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24 Feb 20 09:40
Date Joined: 09 Mar 03
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Superspreader/s.  Put it back to April and see where we are ?

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Replies: 403
stewarts rise
When: 24 Feb 20 10:00
Cancel all the football and Rugby, concerts as well? Close the Shopping Malls, stop people travelling on Buses and Trains, definitely the Airplanes!
Seriously if the worse that happens to you at Cheltenham is that you catch a cold, then you've come away lightly imo.
When: 24 Feb 20 10:49
Take your points but Cheltenham is a packed place without many indoors and moving around. Different to football grounds as is the % of 60 years + people and many not in great health to begin with !
When: 24 Feb 20 10:50
* with many indoors
When: 24 Feb 20 11:46
Leave it to personal choice unless there are a few hundred cases in Cheltenham.
When: 24 Feb 20 12:21
Problem is cases often not identified for two weeks or never. Later the case with superspreaders.
When: 24 Feb 20 12:21
When: 24 Feb 20 12:51
China coronavirus hype straight out of the CDC flu playbook

by Jon Rappoport ( )

February 24, 2020

In today’s episode of Numbskulls and Deceivers in Medical Science, I ask the question: Are Chinese researchers copying an old CDC scam, or have they independently come up with their own lies which happen to mirror CDC hype?

In my series on the China epidemic (all are listed on the home blog page), I’ve pointed out that pneumonia—the key indicator of the “coronavirus”—can be caused by many other factors:

Other microbes, fungi, toxic pollution, etc.

And Chinese authorities no longer require direct testing for the coronavirus. Instead, CT scans of the chest are employed. If these scans show signs of pneumonia, the “coronavirus epidemic” label is absurdly applied to the patient.

I’ve also pointed out that, historically, pneumonia has been a major disease in China. Long before “the emergence of the new human coronavirus,” people in China have been dying of pneumonia at the rate of about 300,000 a year. Now those people, passing away from the disease in 2020, can be falsely called “deadly epidemic cases.” How convenient.

Well, it turns out the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has been running its own pneumonia scam for a long time.

Some years ago, when I was writing about the flu, I received emails from Peter Doshi and Martin Maloney. They fed me data from the CDC’s own charts detailing flu deaths in the US. And they pointed out the lies.

Doshi went on to write an analysis for the journal BMJ Online (December 2005). Here is a key quote from his report:

“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”

You might want to chew on that sentence for a while.

You see, the CDC has created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths. THEY CALL THIS CATEGORY “FLU.” Why do they do this? Why do they deceptively assert the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu? Because they want to sell doctors and the public on the “dangers of the flu.”

Pneumonia has a number of non-flu causes.

But even worse, in all the 2001 flu and pneumonia deaths, only 18 revealed the presence of an influenza virus.

Therefore, the CDC couldn’t truthfully say that more than 18 people died of influenza in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths, the old CDC PR statistic. 18 deaths.

Doshi continued his assessment of published CDC flu-death statistics: “Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).” These figures refer to flu separated out from pneumonia.

This low death toll would drop MUCH lower, if you added the need to confirm the presence of a flu virus in those cases.

Clearly, the CDC combines flu and pneumonia in one category, and calls it “flu,” in order to lie about the number of flu deaths in the US, and thus push the flu vaccine.

So we have two fake hustles, years apart, in the US and China, both based on the deceptive use of pneumonia.

Liars tend to tell the same kinds of lies, over and over. Medical liars often import diseases which have nothing to do with their claims, in order to build up case numbers and pump up threats and fears.

And then sell toxic drugs and vaccines, as solutions.

I’d be quite happy to offer this article and its blunt facts to the New York Times, or the Washington Post, or CBS, NBC, or ABC, providing they assure me they’ll print it and then force their hungriest hounds to track down and indict the high-level deceivers, by name, who are pushing these criminal falsehoods. Ordinarily, I would charge $10000000000000 for the article, but in this case I’ll settle for a six-hour, face to face, live streaming interview with the head of the CDC, in prime time.

Why not just shut down the world for a month and give every1 the magic vaccine Crazy
When: 24 Feb 20 13:04

That reads like it written by anti-vaxxers, in which case it is almost certainly rubbish.
When: 24 Feb 20 13:09
Gold surged to its highest price in seven years as coronavirus fears led investors to seek a safe haven
Worldwide stock markets saw sharp falls due to concerns about the economic impact of the virus
WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Friday that the window of opportunity to contain the virus was "narrowing".

Paul Hunter, professor of health protection at the University of East Anglia in the UK, echoed his fears, saying the spike in cases outside China was "extremely concerning".

"The tipping point after which [we lose] our ability to prevent a global pandemic seems a lot closer after the past 24 hours," he said on Monday.

