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29 Mar 12 08:53
Date Joined: 23 Aug 02
| Topic/replies: 20,599 | Blogger: ashleigh's blog
sure to be plenty of interest on pp offer, max £100 on win part only, also going 6 places.
Pause Switch to Standard View money back on losers if tiger wins...
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Report ChildOfMine2 March 29, 2012 6:57 PM BST
Simply the greatest offer EVER!
Report marychain1 March 29, 2012 7:33 PM BST
Any danger of telling us who with ffs?
Report VieirasaGooner March 29, 2012 7:34 PM BST
Paddy power
Report PeddlersCross March 29, 2012 7:37 PM BST
Any danger of telling us who with ffs?

sure to be plenty of interest on pp offer

You want us to spell it for you aswell?
Report the muppet moans March 29, 2012 7:38 PM BST
Anyone care to place some bets for me??
Report golfdaft March 29, 2012 8:06 PM BST
Agreed, PP a breath of fresh air, well done to their marketing team, its a great offer, its some kind of insurance for sure.
Report Fallen Angel March 29, 2012 8:23 PM BST
yeah its a fair offer. Especially with the 6 places. They aren't worst priced on everyone either Grin
Report ph. March 29, 2012 8:42 PM BST
100 back per player backed or 100 overall stake?
Report therhino March 29, 2012 9:07 PM BST
Becoming more and more common these deals. Sportsbet in Oz is always spruiking something similar on a weekly basis which is funny as the marketing department is obviously working feverishly to come up with these deals to get you to part with your cash, then at the end of the ad they throw in the 'gamble resonsibly' line as per govt regs. The irony cracks me up.
Report sandsave March 29, 2012 9:51 PM BST
Appears to be max £100 per customer not per per player backed.
Report sandsave March 29, 2012 9:52 PM BST
Slight stutter Grin
Report the muppet moans March 29, 2012 9:54 PM BST
So you can all back any player at PP for £100??
Report sick of food March 29, 2012 9:59 PM BST
Stick a decimal point in there somewhere then yes.
Report goggles15 March 30, 2012 7:17 AM BST
£100.00 per customer win singles only.

if you are going to back 6 players in 6 different shops make sure your handwriting changes otherwise they will invoke terms and conditions and make sure 5 of the bets are losers and you only get a ton back as i have been informed copies of all £100.00 bets are being looked at so they can compare handwriting
Report sandsave March 30, 2012 9:31 AM BST
Compare handwriting LaughLaugh
Report therhino March 30, 2012 9:44 AM BST
They're actually doing this over the counter? Get a syndicate going and back the field!!
Report goggles15 March 30, 2012 10:23 AM BST
30 Mar 12 09:31 Joined: 07 Oct 10 | Topic/replies: 200 | Blogger: sandsave's blog
Compare handwriting .

