and ride the stable's entry albeit James Nash hash some connections with WPM.

Must be like a JP-AP scenario chaps Devil
Report punchestown August 11, 2013 7:06 PM BST
Can easily see why he'd want to be on the fav but what with throwing in his lot with WPM this year it's a bit puzzling that he wouldn't just bite the bullet and ride the stable's entry albeit James Nash hash some connections with WPM.

Must be like a JP-AP scenario chaps Devil
Report jimeen August 11, 2013 7:17 PM BST
He rode Gardalito for Tony Martin against this horse in Roscommon the other evening,and Patrick rides every horse in his mothers colours,he rode primrose and blue only last night. He would never have been on the Mullins horse so he is free to ride what he likes.
Report punchestown August 11, 2013 7:48 PM BST
Yeah jimeen,even though Alleo was a N/R Ruby wasn't going to ride but Emmett is down to ride tomorrow as there's no sign of Patrick and Ruby has definitely ridden for Mrs M before,just think it's a bit odd considering the "new" allegiance with the Trainer.
Report punchestown August 11, 2013 7:48 PM BST
Yeah jimeen,even though Alleo was a N/R Ruby wasn't going to ride but Emmett is down to ride tomorrow as there's no sign of Patrick and Ruby has definitely ridden for Mrs M before,just think it's a bit odd considering the "new" allegiance with the Trainer.
Report punchestown August 11, 2013 7:50 PM BST
Poxy freaking laptop Sad
Report jimeen August 11, 2013 9:28 PM BST
Apologies punchestown ,I wasn't aware emmett was riding,hadn't looked but assumed it was Patrick . Emmett actually rode bowfinger last night in kilbeggan as well I think although Patrick did ride the one in the novice chase. I'm sure you are right when you say Ruby has ridden in these colours,but I would say it's a few years since he has ,at least I cannot remember one in quite a while
Report Distant View August 11, 2013 9:39 PM BST
Cooldine was the last that Ruby rode in the colours?
Report jimeen August 11, 2013 10:31 PM BST
Yes that could be right distant view,that was only 15 months ago so I was wrong again, it was sooner than I thought. I see it carried 11-2, would that be the reason ruby rode it or can Patrick ride at that weight ?, I'd say it's possible he can't
Report guru m August 11, 2013 10:45 PM BST
Mrs.M likes to keep the rides on her horses in the family.
Report Distant View August 12, 2013 11:01 AM BST
She is entitled to and I think Patrick is allowed as many rides on family owned horses as he wants over the year but is restricted as an amateur from taking over a certain number of outside rides? I am not sure of the figure.

That can be the only reason jimeen although it seems Patrick has done 11-1 in the past 12 months. Maybe he was on holiday but Ruby riding these horses is very rare.
Report punchestown August 12, 2013 11:47 AM BST
According to the ATR stats Ruby rode 3 horses for Mrs M in 2012 all unplaced and has has not ridden any for her in 2013,wonder was she not a fan of Ruby picking and choosing over the years and decided to keep it in house so to speak.
Report Newmanix August 12, 2013 6:52 PM BST
roman general 14/1 720
musak 5/1 750

I expect profit for ew stakes.
Report workrider August 12, 2013 6:58 PM BST
Would anyone say that it had a very quite run last time , or as the trainer would have us believe it was the young lads fault ..Welcome to Irish racing....
Report wildmanfromborneo August 12, 2013 7:30 PM BST
Vedani had a quiet run there.

The winner Foot Soldier was the horse used by Coolmore to soften the cough of some big punters mainly the mixed up Kazackstan man.
Report Ozymandius August 12, 2013 7:36 PM BST
Report wildmanfromborneo August 12, 2013 7:39 PM BST
That's the eight attempt between ye have ye nothing better to do,try having an ole bet.
Report pa lapsy August 12, 2013 8:32 PM BST
Doesn't look too good there for the very expensive Old Kilcash.
Report tony57 August 12, 2013 8:34 PM BST
I feel for fav backers there luck tonight as I had a bet on the winner..not sure sharks would of won anyway?
Report pa lapsy August 12, 2013 8:37 PM BST
Said there Old kilcash is ok,thought he would have held on but hard to know Tony.
Report pa lapsy August 12, 2013 9:38 PM BST
Did anyone notice a bit of shenangans with the photo in the last? Small thread on the main forum,thought there would be a bit more of an outcry about it myself.
Report dj876 August 12, 2013 10:03 PM BST
Barry Connell will need to be earning plenty from finance to subsidise his hobby,he may well be a big fish but he's in a shark infested pond and is cannon fodder.
As for giving Danny Mullins the retainer because he is pals with his parents,shocking decision,he's worse than useless and will be a minimum of a 5lb penalty in every graded race next year.
Report dj876 August 12, 2013 10:31 PM BST
Ya Pa,not the most subtle hoovering-they made it very obvious.I am not sure what's the story with a Betfair rep attending smaller Irish meetings these days,some days no markets on tight photos.
Report tony57 August 12, 2013 10:36 PM BST
I think you're being very harsh on danny mullins dj?..I think the kids not bad myself but each to there own?..i know he,s not the best young kid but he,s certainly not the worst.
Report silvergreaser August 12, 2013 10:42 PM BST
Danny would be on a different planet to that Patrick Mullins how he hasn't been banned for hitting horses in the wrong place I'll never know?, constantly battering horses down the rib cage I can see it but the stewards are blissfully ignorant?.
Report wildmanfromborneo August 13, 2013 8:30 AM BST
They seem to allow photo betting in Ireland when their rep is in attendance.

