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21 May 23 16:27
Date Joined: 31 Dec 04
| Topic/replies: 16,754 | Blogger: ImSoLuckyLucky!'s blog
Kant see there been much racing at the racecourse
Unless the police issue legal injunctions
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Report penzance May 21, 2023 4:36 PM BST
Get nicked the police are being heavy handed.Crowd turn & start to give
'em a good hiding,it'll be where were the they to help.
Fcking nuisances.
Report Ramruma May 22, 2023 5:34 PM BST
The crowd won't "give 'em a good hiding". For one thing, the Derby is being run early at 1.30 so 99 per cent of the crowd will still be sober.

The other thing is that the demonstrators won't have to delay the race by very long before ITV cuts over to the FA Cup Final build-up. Then the demonstrators can melt away, job done.
Report Ramruma May 22, 2023 5:43 PM BST
Jockey Club applies for high court injunction against 'illegal and reckless' Derby protests
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! May 22, 2023 9:00 PM BST
Jclub worried more about the after racing singsong
Not taking place
Report howard May 23, 2023 11:25 AM BST
"For one thing, the Derby is being run early at 1.30 so 99 per cent of the crowd will still be sober."   There will be plenty that have had several drinks by then if not the majority then a large minority.
Report formoftheace May 23, 2023 12:02 PM BST
Par for the course now placards and multi coloured (hair)and unwashed making noise and causing damage…..Zzzzz

Football well in front of horse racing the world’s’most important race’…..ffs not anymore….

Nothing will stop the unwashed….
Report dambuster May 23, 2023 1:50 PM BST
The Travellers on the Hill will stop them with knuckles
Report windsor knot May 23, 2023 6:44 PM BST
surely arrest wins the derby now !
Report howard May 23, 2023 6:59 PM BST
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! May 27, 2023 6:05 PM BST
I see they disrupted the Rugby union final
Report mrcombustible May 27, 2023 7:05 PM BST
The travellers are already in situ
Report Manoleeds May 27, 2023 7:06 PM BST
That was Just Stop Oil -I assume they walked there .
Report screaming from beneaththewaves May 27, 2023 7:10 PM BST
Would have been horse and cart, except Animal Wotsit liberated the horses.
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! May 27, 2023 7:16 PM BST
Report CROPSICK May 28, 2023 11:06 AM BST
Appleby horse fair in a fortnight, wonder if they will go there to protest.
Report CROPSICK May 28, 2023 11:08 AM BST
Appleby horse fair in a fortnight, wonder if they will go there to protest.
Report Ramruma May 28, 2023 11:39 AM BST
For a minute, I thought that was a tip for Royal Ascot (where we'll probably get the anti-horse mob and the anti-monarchists).
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! May 31, 2023 10:57 PM BST
Daily express story
Covert rebels will mingle among the crowds
Report layemall May 31, 2023 11:11 PM BST
These "rebels", and so called animal lovers, should be asked in a televised interview hypothetically how they would like a member of their family to be executed if they had committed a terrible crime. Option 1, a bolt to the head and immediate death or option 2, have their throat slashed and bleed to death.
I reckon 99% plus would opt for option 1.
Then they should be asked....why are they here, instead of disrupting this heinous practice in the numerous "legal" halal slaughter houses around this country.Cry !!
Report layemall May 31, 2023 11:33 PM BST
"executed if they had committed a terrible crime"......I should have added to this.......or their own pet, be it a cat,dog,rabbit etc that needed to be put down.
Report casemoney June 1, 2023 12:31 AM BST
200,000 Cows to be culled in Eire over the next 3 years ,Will there be any protests over that ?

The need to lower C02 Emissions in a country that Contributes 0.1 Percent of the Worlds total C02  Emissions Laugh

You cannot make this nonsense up ,Stand by for the Mad Cow Pandemic 2 ,of course Vaccines will be available
Report casemoney June 1, 2023 12:34 AM BST
Can be Long before Pork is added to the List due offending certain shoppers
Report LoyalHoncho June 1, 2023 1:00 AM BST
Source:  Animal Rising website

Join us on the tracks of the Epsom Derby!
We'll be disrupting the Epsom Derby to continue the conversation we started at the Grand National.

Be one of those to make history and achieve meaningful change for all life.

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Report sageform June 1, 2023 9:36 AM BST
We are in an Alice and Wonderland world when wood pellets from British Colombia are considered to be greener than oil from Dorset. Tens of thousands of miles (using oil) to transport a bulky product which has been taken from forests that emitted loads of CO2 before being cut down are given subsidy as "biofuel" while local small scale oil and gas reserves will be left in the ground.
Report G Hall June 1, 2023 9:51 AM BST
Ireland is being ran by corrupt fools at the moment.
Report mitolo June 1, 2023 11:43 AM BST
the animal rights mob will not go near the brutal islamic(and kosher) practices as they see only bad things where they want to. they would probably end up with their own throats cut if they invaded a halal slaughterhouse. too risky by far. but posh(in their eyes) horsey folk are fair game

i agree with some of it but not their methods. racing has brought some of this on itself by over and in-breeding and from infirm animals, particularly in the u.s.

how many horse cant breathe? seems loads. in that case, you shouldnt breed from them
Report barstool June 1, 2023 12:18 PM BST
They had one of them with Richard Pitman on the box last night.

