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Usaidit's Bets and Banter Thread.

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salmon spray
When: 26 Jan 19 23:21
@ chav. Leeds ISN'T South Yorkshire.
salmon spray
When: 26 Jan 19 23:24
I don't get your point shearer.
Sober up please before posting again.
When: 26 Jan 19 23:33
thats cos you werent around when the sh1t went down on this thread  chavs - let me explain clearly - salmon thinks i was in cahoots wiv  certain posters ..... one of which ive never spoken to in my life but the irony of it all was that the guy he took a shine to was much more in cahoots wiv him/them than i eva was and still cant get ova it ..... simples yet a little ironic all the same LoveLoveLaughLaughLaugh

ps a few diet cokes later im having it LaughLaughLaugh
When: 26 Jan 19 23:34
nothing to do with me bonny lad
salmon spray
When: 26 Jan 19 23:40
I am aware you and Grimmy were only connected through the WP.
This thread was the start of the fallout from that.
pitzwang/JC had a different and much nastier agenda,which surfaced a bit later,and for some reason,after been treated for 3 years with complete courtesy by myself and Usaidit,you decided to become his lapdog and set out to wreck what had been a series of harmless threads.
Grimmy at the time DID seem a pain in the arse but he had nothing to do with the plot you and pitzwang hatched.
If you want it out in the open bring it on dc.
When: 26 Jan 19 23:44
When: 26 Jan 19 23:48
you may wish to ask grimy to speak the truth to you b4 ya get into a heated debate salmon - ala wobble remember that LaughLaughLaugh -its easy to say wtf you want hiding behind a screen but the truth always outs in the end

i repeat......for the umpteenth time

i have never had dealings with OTF/JC/PITZWANG other than on this very forum .......sadly the kid that you took to ya heart and believed all his lies when he said i was "THE WOBBLE" has - i know what ya missing here but.......LaughLaughLaughLaugh

troof hurts bonny lad
When: 26 Jan 19 23:50
zzzorro knowsLaughLaughLaugh

and ffs divnt call him a lesbian
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 10:06
Right shearer. Let's be clear. This has/had nothing to do with Grimmy. The attack on The Poop Deck threads had two strands. There had been a fallout on a private forum called the Winning Post. As far as I know the only core member of the Poop Deck posters who was also a member of the WP was yourself.3 people who had been on one side of that argument started posting perfectly civilly on the PD threads. Grimmy,OTF and,more ambigously,yourself started to make posts attacking them. That was a nuisance but it could be put down to relatively normal forum banter at that stage.
Sometime later JC/pitzwang came into the mix. I am pretty certain he was never a member of the WP,and I know his name and even the town in which he was living in 2010 and also that he was the propagator of a number of dubious tipping lines. He had a totally different agenda. At some stage earlier in the year he had found out that a fairly well-known poster,who was actually more active on chit-chat but was certainly around quite a lot on HR,had a few years previously got 6 months in jail for downloading child pornography.This poster had nothing directly to do with The Poop Deck threads. I can't swear he never posted on them,most of the regular forumites did so at one point or another,but he certainly didn't post often enough for any of us to remember him doing so. The indirect connection was that a lady,even better known on the forum,had posted a fair bit on our threads,though I wouldn't call her a core member as Usaidit didn't like her and discouraged her from joining us. This lady when she posted on our threads was for most of the time at least living apparently quite happily with her husband and kids,but seems to have met the convicted paedophile through the forum and decided to move in with him. Not a wise decision perhaps but tbf to her she met him years after he had been found guilty of the unpleasant offences.None of this was known to us.
At this point you and pitzwang decided the whole forum should know about this but you were both too cowardly to do anything yourselves and you e-mailed both Usaidit and myself telling us to do it. Usaidit and I decided it was all a bit unpleasant but it really was not the sort of thing that we were inclined to shout from the rooftops. In your e-mail,as I remember,there was a veiled threat if we didn't our threads would be wrecked. That bit was certainly true as JC/pitzwang weighed in calling us all a bunch of paedos and the two of you roped in OTF and some of his and your cronies.You rather hovered on the sidelines cheering them on. One person who this had nothing to with was Grimmy. He told me so at the time,on the thread and originally I didn't believe him,but I checked back a long way and found it to be true,so your attempts to bring him into this are just obfuscation.
As a result not only were the convicted paedophile and his partner driven off the forum but so,sooner or later,were a lot of decent people who left in disgust at the cesspit you and pitzwang had dragged us into.
That is the truth and you know it.
When: 27 Jan 19 11:13

all sounds very murky
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 11:15
It was.
When: 27 Jan 19 11:23
woman left the husband and kids to move in with someone she met on here ShockedShockedConfusedConfused.

