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22 Oct 19 19:46
Date Joined: 02 Mar 16
| Topic/replies: 12 | Blogger: Festival2016's blog
Been a customer in the same shop for 15 years.
Never had a bet or price query.
Had my usual 10p e.w lucky 31. All prices taken off their screens at 1250 today.
Managed to hit a 12/1 and 16/1 winner....... and then a 14/1 winner.
Low and behold, came to collect and the 14/1 I took was wrong and should have been as per the current market 8/1.
Thousands of betting slips and never a price query.
Thousands of losers and always taken board prices, never a query.
I am not dillusional, and the horse was advertised at 14/1 on the screen in shop at the time of placing the bet.
(having checked the price history I can see the price at the time was actually 8/1)

However.... the difference in my payout is £135.
No budging from customer service or area manager.

Question I ask is, is therefore every price taken in a betfred shop on the 335 Exeter incorrect or just my local shop?
If I chose to lay the horse and then, now get a double kick in the teeth.

Disgraceful customer service and the normal our T&Cs......

Will never, ever bet with the firm again......

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Replies: 30
When: 22 Oct 19 19:49
bad news. can you not manually construct these bets on here at 30% better odds, or too much hassle?

these guys are all shysters
When: 22 Oct 19 20:23
charlie poste
hayley moore
When: 22 Oct 19 20:35
Thanks for the response Charlton, I will look into that going forward.
Delta I am not sure what your response means?
When: 22 Oct 19 20:44
charlie poste
hayley moore
ronnie rails
When: 22 Oct 19 20:44
said many times on here ALLWAYS ask for a printout if taking prices.
sad to say you will be big odds to get the price on the slip.
sad to say computer is king,
When: 22 Oct 19 20:47
phill bull

john oxx
When: 22 Oct 19 20:48
thats to baldy ^^^
When: 22 Oct 19 20:49
Who put the aforementioned prices on to the betting slip?
When: 22 Oct 19 20:54
Cheers all.
Leif my shop is best odds guaranteed all races and I write the price on the slip and have done for at least 18 months without being questioned or scrutinised about what I’d wrote on a slip.
When: 22 Oct 19 21:02
(having checked the price history I can see the price at the time was actually 8/1)

end of fred.
When: 22 Oct 19 21:07

Oct 22, 2019 -- 2:54PM, Festival2016 wrote:

Cheers all.Leif my shop is best odds guaranteed all races and I write the price on the slip and have done for at least 18 months without being questioned or scrutinised about what I’d wrote on a slip.

I'd say you have inadvertently selected the wrong price from said screen.

It's the most logical explanation.

When: 22 Oct 19 21:07
ronnie, what do you mean print out if taking prices, is there something else rather than your betting slip you can ask , i always ask for conformation of the bet , but whats this print out.
When: 22 Oct 19 21:08
I should think Ronnie there was a time you could have used your discretion in a situation like this after all £135 to a regular customer isn’t a huge amount but as you say computer is king,and as the hulk implies there is no chance of you winning any case you took up with ibis,a sad situation as I am afraid with this firm and most of the others good will gestures have finished.
When: 22 Oct 19 21:10
Hi Hulk
I did state in my original post I now realise the market price was 8/1.
However was not what the screens were showing, I appreciate I am talking from my pocket, but just find it incredibly frustrating as to the nonchalant attitude shown by Betfred, when I know I wrote the price I saw on the screen advertised.
When: 22 Oct 19 21:13
You believe you saw 14/1 for your selection but don't have proof it was 14/1.

Baldfred will have proof it was 8/1.

Major difference.
ronnie rails
When: 22 Oct 19 21:19

the print out will be the prices translated into the till at the time you place a bet, and the price you would be paid out at rather than the price you may have put on the slip, any staff member would give you a copy of the print out of this if they were asked.


all shop managers at Korals have a £200 discretionary payment limit without referring to an area manager, don't know about fred's
When: 22 Oct 19 21:25
Hence my question were there any other prices in my shop taken incorrectly.
I appreciate I have no proof and due to this I have no avenues, however I had not been drinking beforehand, the price I wrote on the slip was the price advertised on their screen.
I am not imagining things, I am not crazy, nor made an error, just very bitter as I know what I saw but cannot prove it.
When: 22 Oct 19 21:31
ta , ronnie
When: 22 Oct 19 21:31
You won't admit you may have made an error?

Ask them for proof and at the same time state you will apologise if it was your mistake.
ronnie rails
When: 22 Oct 19 21:31
when a screen slowdown happens the screen prices are not the same as the prices as in the till happens every Saturday at Corals.
When: 22 Oct 19 21:49
Thanks for the responses.
Customer services and area manager not interested.
I have not collected returns yet, but will ask shop manager to check if their cameras can show anything in the morning, but know in my own mind it’s written off.
Will also ask if any other bets on the horse show the price I took.....
When: 23 Oct 19 11:02
Take a price, take a photo of the screen is my approach. Slip and photo date stamped. Sad that it’s necessary but it is.
When: 23 Oct 19 12:26
Good advice to take photo, their price finder screens frequently don't update, and are not current prices. With photographic evidence you could get Trading Standards involved re false advertising.
When: 23 Oct 19 13:48
had plenty of disputes with fred over the years, i always get a print out of all the price changes of any horse i have backed. if the priced had changed to 8/1, it will show you at what time it did, if it was before you put the bet on, you have no chance of being paid.
Marathon Man
When: 23 Oct 19 17:10
Incredible! They are all a bunch of crooks.
When: 23 Oct 19 17:46
How much leeway does bentfred give, i.e staff putting prices on and then processing the bet, the length of time varies greatly between staff?
ronnie rails
When: 23 Oct 19 19:14
the fact is you will get the price  at what it is when the bet is put in the till,
harry callaghan
When: 23 Oct 19 21:04
opening post was the said horse ever 14/1 yesterday?

i'd say you couldn't believe you were getting 14/1 and you have been betting in this shop for 15 years, so clearly knew the price of the horse or checked before entering the shop

it's a bit like the people trying to rip off the betting shop in a clear related bet on the rugby and getting the cashier to write the bet out, normal dishonest bollox in my book

people turn round and say they are crooks and all the junk they can make up, however someone has just made an error on the said horse and no doubt you knew this and tried to capitalise 

what was the name of the said horse? and lets get to the bottom of who is dishonest here
When: 24 Oct 19 10:27
Fred along with korales are sc um of the high street.
Marathon Man
When: 24 Oct 19 12:10
I think you can say they're all scum!
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