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25 Mar 12 10:30
Date Joined: 14 Aug 02
| Topic/replies: 7,470 | Blogger: adge's blog
last man out on the front line and he took more bets on the race than anyone else.
at least it was an orderly queue

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Replies: 273
When: 25 Mar 12 10:33
all the other books on the front line were only 1/5th odds so the public could see where the value was  , the sign saying 1/8th was clear.
well done JACK WILSON
When: 25 Mar 12 10:36
I would like to point out that it wasn't me as I often bet last man out.  It was Jack Wilson.  You have to say, adge, the punters are voting with their feet.  He had a big queue where we were doing nothing.  It appears that nothing can/will be done to stop this practice.  You can only stand so long taking no bets before you have to do something about it, unfortunately.  If the public would stop betting with him and call him what he deserves to be called then maybe he would stop doing it.  As far as I can see, business is booming in reduced place terms Sad
When: 25 Mar 12 10:37
When I saw the Jockey Wilson RIP thread earlier I was thinking.....
When: 25 Mar 12 10:38
Perhaps the queue was just to be close to the stunning Philipino girl. Come racing.
When: 25 Mar 12 10:48
Initially I thought it was a queue to clock him one.
dave d
When: 25 Mar 12 11:42
bet yesterday at kelso each way correct terms every race except the four runner handicap chase ..where we went a 1/5th 1-2 giving the punters another betting opportunity which was recieved very well with the borders racing fraternity !!! big crowd plenty field money ..come racing xx
When: 25 Mar 12 12:23
bha looking to close this loophole soon with standard place terms by the summer about time to bookies who go place 1/678th should should all be shot just go win only
When: 25 Mar 12 12:31
but why go win only when you get such a big queue by going 1/8th odds , marc.
don't forget the other books were all like sheep , everyone of them just the same old offer of 1/5th odds. no wonder none of them could take a bet.
Normanston Rangers
When: 25 Mar 12 12:32
Wasnot. There is something that can be done. From September 12 racecourses can include that Bookmakers will bet Standard Place terms or if not Win only in there contracts if they wanted.
When: 25 Mar 12 12:36
has been a topic in the negotiations , NR , but as such things as standard terms are nt supported by the gambling commission hasn't got far.
we have to make the gambling commission change their stance but as their basic understanding is so low we seem to be banging our heads against the wall
When: 25 Mar 12 12:56
As an regular racegoer adge I don't know what to think.... clearly the book is question is taking the pee but never underestimate the stupidity of the average man in the street is clearly a winning approach here!

BTW I'm the guy who got "arrested" for using an I Pad at Warwick.....
When: 25 Mar 12 13:08
Absolutely no chance of anything being changed.  Standard EW terms are anti-competitive and as such illegal.
When: 25 Mar 12 14:29
So what can we do about this disgusting practice?
When: 25 Mar 12 14:29
yes i remember reading the story.
sorry to read about it at the time. you will certainly have no complaint or objection from a course bookmaker. good luck to you.
When: 25 Mar 12 14:34
just keep highlighting it , courselayer , as in this thread.
we know the gambling commission read this forum [ they have told me they do ] so we just keep hammering away at them.
When: 25 Mar 12 14:53
It is a difficult subject because at times 1/6th is necessary (imo) to avoid betting to 80% on place market when the public still want each way, but I don't see 1/7th or 1/8th to ever be valid. In the case mentioned here this guy is bringing on course bookmaking into disrepute in the worst way and he does it most races on most days I have seen him operate, making betting next to him the best part of impossible when he bets to 102% on the win book in the first place. Many bookies betting next door are now following him and I heard of one guy going 1/6th when Jockey was 1/5th and the rest of the ring 1/4th, just to prove a point. Not sure how the GG could regualte the problem fairly?
When: 25 Mar 12 15:05
the other way is for RDT who provide the software for 90% plus course books to restrict the capability to offer these percentage on each way terms
also make non betting office shows  e.g. 21/10 , 9/5 , 17/4 etc etc not available via the software
When: 25 Mar 12 15:12
Had not though of that but can't see them wanting to get involved?
When: 25 Mar 12 15:23
Anybody know how to scramble the internet signal? That would sort out the real bookmakers from the arbers.
stewarty b
When: 25 Mar 12 16:21
And still the on-course books refuse to show their overround at the top of their computerised screens.......come racing, and get ripped ofrf. (that's if you can get a decent bet on, ie. 10,000 to 800 a 12/1 shot.....)
When: 25 Mar 12 16:27
Answer is simple. Stop betting e/w.!
If you are successful in the long run with your win bets you don't need the place.
If not,you are also loosing,in the long run, on your place bets.
Also,it's more tempting to play a horse that you are not confident can win if you go e/w.
If the bloke going 1/8th is offering better win odds than the rest then he's your man.
When: 25 Mar 12 16:42
we can't show the overround or overbroke as it's not covered with the software . no doubt a techie could get it written into the program but with the cost and the handful of punters who would understand it , not worthwhile.
yes , tou're very welcome with those bets [ and each way too ]

the public on course much prefer to bet each way . the number is probably above 80% of punters.
so not a good idea to turn away 4 out of every 5 possible customers. not good business to bet win only which is why these place percentages vary.
stewarty b
When: 25 Mar 12 16:54
Thank you for the reply adge. But as you are well aware, most on-course books are not too keen on the idea. The overround could easily be implemted in to a computerised screen for a few hundred quid. As you say,the majority of punters don't even know what the overround stands for.

