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Crowds to be allowed back from 2nd of December......

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Replies: 78
When: 23 Nov 20 18:43
Seems like the Gov have accepted that deaths are inevitable but won't say that of course.
Saving the economy is the main priority now
When: 23 Nov 20 18:43
yes , elise , possibly correct .
When: 23 Nov 20 19:08
Nothing to do with the economy. It’s about survival of many football clubs, racecourses and the arts.
The woke’s on here look for fault in everything the government does.

What is the difference going to a supermarket with 1000 people shopping and same amount at a Racecourse ?
When: 23 Nov 20 19:16
Quantify your comment Hibore,I was and still in favour of attendance at racecourses.You seem as stupid as the majority,prove me wrong?

Since the start nobody has?
When: 23 Nov 20 19:47
I understand your concerns but I’ve been to racecourses in the last few weeks. The level of protection is far beyond going to the pub or even supermarkets.
If you are sensible and obey the rules you will be safe.

If you want me to run through the protocol at the racecourses I can....
When: 23 Nov 20 19:54
It’s about survival of many football clubs, racecourses and the arts.

Only the few in Tier 1 .....the majority are left to rot.
When: 23 Nov 20 19:54
All I need is COMMON SENSE no more and no less.Said from the start on here,stop interaction and movement of people is the only way to halt this virus.

My wife is a micro biologist,said the same,her sister and niece DEAD,both medics and very healthy.Explain where a few ignorant/arrogant/selfish idiots should be let loose to perpetuate the deadly killer just to see a horse running around a grass strip?
When: 23 Nov 20 20:04
I take it you haven’t left your house since March ?
When: 23 Nov 20 20:08
Twice Hibore,but even then people are much more intelligent including the very young,4 times to the clinic on top.Not one that I know would put their parents or grandparents at risk by being irresponsible.
When: 23 Nov 20 20:51
Btw if my mate has it wrong then you might as well recognise why England will become the Leper of the Western World,it will be so if the plans come to fruition.

Whilst questioning your Government (assuming that you all do)?

Ask them for a Freedom Of Information release in terms of Rudolph Hess and 1.01 you will get the same response about National Security as to actual deaths regarding Covid!!!! NAP
When: 23 Nov 20 21:06
My wife is a micro biologist,said the same,her sister and niece DEAD,both medics and very healthy.Explain where a few ignorant/arrogant/selfish idiots should be let loose to perpetuate the deadly killer just to see a horse running around a grass strip?  --  My mates mothers sister is a epidemiologist she loves horse racing. My grandads friends uncle met King Kanute, he thought he could stop the tide, he was a plonker too.
When: 23 Nov 20 21:08
Look back and tell me I am a liar truehoncho?
When: 23 Nov 20 21:09
In fact as a dedicated troll,tell us all where ONE single thing I posted has not been borne out?
When: 23 Nov 20 21:14
I don't care what you are but why try to justify your opinion on who someone you know. Just have an opinion. The fact is that you don't agree with crowds because you think it will spread the virus. Its going to spread anyway, maybe quicker I don't know. You have to have a society to go back to and that includes sports and entertainment. We have spent the best part of a year in restrictions which is a long time in peoples lives. It's time to move on. It hasnt killed any more than flu and now there is a vaccine coming through so why not go racing?? If you are worried about your health just stay in until the vaccine is ready. No need for everyone else to.
When: 23 Nov 20 21:18
??? Truehoncho? As now going to try and sleep,it is what happens when ill,I may sleep more easy if knowing there are individuals with balls to back up big mouths in England?

I doubt it very much,never mind FACTS?
When: 23 Nov 20 21:20
Must have posted over your typing,but to clarify,only said what I was told,no justification needed,either believe it or not,as always time will tell and you and your ilk will be absent as always?
When: 23 Nov 20 21:22
Hundred of THOUSANDS in UK alone who will perpetuate the virus because they will NOT be vaccinated..........i.e illegals?

GET REAL HONCHO or are you really so STUPID?
When: 23 Nov 20 21:26
Not sure sure what you mean by absent, and I live in Scotland. Not sure if that is relevant but a bit confused about the previous post. Sleep well!!
When: 23 Nov 20 21:29
Hundred of THOUSANDS in UK alone who will perpetuate the virus because they will NOT be vaccinated..........i.e illegals?

GET REAL HONCHO or are you really so STUPID?
Deadly killer???What nonesense. It is no more a deadly killer than flu, far less than smoking and alcohol and miles less than cancer. If you really care about saving lives then lets all pay 50% tax until we cure cancer (unless you think the extra money won't help).
When: 23 Nov 20 21:33
Money has not helped me Honcho,nor my son in law 19/10/19? Common sense will save more lives than any science!!!!

