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26 Jun 12 19:33
Date Joined: 27 Jul 08
| Topic/replies: 2,972 | Blogger: Hami's blog
ive just bought a Titlest 60 degree Lob wedge and the same fella is willing to throw in a 56 degree titelist for a few extra £,

Is there any point in buying this or will it benifit me to dump my G 10 sand wedge and start using this?

havent really got a clue and cant find anything online so thought id ask here

Just keep my own sand wedge or buy the other , there both the same loft so id imagine there the same club?

im only playing a little over a year so not really club smartPlain

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Replies: 8
When: 26 Jun 12 19:39
its the spin milled version of the wedge btw
When: 26 Jun 12 19:40
Your G10 sand wedge is alot thicker and you will hit that further than the titleist, however you will get more feel with the titleist...depends what ud prefer! Your a begginer so id say keep your g10, that will be easier to hit.
Mighty Whites 2008
When: 26 Jun 12 19:45
I have the spin milled titleist wedges. 48, 52, 56 and 60.

I prefer them although they do spin like crazy if you dont control the spin. They are great when you are in tight spot around the greens.
When: 26 Jun 12 19:46
ive been playing a little over a year and taken lessons i have no problems hitting my irons or my wedges,i have no problem getting my g 10 wedge to the green , its when it hits the green it wont stop

will the vokey help with this?
Mighty Whites 2008
When: 26 Jun 12 19:50
Depends how well you strike the ball. If you strike your wedges well then they will spin more with a vokey. If you play with a pro v or equivalent they will also rip your ball to shreds!
When: 26 Jun 12 20:00
i have a 58,  you can look like a magican as the ball grinds to a halt.

Got to accelerate through the ball though Happy

Obviously your only as good as the swing you make.

A bad shot is a bad shot whether you have the most expensive club in
your hand or the cheapest.
When: 26 Jun 12 20:00
he has a 52 which im trying to get off him , il then carry my own PW , a 52 vokey G 10 sand wedge and a 60 vokey

is that normal or to much wedges?

i have no problem giving up my g 10 wedge if another wedge will help me improve but i dont want to lose distance either as someone stated i will lose distance with the vokey?
When: 26 Jun 12 20:03
or would i get away with carrying a 52 , 58 and my sand wedge or are they to close in loft to one another?

dont mean to be bustin chops here its the only place i can get a little advice
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