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Win only - Sp only
09 Dec 09 20:11
Date Joined: 30 Oct 08
| Topic/replies: 4,965 | Blogger: Win only - Sp only's blog
i hope not, but the terminal decline shows no signs of stopping. coventry the next. can the sport drag itself back?
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Report casemoney December 9, 2009 8:25 PM GMT
only in england in ireland its irish.
Report winningways1 December 9, 2009 9:04 PM GMT
will last forever, bags racing is booming
Report merde December 9, 2009 9:26 PM GMT
I thought dog racing was invented in American and then came to these shores in the 1920s. Finnish? Do they even race over there? Can you get on if they do?
Report Slippy Blue December 9, 2009 9:26 PM GMT
I was in London for three weeks recently and couldn´t bring myself to go to Wimbledon. If you would have said that to me five years ago I would have laughed.
Report merde December 9, 2009 9:39 PM GMT
All joking aside this game has gone and, i'm afraid, beyond recall. It's hard to point the finger at one group likes the bookmakers, government, promoters, NGRC etc etc. GOBATA is like Custer's last stand - a bunch of enthusiasts trying to save an industry that is no longer wanted by the general masses, that without cannot survive.

I'm just storing up as many videos as I can of all the great races and stadiums, that are sadly gone, just to reminisce when I've had a few too many. As a side, if any of you have videos of Haringay can you put them up on You Tube please.

Enjoy it while it lasts Slippy, as when it's gone it gone for good!
Report Mr Stupid December 9, 2009 11:49 PM GMT
there will allways be dog racing just less of the bigger stadiums that are unable to meet costs.
The gambling side of the game is on a steep decline but there is still a huge demand for a good night out in modern comfortable surroundings. every time i visit harlow on a weekend the place is packed out.
Report Lightbulbs Fan Club December 10, 2009 9:41 AM GMT
The restaurants seem full at most tracks at the weekends.........sadly these people do not tend to own dogs or have any interest in the sport bar novelty value.....when the Bags money ends there will be about six tracks left in England imo, all owned by the big three bookmaking firms
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