el bandido firstly I hope you are enjoying being a father secondly many thanks for taking up the mantle and continuing the forum golf comp now I must take issue why pre qualify this comp has 30 plus regular posters and you cut it off at 12 also you are scoring via 5 picks and letting contestants to have popular picks for not posting in my view wrong you don't post tough age of tech impossible not to as I may have stated beforehand I do not do twitter too old so with that I would request that you revise some elements of the comp excuse my punctuation it is age related god bless and if that offends anyone I could not give an allah
el bandidofirstly I hope you are enjoying being a fathersecondly many thanks for taking up the mantle and continuing the forum golf compnow I must take issue why pre qualify this comp has 30 plus regular posters and you cut it off at 12 also you are
wedge1, I've replied on the 2017 GOLF COMPETITION - QUALIFYING STAGE thread.
All welcome to put feedback on that thread, but please keep this one for the picks. Thanks!
wedge1, I've replied on the 2017 GOLF COMPETITION - QUALIFYING STAGE thread.All welcome to put feedback on that thread, but please keep this one for the picks. Thanks!
I am making these under the influence of strong drink on holidays so they will probably be more sensible than usual!
Matt Titzfatprick Bradley Dredge Eddie Pepperell James Morrison David Lipsky
Sub Tom Lewis
I am making these under the influence of strong drink on holidays so they will probably be more sensible than usual!Matt TitzfatprickBradley DredgeEddie PepperellJames MorrisonDavid LipskySub Tom Lewis
Martin Kaymer Soren Kieldsen Matt Fitzpatrick Richie Ramsay Ross Fisher
Reserve:- Shane Lowry.
Still smarting over my 13th place. Thanks, EB.
Made in Denmark 2016Martin KaymerSoren KieldsenMatt FitzpatrickRichie RamsayRoss FisherReserve:- Shane Lowry. Still smarting over my 13th place. Thanks, EB.