As for a 10,000 to 800 bet, I think that I would have to visit a rails book to be accomadated. And to think I was taking bets for a grand back in 1990. And I can prove that through ribero 1 and Ricky Nelson.
When: 25 Mar 12 17:13
the last bet of that size i was asked for was the last day of the flat in november . the bet was 10000 to 500 and yes i took it and the bloody thing won [ sp 16/1 ]
1st time poster
When: 25 Mar 12 17:56
never mind lads the anual lets stuff the punters on the national charity day will shortly be upon us,normaly a race to see who can shorten must horses in the fastest time,Wink
When: 25 Mar 12 19:38
What is a shame is that the proper, decent bookies are losing out and having to stand and watch as their customers queue up to get shafted.  Come on Gambling Commission, how is this fair and open?  In order for Gambling to be fair surely it has to be easy to understand to the audience who participate.  Through their queuing up at 1/8th odds they are evidencing that they do not understand therefore it should be upon the Gambling Commission to make the product a fair and open one, ie EW terms as standard or bet win only, so all punters know exactly what they are getting by simply comparing odds.
When: 25 Mar 12 19:53
why dont you just get a bigger sign than his, and put it in clear english, as these mugs havent a clue.  great to hear bookies worrying about the public and not their profitsCrazy
When: 25 Mar 12 19:57
It is hard when you are a decent bookmaker, who plays fair with the public, to stand and watch this apalling display and see him profit from it.  I have stood next to him and shouted very clearly to his queue about his place terms but they look at you like you are talking a foreign language and carry on queuing.  Also, it would be difficult not to have a bigger sign than his.
overs and unders
When: 25 Mar 12 20:12
the only way these things get changed is by a public outcry.
the g.c. wont act unless these is a movement for change.
the only way i can see this happening is for the f.r.b to organise
something maybe even everyone changing their terms to ridiculous ones so the public just bet each way and informing the media that we dont want to take advantange and advise people we really dont want to take their bets at these terms. this would certainly see some action rather quickly.
Racecourse Regular
When: 25 Mar 12 20:14
In any trade there will always be rip-off merchants , they depend on the fact that there will not be any repeat business and rely on the fact that there is a steady supply of people that they can rip off....... eventually when somebody realises that they have been ripped off there maybe actions taken against that individual....

As Wassy has mentioned before when this eventually happens with Jockey  make sure you got your camera's ready
barry dennis
When: 25 Mar 12 20:17
stewart, so shall I match the best odds in the ring every horse, just to please you with an underound showing 98%,, or can I offer my odds I wish to lay to lose £10K.

no thought not, go 98% just to please you, thought you knew about the game, obviously not
When: 25 Mar 12 20:21
And let sainsburys show there mark up on products

What a stupid post

Why should anyone in business show there profit margin
Shropshire Lad
When: 25 Mar 12 20:22
Why not just whack the place bets on the tote ?
When: 25 Mar 12 20:23
It is now a free market - get used to it  and live with it - it won't change
barry dennis
When: 25 Mar 12 20:26
you EW moaners, what place odds are fair ist race hexham today, show 1/3, 3/1 10/1 16/1 33 bar 10 runner novice hurdle.   betfair show 1/3 4/1 40/1 66/1 100 bar,

perhaps 1/4 odds would suit?
barry dennis
When: 25 Mar 12 20:28
BTW betfair place only the 40/1 chance  evens, disgusting , you betfair layers should have been offering 8/1.
When: 25 Mar 12 20:40
don't be so sure  . and to surprise you , one of those demanding action in the right places is a regular 1/6th each way bookmaker on poor percentage races
Black Sam Bellamy
When: 25 Mar 12 20:41
Subject to the each-way race conditions, will the BHA introduce similar measures to ensure that the place market prices are equivalent to the win market on exchanges ?

If there's a short priced FAV, the place market on here is regularly 1/6 the win market for everything but the FAV....or worse.

Do we just choose to ignore this ?
Black Sam Bellamy
When: 25 Mar 12 20:41
Subject to the each-way race conditions, will the BHA introduce similar measures to ensure that the place market prices are equivalent to the win market on exchanges ?

If there's a short priced FAV, the place market on here is regularly 1/6 the win market for everything but the FAV....or worse.

Do we just choose to ignore this ?
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