Now if you really wanted to get to the rear end of this fiasco all you would have to do is to follow the money trail on who has gone in early and bought the gold and is about to hit the jackpot on the resale etc etc etc. Those with the foreknowledge of how this fiasco would undoubtedly pan out are currently in the counting house and the barney rubble will be landed as soon as the magic vaccine gets rolled out Silly

Naturally i could be wrong mind SillySillySilly
When: 24 Feb 20 13:19
People have been buying physical gold for years nowt to do with virus. Money printing /global debt and the fact that banknotes are pieces of paper.
When: 24 Feb 20 13:21
They have kept gold price down by selling it non-physical. But how much could be delivered ?
When: 24 Feb 20 13:22

Feb 24, 2020 -- 7:04AM, longbridge wrote:

@John.W.HenryThat reads like it written by anti-vaxxers, in which case it is almost certainly rubbish.

every thing he writes is most certainly rubbish, best ignored

When: 24 Feb 20 13:25
Constructive as ever " little Dave " Laugh
When: 24 Feb 20 13:25
Missing the point Howard. Totally... but hey ho. Dont forget your face mask when you pop down the Chinese for your takeaway will you Crazy
When: 24 Feb 20 13:25
@ Longbridge  I am Just searching for your 40 years of medical research on the internet  ??? Can you help me find it please ??? Give me a clue where to start looking ? If you havent got any then suggest you just pick up your newspaper and turn on the TV for more updates Crazy
When: 24 Feb 20 14:30
Just run the horses with a skeleton racing and hospitality staff; race goers are not necessary for backing a winner. And, the media will do the rest. A winner is a winner with/without racing fans.
When: 24 Feb 20 14:31
the virus will spread quickly as money changes hands,Wash your hands after touching money(cash)Shocked
When: 24 Feb 20 14:34
Shouldn't affect me then as I rarely take money back once I've handed it to a bookie.
When: 24 Feb 20 14:39
just wear gloves all day except in the bog, and we know men are awful at washing hands after scratching their cheesy bits.........Whoops
When: 24 Feb 20 15:18
I totally got your point John but disagree with it. The only thing worth thinking about is looking after ourselves. But yes successful money men always have been ahead of the as good as braindead hoi polloi.
When: 24 Feb 20 17:27
the point i make is that is a guy dies of the corona virus,no matter what happens ,relatives will never burn the money he leaves behind,they will burn everything belong to him but they never burn the money he leavesLaugh and it moves about from hand to hand  everywhere when cash is used.
When: 24 Feb 20 17:33
i better burn the 50 grand uncle Jimmy left in his bottom drawerLaughLaughLaughLaughLaugh
When: 24 Feb 20 18:46
Uncle Jimmy? Saville?
When: 24 Feb 20 18:49
equine flew
When: 25 Feb 20 19:08
Enough of the jokes, without scaremongering we now need to consider cancelling Cheltenham is a plausible outcome.
When: 25 Feb 20 19:19
When: 25 Feb 20 19:19
Have to cancel ALL the ante post bets as

What a LARF

Get serious

When: 25 Feb 20 19:59
More chance of Richard Birch winning the naps table than the meeting being off.
When: 25 Feb 20 20:22
May as well cancel every football match, stop every social gathering everywhere in the UK, stop public transport etc, its madness to even think of that - at this stage at least.
When: 25 Feb 20 20:55
There is a "will Chelt go ahead on 10th March' mkt, can have £100 at 1.32 it does!!!
When: 25 Feb 20 21:04
1.25 now!
When: 25 Feb 20 21:14
That's the weather price not the virus price
When: 25 Feb 20 21:46
Coronavirus: Ireland vs Italy not yet cancelled as IRFU seeks 'urgent meeting' with Minister Simon Harris
When: 25 Feb 20 22:04
Re Ireland V Italy,surely travelling Italy fans have already booked flight tickets and accomodation and will travel whether game or not.(Same possibly goes for Cheltenham) unless travel is banned.
hello :-)
When: 25 Feb 20 22:19
Italy and iran outbreaks came out of nowhere , looked like it had peaked till then

all you can do is monitor daily , hope its contained in these areas and prey for no more random outbreaks

its already effected top level sport , god forbid it appears anywhere else as travel shutdown will be only option tbh
When: 26 Feb 20 03:23
We should factor in the possibility that the f*ckwits who run the BHA panic and call it off, like they did for foot-and-mouth when government advice was that it was safe to run.

Otherwise there seems no reason to call it off.

One other thing is that because it is spreading westwards, from Britain's point of view there is no significant danger from Irish racegoers but if it does reach Britain in appreciable numbers, then the Irish government will need to consider quarantining those returning.
When: 26 Feb 20 08:58
I wouldn't worry to much mate.

I'd be more worried when the Big Man in Heaven points his finger at you.. Then you've got no chance.
When: 26 Feb 20 10:02
A meeting was held at Cheltenham on Monday between all parties and its full speed ahead for the festival going ahead on March 10 th however the government will have the final say.

There is a contingency plan to run the fixture at a later date if necessary.

They also added the Betfair forum will at all times be consulted as the many experts on there have valuable knowledge on all aspects of life.
When: 26 Feb 20 10:38
Lol Foxy,"Fears over Cheltenham Festival" makes a nice headline,realistically there will be more people walk down Oxford street,not to mention 80,000 packed in at Old Trafford etc etc.
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