Admitted they want the end of all racing, all sport involving animals and banning of all pets including cats, dogs and even goldfish were mentioned.

That is the aim over the next decade or so. Want more forest and total rewilding.

As much chance of that happening as I have fairies living in my back garden.

The world is going mad.
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! June 1, 2023 12:53 PM BST
Where are all the fairies?
Report Whippin Piccadilly June 1, 2023 1:26 PM BST
They want the Racehorse to go extinct. There you have it, literally from the horse's mouth. This is why you should never try to appease these will NEVER be enough. It's about time Racing told every critic of the game to do one! Those who complain about the game being cruel, about the the use of the whip and the race grifters should be fecked right off out of it for starters.
Report bettinghelp June 1, 2023 1:33 PM BST
ImSoLuckyLucky!01 Jun 23 12:53Joined: 31 Dec 04 | Topic/replies: 14,495 |

Where are all the fairies?

All forms of media will be crammed with them during Pride month, which starts today.
Report layemall June 1, 2023 3:42 PM BST
and so the indoctrination of young minds in schools continues and will be ramped up to full power this month Sad
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! June 2, 2023 11:24 AM BST
Epsom spending an extra £150k on security
GL with that venture
Report sageform June 2, 2023 11:59 AM BST
The problem is that they won't be apparent until the last minute and I'm sure they have some "sleepers" who will come in and behave impeccably until an agreed time. It should still be possible to have enough police and security to line both sides of the course although Epsom is the hardest track on which to do that.
Report morpteh mackem June 2, 2023 1:00 PM BST

Jun 1, 2023 -- 9:51AM, G Hall wrote:

Ireland is being ran by corrupt fools at the moment.

good job england isnt........oh wait

Report sageform June 2, 2023 1:09 PM BST
And France, Spain, Russia, USA etc. etc. Social media and national media have ensured that nobody with integrity will stand for a democratic election any more.
Report LoyalHoncho June 2, 2023 1:26 PM BST
The girl on the C5 prog. yesterday was very careful and precise in her word usage/choices.
They don;t intend to interfere with the race.  They do however believe they have the God given right to interfere with anything and everything before and after, associated and linked with the race.  They might even blindside everyone and have a go at one of today's big races.  They have even put it into writing that they intend to "invade" some farms as part of their programme of creating chaos.
She simply couldn;t finish her interview without mentioning Emily Davidson and the suffragettes and how they are inspired by them.
Report sageform June 2, 2023 2:18 PM BST
I am glad I sold my farm 20 years ago. It gets harder every year economically and socially. One day this country will be back to rationing food.
Report breadnbutter June 2, 2023 2:21 PM BST
Farm land prices through the roof since then, can rem 1k an acre.
Report sageform June 2, 2023 2:35 PM BST
True and the price back then encouraged us to sell. Land has doubled but so have many other assets including houses. Fertiliser is up from £100 a tonne in 2000 to around £420 now having been as high as £800 last autumn when the current grain crops were planted.
Report LoyalHoncho June 2, 2023 3:04 PM BST
I often think I would happily pay more for my milk, my eggs, farm produce,  etc, if it got directly into the pocket of the farmer.
But it wouldn't.  It is within the law but utterly despicable how they are ripped off by the supermarket system today.  And nobody seems to care.
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! June 3, 2023 11:59 AM BST
19 arrested
Foot patrol
More battalions coming
Report DIFERENT GRAVY 12 June 3, 2023 12:07 PM BST
There is nothing farmers like to do more, than moan about how hard life is. Usually whilst sat at the wheel of a brand new Range Rover Evoque!!

My heart bleeds for them.
Report ImSoLuckyLucky! June 3, 2023 12:14 PM BST
Obviously been watching Harrys Farm
Report sageform June 4, 2023 11:20 AM BST
I didn't moan, I sold my farm and invested the money which has made me a lot more income from doing nothing than I made in 28 years as a farmer. Most of the so called farmers who drive around in Range Rovers have a bigger income from some other venture outside of Agriculture. All of the 4 who bought parts of our land had significant income outside of farming.
Report LoyalHoncho June 4, 2023 11:45 AM BST
Well said sageform  Every critic should go and work on a farm for a week then come back and spout forth
Long odds on that they wouldn't last into a third day.
Report EastLower Gooner June 4, 2023 11:52 AM BST
One guy ran on during a race but was rugby tackled and dragged off.
Report leif June 5, 2023 7:12 PM BST
Ben being hailed as a hero being the only clown to actually make it onto the racecourse proper.
Has to spend another month on remand courtesy of a judge.
The trust fund yob will make some new friends during the rest of June.
Report LoyalHoncho June 6, 2023 3:39 PM BST
Suspended sentence, at least, required.  Maybe even a don;t go within a mile of a racecourse order to go with it.
A fine would be a waste of time.  They'd just go to crowdfunding and find plenty to pay it for the dolt.
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