frightening really but a manager showed me a memo sent to the shops and they do intend to get caught out by syndicates like they did at cheltenham but how this will be enforced god only knows
Report maggotno1 March 30, 2012 10:37 AM BST
great offer what...what happens if the player you bet is beaten,and tiger woods is beaten which is more than likely,you get things for sure PADDY POWER wont be loseing any money on this offer,plus most firms or laying first 6 places with better odds available than that of PADDY POWER.
Report joevalue147 March 30, 2012 11:25 AM BST
Just another shabby publicity stunt. Just checked oddschecker there and the bold Patrick Power is going WORST price or nearly worst price on all the leading contenders. How childofmine2 can say its the best offer of all time is beyond me. He must work for them or something. . . . . Cool
Report sandsave March 30, 2012 11:42 AM BST
Paddy Power used to my favorite bookmaker but they now restrict me badly. Just checked they will let me have just £23.23 on Rory for instance at 9/2 Laugh.
Report dukeofpuke March 30, 2012 1:32 PM BST
backed lee westwood at 18-1 layed 20 on here for a loss of £8.90 then i can lay tiger for about £20 so will make about £10 when you lay tiger you have to have £100 return including your lay bet minus betfair commission and add on your liability
Report sandsave March 30, 2012 2:14 PM BST
What ??
Report dukeofpuke March 30, 2012 7:07 PM BST
Report Kelly March 30, 2012 7:45 PM BST
Westwood and Keegan Bradley the only ones near value on their odds .
Report Mariner Paul March 30, 2012 7:52 PM BST
Terrible offer.
Report dukeofpuke March 30, 2012 8:47 PM BST
what do you mean terrible,you have the opportunity of getting a £100 refund if tiger woods wins,how many other books are anywhere near this,you have the opportunity to play this however you like you can lay tiger if he doesnt win to get some of the £100 you would of got,its about £20 you have to lay but as it cost you £8.90 to back and lay lee westwood 18-1 lay 20,you then have that free £10 to keep or back some other players at whatever books or betfair you like to try and win more cash
Report sandsave March 30, 2012 8:58 PM BST
No sorry still dont get it Scared Is it just me?
Report sandsave March 30, 2012 9:00 PM BST
Hope it works out for you Duke Happy
Report HeinzGuderian March 30, 2012 9:42 PM BST
Well,seeing as Keegan was trading @ 100 and over,not so long ago,I'm not too sure about him being 'value' now,kelly ??
Have you now deserted you original 'tip' of Kaymer ? Cool
Report Kelly April 1, 2012 12:33 AM BST
Keegan Bradley represents value in relation to the PP offer , 57 . Should be obvious to all except the nit pickers . Back at 40/1 and lay him along with Tiger  , 5.5 and 42 on here when I posted . Likewise Lee John was 18/1 , and 20 to lay when I posted .  Free money for anyone who was interested .

On recent form Kaymer has no chance , but  I trade mainly and  am showing a profit on him despite his drift.   Keegan Bradley is my biggest winner in the Masters , having backed him at 100/1 ( not on here ). Thats not to say I would tip him to anyone , but its all about value .

Tiger is going to be hard to beat I suspect , in horse racing terms he will be trying his eyestrings out . At least with golf you know you are on a trier if you back someone .  I missed 8/1 Tiger , best I could get was 7/1 in early December , which seems a long time ago .
Report HeinzGuderian April 1, 2012 9:49 PM BST
Tigger was trading at over 10,when he limped off a few weeks ago.

I'm not sure what Wee Rory puts on his Cornflakes,but whatever it is,the lad is on fire.
Some of us were taking 9/1 about him all Winter........I suspect in Tiggers case,1 winner does not a Major make.
Report April 1, 2012 10:42 PM BST
30 Mar 12 13:32 Joined: 04 May 03 | Topic/replies: 2,457 | Blogger: dukeofpuke's blog
backed lee westwood at 18-1 layed 20 on here for a loss of £8.90 then i can lay tiger for about £20 so will make about £10 when you lay tiger you have to have £100 return including your lay bet minus betfair commission and add on your liability

cup of tea arber - all thats wrong with the game
Report deansthemann April 1, 2012 10:54 PM BST
if you can get £100 on with this shower of s%it firm you have a losing account with them
Report db1974 April 1, 2012 11:00 PM BST
^ they do have several shops I believe!
Report April 1, 2012 11:38 PM BST
Report dukeofpuke April 2, 2012 1:47 PM BST
currently making over £20k a year with my cup of tea arbs i would have to be earning £30k a year in some fascist run warehouse working shifts 4 on 4 off 12 hours a day including saturdays and sundays and bank holidays and boxing day

what am i supposed to be doing is it take 14-1 when 16-1 is available

cup of tea arber all thats wrong with the game

ok then lets go back to when bookies football coupons were 5 folds only if you picked a home team and trebles if you picked a draw or away and by the way prices were 110% book and at the time the govt took 10% tax
Report saxon farm April 2, 2012 2:15 PM BST
^  dukeofpuke
Very well said sir!
Report Fallen Angel April 2, 2012 4:04 PM BST
@Dukeofpuke yeah fair play to you. If you were in financial markets this arbitrage would be lauded. When you are getting an extra place, MBS and a price which is on its money you'd be crazy not to take the offer. Be able to get more than a £100 on in the shops just takes a little creativity. Justin Rose seemed an interesting one to me
Report Kelly April 2, 2012 7:50 PM BST
The original arbers were nearly all bookies who had known the system for years . One firm I knew about had runners for the early morning prices , but if they suspected a client was an arber they closed their account before you could blink . One law for them , another for the general populace .

