Apr 16, 2024 -- 5:44PM, EastLower Gooner wrote:
They can’t have it both ways. Either you accept low crowds or you let people have good time. A bit of Charlie ain’t done anyone any harm. I noticed this started at Cheltenham ie some CRY BABY / Grass / Snitch came away from there very upset by the use of Charlie and it’s now their mission to bring this up every time.
I see most days through work the harm that this and other so called recreational drugs cause. The attitude its just a bit of harmless fun just isn't true, sorry.
Apr 16, 2024 -- 7:39PM, EastLower Gooner wrote:
Life is far too short to go around policing people like you guys want to do.Pathetic.
You can argue all you like, I suspect you may be a frrquent visitor to toilet cubicles such is your defensive nature on the matter. What's pathetic is how sticking whatever up your nose in attempt to brighten a day and provide entertainment has seemed to become the norm.
My heart will always go out to the poor families that are left behind by continued acts from family members that are just outright selfish and quickly spiral out of all control and all for a quick hit and to fit in with the norm. Families left with more questions than answers, a mixture of heavy and continued grief and guilt. But hey no harm in it apparently. That's the truly pathetic part of things as I see it.
Apr 16, 2024 -- 11:06AM, top2rated wrote:
2nd time lucky...
Ha ha, that is great.
Can't speak for Aintree but was appalled by racegoers on Gold Cup Day - when there is a too big crowd you need give and take between people moving about; but the prevailing spirit was "don't get in the way of me having a good time." Not sure how much was drug or alcohol fuelled but acting like an adolescent barely in control of his emotions is a never a good look for grown-up people.