it makes stewy and big d look like love story
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 11:27
I agree it was a bit odd chav. Not quite sure how they met tbh but I think the truth was revealed at an a/w comp meet-up at Wolverhampton ( I THINK but ask shearer/smirnoff. He's the expert.)
When: 27 Jan 19 11:29
an a/w comp meet-up at Wolverhampton

this just gets more bizarre by every post
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 11:45
It was even more bizarre that shearer decided that it was the responsibility of Usaidit and myself to tell the forum about the guy's conviction. He had my e-mail address at that time and I can probably find his communication if he wants to dispute any of this.
Usaidit and I knew nothing about this conviction until shearer told us (he had Usaidit's e-mail as well ). He helfully c+p'd a press cutting. What we never got was that if shearer and this pitzwang guy thought the forum should know about it they never found the balls to do it themselves. I must admit I can't remember if I knew of the new coupling at the time. I MAY have found out just before shearer dropped that bombshell.
Poor grimmy seems to have known nothing about this. He certainly had quite a lot of contact with OTF and some with shearer,but not,I think,JC/pitzwang. He seems to have been kept out of the loop.
When: 27 Jan 19 11:54
recent reports would suggest grimmy has got a job as a scarecrow in wisbech,are you in a position to confirm this please.
mouse muldoon
When: 27 Jan 19 11:56
Many of the crows have migrated south to Suffolk, but that can only be taken as circumstantial evidence.
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 12:06
As you well know Grimmy is alive and well and posting regularly and genially on another site,which I daren't mention.
mouse muldoon
When: 27 Jan 19 12:07
Is it a site that involves lots of silly jumping bananas?
When: 27 Jan 19 12:10
was any of these nonces from Huddersfield .. Telford .. Rotherham and generally most of Yorkshire
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 12:13
There was only one that is relevant to this thread Lambuff and he wasn't from any of those places. Much further north and I think rather more rural.
When: 27 Jan 19 12:15
i remember something about a Raspberry Wink
mouse muldoon
When: 27 Jan 19 12:16
Was he a member of the cumberland ring?
When: 27 Jan 19 12:18
he liked a big sofa
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 12:22
Not sure there was a ring mouse but otherwise....maybe.
Irish are lucky
When: 27 Jan 19 12:41
poor grimmy

salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 12:47
The poor may have been uncalled for.
When: 27 Jan 19 13:16
Oh dear Salmon Spray you really have been taken/and/are a fool. Your world seems to revolve around an anonymous forum 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You really think that a member of an anonymous forum who you didnt know and therefore who may or may not have been a woman, left her husband and kids to move in with an alleged convicted paedophile?, another alleged anonymous forum member. All because another anonymous member of an anonynous forum, who you also didnt know, sent you an email to tell you so?
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 13:22
I was in e-mail touch with her zzzorro and she told me herself using her real name.
It's you that hides behind the blindfold.
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 13:23
And actually for once shearer and I would be in agreement that all this really happened.
the dealer
When: 27 Jan 19 13:24
i also got an e-mail, real name have saw family photos and she was very much a woman. i started a thread that AJW was on and was in touch with both until i found out the truth, which was newspaper evidence about him.
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 13:27
Thank you the dealer.
There's absolutely no doubt about the basic facts zzzorro.
When: 27 Jan 19 13:27
Seriously, you really need to get out more. There are people out there that can help you. Go see a Psychologist, try not to log onto Betfair Forum for a few weeks, even longer might be good for you.
salmon spray
When: 27 Jan 19 13:31
Your general point in your last post might have some truth in it but I note you have yet to apologise about accusing me of living in fantasy land O masked one.
When: 27 Jan 19 13:34
good afternoon tom,i hope all is well north of hadrians wall.
the dealer
When: 27 Jan 19 13:57
Tis chav sunny and cold
When: 05 Apr 19 08:08
salmon spray
When: 05 Apr 19 08:31
The return of the Cap'n      Shocked
When: 05 Apr 19 08:34
Havent seen these threads for a long time,interesting and cringeworthy at same time

I loves um I doos
salmon spray
When: 05 Apr 19 09:04
I thought most of them had been pulled tbh when the s*** really hit the fan ,but STATS has found quite a few over the years and mouse muldoon seems to have dug this one up.
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