The whole ethos of Betfair encourages trading , which includes arbing .  As Fallen Angel says , if this was financial marketing trading everyone would be praising traders as good businessmen , might even get a few Queens awards ! The markets on Betfair are fairly vibrant , unlike the other one which just marches 20 seconds behind B/F .  But take away the traders and I suspect the markets would be much quieter until the last 10 minutes before the off .
Report Fallen Angel April 2, 2012 10:15 PM BST
The more I look at the stats the more I feel PP are taking a huge risk here with Tiger. Even at his low ebb the last two years he has played Augusta well and competed really hard. His performances since 2000 read;

2011 - Tied 4th
2010 - Tied 4th
2009 - Tied 6th
2008 - 2nd
2007 - Tied 2nd
2006 - Tied 3rd
2005 - 1st
2004 - Tied 22nd
2003 - Tied 15th
2002 - 1st
2001 - 1st
2000 - 5th

I understand that the Tiger of mid to late 2000s is maybe a better model but he has settled better, seems to have got to grips with his swing and will pick up significant shots against the field on the par 5s. Anything over even money for 5/6 places looks great value. I think he is almost certain to trade under his SP at some stage. Saying this I have backed a couple with the MBS but will be looking to get on TW if his price continues to drift.
Report TheVis April 2, 2012 10:43 PM BST
It's a fair offer but not in the same league as the Sprinter Sacre offer.  Woods hasn't even got a 20% chance of winning this, whereas SS was odds on.

PP will be doing very well out of this regardless via all the extra early money in the satchel, most of which will be spunk*d by the winners the following week, especially with the National coming up.
Report Kelly April 2, 2012 11:47 PM BST
Agreed The Vis  , not in same ball park .  The Sprinter Sacre offer was also bolstered up by the fact that although PP had tight prices on the remaining 6 horses in the race , any bets struck in their offices for cash were on basis of BOG  , and Al Ferof was always going to be bigger SP than their initial 9/4 offer . Nothing like that in this offer , decent though it is .
Report saxon farm April 3, 2012 12:32 AM BST
Been punting 35 years.
Never have I seen such a potential punter edge as in these times.

Sprinter Sacre, was a loss leader, where they were spanked.
Dunguib, PP got away with & Cue Card a year later.
Whether you are a high pallooka or not, these offers are not to be sneezed at.

Oh, I can't get on, will be the thunderous response... restricted, account closed etc.
Then, I suggest discreet visits to PP shops.  They are on the main shopping thoroughfare of a lot of our town's and cities.

Do people realise how bad it really was 20 years ago?
Report Handles April 3, 2012 1:10 AM BST
Clever Publicity stunt really. Don't think there taking much of a risk to be honest. The offer means they probably won't take a bean on tiger, so if he does win they've swerved him and if he don't they'll prob have a fairly even book. Either way they pick god knows how many new accounts from part timers and don't allow any serious punters to get any on anyway.
Report Kelly April 3, 2012 1:39 AM BST
If the punters took the PP odds they would be taking under the available odds in most cases , dont think PP are near the front of the market on most .

Saxon Farm , think there are opportunities out there if you can get on . Shops the only way though , any accounts can be checked by their computers , restrictions as soon as they detect anyone shrewd. Would not recommend anyone serious uses "loyalty cards" in cash shops , tracking device essentially .