Come back in a few weeks and tell me I was wrong?
Ibrahima Sonko
When: 23 Nov 20 21:33
I want to go to the Hennessey meeting this week, cant remember the last time i missed this meeting, probably in the 1980's Cry
When: 23 Nov 20 21:35
So would you give it a miss Ibrahima if you thought it would save just ONE life?
When: 23 Nov 20 21:39
Btw Honcho,how many people do you know who have caught alco/tobacco related diseases simply through an idiots sneeze or cough......ditto cancer?

Moronic,but just my opinion.
Ibrahima Sonko
When: 23 Nov 20 22:03
Not getting to that argument glen, i could just go on my own. Mischief

I have already been into Newbury racecourse 6 times this month.
When: 24 Nov 20 09:01
Agree no different to going in the supermarket.

Albeit a little less essential.
bluesbirds to win
When: 24 Nov 20 10:40
it all the young and i am all right jacks who  do not care   most of us  stay at  home  knowing it real  and stay away from pubs  and clubs etc  as once had few  it goes out the window  see u all next year when vaccine kicked in fingers cross  it goes smoothy
When: 24 Nov 20 12:49
Btw Honcho,how many people do you know who have caught alco/tobacco related diseases simply through an idiots sneeze or cough......ditto cancer?

Moronic,but just my opinion.
  I think you are missing the point Glen (sorry if I was a little dismissive in previous posts). My point isn't about Covid generally (everyone knows what I think about that, its no worse than flu), even if you think it is serious the destruction to society and the economy caused by these restrictions is far worse than the covid itself. You are right, Cancer is not the same but in order to cure/prevent cancer which kills millions in this country every year why don't we all stop going to the pub, going racing, buying football season tickets etc (all things we do for fun) and give all that money to cancer research? That is the same principle and in my opinion would be more effective than the actions we are taking against covid.
screaming from beneaththewaves
When: 24 Nov 20 14:47
"Funding for test and trace will increase to £22bn a year"

That's about 1/6th of the entire NHS budget.

44 times the amount spent on cancer research

£733 for every adult in the UK

£7bn MORE than the entire Police budget

Just to keep Glentoby entertained.
When: 24 Nov 20 15:05
do you really believe that
screaming from beneaththewaves
When: 24 Nov 20 15:28
Oh, all right then. 'Just to keep the population terrified'.
When: 24 Nov 20 15:46
do you really believe all that money has gone on test and trace
When: 24 Nov 20 15:51
Funding for test and trace will increase to £22bn a year

Crazy. Shocked

I had a SARS-CoV rapid antigen test west of München last Thursday. Appointment at 12.15 and result (including certificate for the company) in less than 25 minutes.

Cost was 30.36 euros (paid for by insurance).
screaming from beneaththewaves
When: 24 Nov 20 15:53
Well, Johnson says "it's good value for money," so I hope so. He'd be miffed if he found out it had been wasted on cancer research and treatment.
screaming from beneaththewaves
When: 24 Nov 20 15:54
Boris Johnson insists the Government's failing Test and Trace system does provide "value" for money as its total budget soared to £22 billion.

The Prime Minister admitted there had been "teething problems" but defended the eye-watering cost of the centrally-run scheme which has been heavily criticised for its failings.

About four in 10 contacts of those who test positive for the virus are still not being reached, according to the latest figures.

The Prime Minister announced an extra £7 billion for Test and Trace in his winter plan on Monday in a bid to increase testing and improve contact tracing.

It takes the overall funding provided for Test and Trace this financial year to £22 billion.
screaming from beneaththewaves
When: 24 Nov 20 15:59
At £30 a go, Andrew, a budget of £22 billion covers 700 million tests.

In other words, testing everyone in the country ten times.

If the target is to test everyone in the country twice a week in order to grant them FREEDOM passes, then £22 is nowhere near enough.

Better make in £220 billion, just to be on the safe side.
screaming from beneaththewaves
When: 24 Nov 20 16:00
* then £22 billion is nowhere near enough.
When: 24 Nov 20 18:09

Interesting numbers, but i guess the logistics of 2 tests a week for every person in UK just isn't going to happen.
screaming from beneaththewaves
When: 24 Nov 20 18:45
Operation Moonshot:

The plan then states that there would be “full rollout” in early 2021 to 10 million tests a day, to “enable people to return to and maintain normal life.” At this stage, weekly testing would be made available progressively to the whole population to allow people to go to high risk events by using a “digital passport” to show they have tested negative for the virus.

10,000,000 tests a day means that if it starts on 1 January 2021, the whole £22 billion budget will have been blown before Cheltenham.

Or, as the Covi obsessives call it, "maintaining normal life".
When: 24 Nov 20 18:57
Who am i to argue with our prime minister, he must know what he's doing Laugh
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