Barry Orr was their Irish rep seems to have been promoted but he was at Windsor last night,Chapman interviewed him yet there was a photo market from Ballinrobe.

The hooverers have some super fast robot that snaps up all money on fallers and horses that are pulled up,because they are so successful they pay a 60 % premium charge,this means that Betfair are effectively in it together with the hooverer.

Whatever money was won after the result of the photo was known was effectively split 60 40 which is why it is allowed.
Report pa lapsy August 13, 2013 10:18 AM BST
Dj think the last time i seen such blatant hoovering was Austrailia being left on debut but that is a bit different in that the result wasn,t yet known.
BF are very good in providing an explanation(by sticking a header on the top of the forum page) when the technical aspect of their live video goes down or other such trivia but unfortunately never seems to be one in cases like this.
Would presume some percentage of the money involved was by people hedging if they backed either of the first two as well as the people backing on the photo itself,not sure would the sum be very big but that is beside the point.For what it is worth never thought hospital held it but after getting caught years ago by the still not quite on the line,wary of that happening since.
Can only agree with you Wildman,certainly looks that way,whoevers money was left up was taken when the result was known and that is of course against the basis of any wager struck in that the outcome has to be uncertain.Nothing moral(that regards fallers etc) in collecting commission or premium charge from a one sided bet and as a company rather than colluding with it they should surely distance itself.
Report Kelly August 13, 2013 12:04 PM BST
Was not involved myself in any bet on the last at Ballinrobe .  But I did keep an eye on the photo betting , and it fluctuated quite a bit , but the fluctuation I assume revolved around the ATR replays .  Initially I thought Hospital had won ,but replays cast doubts on that , as did the change in odds .

Can check out some aspects of the photo etc , but no insight into whether or not B/F had any presence or the inter communication between the button presser at B/F and the track .  Maybe it will remain a mystery .
Report Tolmi August 13, 2013 12:27 PM BST
The photo betting was unusual in a couple of respects.Normally prices change very quickly once a still is shown and then only change dramatically if a different still is shown for example if C4 were covering a meeting and had a different angle to RUK.Prices often come closer together if the photo is going on longer than anticipated but this would be far more gradually.
Last night the sudden change in prices occurred about 20 seconds before the result was announced when Get Off The Stage drifted from 1.4 to 2 instantly.However the hoovering did not go all the way down to short odds on which was strange if the result was known.
The only other possibility I think is that the guy who stands on the line taking hand held pictures came up with an image which indicated to him that Hospital could well have held on.He might have been prepared to take all the odds against but not any odds on.
Report pa lapsy August 13, 2013 12:34 PM BST
Way i saw it Kelly Hospital was always 2nd fav in the betting 2.35 ish offered maybe a minute before,20 seconds to go hardened to 2 on offer and about 6-10 seconds before suspend they were looking for 1.2 with nothing on offer to lay at the death.Pity i didn,t check last price matched at the time. Convinced the result was backed before it was suspended and the few people that responded on the main forum would lend credence all was not right either.
Report Kelly August 13, 2013 1:59 PM BST
Sounds like someone "cleaned up" in the last 20 secs before suspension . Proving anything untoward or blaming specific people / operations always difficult as all the activity is non transparent to all but the very few involved in these situations professionally . Does anyone bet heavily on photo finishes / stewards etc ?  Know I avoid them like the plague , used to go to Phoenix Park every meeting when I was working in Dublin , you could easily lose your house betting on those photos .
Report Tolmi August 13, 2013 2:07 PM BST
Maybe I'm incorrect so...I didn't think Hospital went much below evens in the photo.

A friend of mine thinks the camera panned to Hospital as if he had been announced the winner before the betting was suspended which is another possibility.
Report pa lapsy August 13, 2013 2:33 PM BST
That is i,m fairly sure is correct what your friend is saying. He zoomed in on the 2nd immeadiately after for a while and switched to hospital shortly before it was announced. Mrs lapsy said she had no doubt the 2nd was up on the still(same as me) but it was a head bobber and atr has before not been exactly on the line.
Still would like to know for certain the final transactions.What i thought i saw was the same as Desert Pilot on the main forum and hence the reply.
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