At least 20 years ago you could get each way bets  , nowadays some wont lay even 50p each way in certain races .  Tried to get an each way double the other day , at SP , most I could get on  via the net was £20 each way double , spread over 3 bookies . Had to jump in the car to visit a few offices then . One of the races concerned was a 7 runner event , 2 places only .  Other was a 12 runner maiden plate  , neither race the "dead 8" .  They dont want to know anywhere they think you have a chance of beating the odds .
Report saxon farm April 3, 2012 3:15 AM BST
Handles, You seem to be a bit wet behind the ears!.  PP will take more than plenty on Woods from the uneducated, without looking at the concession.
The average (golf majors) punter in this country is at best "spontaneous", probably "naive" & almost certainly "dim".
Report marychain1 April 3, 2012 9:28 AM BST
saxon you are the one who is wet behind the ears if you think PP lose money from these offers.
Report Handles April 3, 2012 9:40 AM BST
saxon, yes maybe they will take plenty of bets from the demographic you describe - but they'll be £10's & £20's. Any serious punter will hunt the value and won't be lumping on there. Anyway, it's besides the point, i still maintain it'a low risk strategy for PP who will gain plenty.

ps, been doing this full time for 8 years now mate, all behind-ear-wetness dried up a long time ago!
Report Can't Catch Me April 3, 2012 10:14 AM BST
Mary. So are you suggesting PP wont lose money on this offer if Tiger wins the Masters?
Report ellis April 3, 2012 10:29 AM BST
hi duke,still trying to work out your bet?
Report saxon farm April 3, 2012 10:58 AM BST

I expect PP won a huge bundle when Sprinter Sacre danced home in The Arkle, don't you think?

Handles, sorry I did not mean to sound so disrespectful to you with my previous post.
Report Handles April 3, 2012 11:28 AM BST
saxon, no probs.

cant cant me, i think Tiger would be an overall loser in the PP book but not by too much and any loss will be far outweighed by new business gained.
Report Deplasterer April 3, 2012 11:56 AM BST
Saxon how do you work that out? they paid back all losing bets when SS won.
Report saxon farm April 3, 2012 12:00 PM BST
It was a poor attempt at sarcastic humour, directed at marychain1.
Report HeinzGuderian April 3, 2012 12:00 PM BST
Sarcasm Paddy,sarcasm.
Report Deplasterer April 3, 2012 12:01 PM BST
Ok,being lazy, didnt read earlier posts, got ya!Wink
Report Ampleforth April 3, 2012 12:05 PM BST
of course Paddy Power will lose money if Tiger wins, it a no brainer, not a fortune but a loss all the same.
The offer is a generally a good one, if you believe Tiger is a threat...
For example, if you fancy Mcilroy to win, but want a little saver on Tiger to get your stake back,then you are better off taking PP's 6.5 on Mcilroy (no comission) , rather than taking the 7.4 (less 5%)Mcilroy and a little on Tiger at 6.2 on betfair.
Obvioulsy, if you think Tiger has no chance then stick with BF, but considering his Masters record and form last week, can anyone discount him? I think not.


PP will only refund the winning part of any each way bets!!! BE AWARE...
Report Fallen Angel April 3, 2012 2:40 PM BST
Yeah without doubt they lost money on the Sprinter Sacre offer. Could envisage a way on which they won on it. They may feel it was well spent advertising spend but if they offered money back on the all runners and they would have taken a fair few on Sprinter when they were 11/10 best priced at one stage. Especially as their book would have looked incredibly one-sided as everyone was staying away from PC due to the likelyhood of running in the Jewson.

Tiger Woods must be a loser for all bookmakers including PP at this stage.
Report Fallen Angel April 3, 2012 2:40 PM BST
*Couldn't envisage*
Report anfeild April 3, 2012 2:49 PM BST
PP only refunding the winning part of any each way bet. What does that mean. Say you have 10 each way on a golfer and tiger wins what do you get back.
Report sweetchildofmine April 3, 2012 2:51 PM BST
ten pound
Report anfeild April 3, 2012 2:51 PM BST
I take it the win part would be the 10 that you get back.
Report sweetchildofmine April 3, 2012 2:52 PM BST
its the win part as opposed to winning part
Report sweetchildofmine April 3, 2012 2:52 PM BST
yes thats right
Report anfeild April 3, 2012 2:52 PM BST
Report sweetchildofmine April 3, 2012 2:54 PM BST
obviously if your golfer is placed you get the tenner back plus any place returns
Report Kelly April 4, 2012 1:54 AM BST
Add Stricker to the list .  55/1 with PP , 55 to lay .
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